T&P Terminology Flashcards
- Define accuracy.
- Define error.
Accuracy: the closeness of agreement between a measurement and the true value.
Error: the difference between a measurement and the true value.
Accuracy cannot be quantified, whereas error can. True value = that which would have been obtained in an ideal measurement.
Define precision.
The closeness of agreement between independent measurements obtained under the same conditions.
Define uncertainty.
The interval within which the true value can be considered to lie with a given level of probability.
Give the formula for percentage uncertainty.
100 x uncertainty / measurement
A measuring instrument has increments of magnitude x. What the uncertainty in a single reading?
A burette has 0.1 cm3 increments.
- What is the uncertainty in each measurement?
- To how many decimal places should readings be recorded?
- 0.05 x 2 = 0.1 cm3
- Two decimal places, the second figure being either 0 or 5
Uncertainty is doubled since you take two readings to get one measurement