T2 L11: The cerebellum and motor learning Flashcards
What is meant by the cerebellum being a great comparer?
It compares movement intended with movement that is actually happening
What is the vermis of the cerebellum?
The midline of the cerebellum that separates the 2 hemispheres
What are the 3 subdivisions of inputs to the cerebellum?
Vestibulocerebellum (to the cerebellar nodules)
Spinocerebellum (to the vermis)
Cerebrocerebellum (to the cerebellar hemispheres)
What is the Flocculus of the cerebellum?
A lobe posterior of the cerebellum
What is the fastigial cerebellar nucleus for?
For motor execution
What is the interposed cerebellar nucleus for?
For motor execution
What is the dentate cerebellar nucleus for?
For motor planning
What is the vestibular cerebellar nucleus for?
Balance and eye movements
What is dysmetria?
Movement is not stopped in time (overshoot)
What is Dysnergia?
Breaking down of complex movements because there is a disturbance in motor coordination
What is Dysdiadochokinesia?
Reduced ability to perform rapidly alternating movements
What is an intentional tremor?
A tremor that arises when someone is trying to perform a goal-directed movement
What is Dysarthria?
When the muscles you use for speech are weak or you have difficulty controlling them. It causes slurred or slow speech
What is the vestibulo-ocular pathway for?
Producing eye movements that counter head movements
What is the effect of a lesion on the vestibulocerebellar pathway?
Nystagmus- A rhythmic side-to-side movement of the eyes caused by a lesion on the vestibulocerebellar pathway
It causes an inability to focus
What is the effect of a lesion on the spinocerebellar pathway?
Gait ataxia (unsteadiness of walking), hypertonia (disturbance to limb tone and posture)
What are the 4 layers of cerebellar cortex?
White matter
Granule cell layer
Purkinje cell layer
Molecular layer
What causes motor learning long-term depression?
The connection between climbing and Purkinje fibres is weakened
What is Frederick’s ataxia?
A degenerative disease damages the spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and the cerebellum portion of the brain
What are some genetic causes of cerebellar dusfunction?
Frederich’s ataxia
Spinocerebellar degeneration
Von-Hippel Lindau
What is Spinocerebellar degeneration?
A group of ataxias that causes degeneration of the cerebellum
What is ataxia-telengiectasia?
A hereditary condition characterized by progressive neurologic problems that lead to difficulty walking and an increased risk of developing various types of cancer.
What is Von-Hippel Lindau?
A condition that causes tumours and cysts to grow around the body
What causes acquired symmetrical ataxia?
Alcohol Metabolic (B12, Thyroid, Coeliac) Drugs Degenerative Immune (Paraneoplastic)
What does paraneoplastic mean?
A syndrome caused by the molecular signals from tumours
What are the 3 cerebellar arteries?
Superior, anterior, and posterior arteries that branch off from the basilar artery