OZ opqr: Bond fission; radical reaction mechanisms; formation, effects & depletion of ozone Flashcards
Define heterolytic and homolytic bond fission.
Heterolytic: breakage of covalent bond where both electrons go to one atom (forms anion + cation if molecule is neutral)
Homolytic: breakage of covalent bond where one electron goes to each atom (forms 2 uncharged radicals if molecule is neutral)
- Suggest which type of fission is more likely to occur in polar and non-polar bonds.
- Suggest conditions which would make the less likely type of fission of polar bonds more probable.
- Polar: heterolytic fission. Non-polar: homolytic fission
- Homolytic fission of polar bonds is more likely in the gas phase + in the presence of light
What name(s) is/are given to the following reaction?
CH3Cl + hv → CH3* + Cl*
Homolytic fission / homolysis / photodissociation / photolysis
Name and describe the stages of a radical chain reaction.
- Initiation: non-radical(s) → 2 radicals
- Propogation: radicals → new radicals
- Termination: 2 radicals → non-radical(s)
Use equations to show how ozone is formed:
- In the stratosphere
- In the troposphere
1) Stratosphere: UV dissociates O2 molecules, forming radicals: O2 + hν → 2O•. These react with O2 molecules, forming ozone: O• + O2 → O3•.
2) Troposphere: Light dissociates NO2 molecules in photochemical smogs, forming oxygen radicals: NO2 + hν → 0.5N2 + 2O•. These react with O2 molecules, forming ozone: O• + O2 → O3•.
- Why does stratospheric ozone act as a sunscreen? Include an equation in your answer.
- What are the main effects on humans of the radiation screened by ozone?
- Ozone absorbs the high-energy UV responsible for sunburn, and photodissociates: O3• + hν → O2 + O•.
- Sunburn, skin cancer, eye damage, agricultural damage.
Ozone acts as a sunscreen in the stratosphere. What effects does it have in the troposphere?
Acts as a pollutant which contributes to photochemical smogs:
- Low visibility
- Irritation + respiratory problems
Draw the mechanism which occurs when a chlorine radical reacts with a hydrogen molecule.
Half-headed arrow should be used to represent movement of one electron

This equation shows the overall effect of a radical chain reaction:
H2 + Cl2 → 2HCl
Describe the stages of this reaction. Use equations to support your answer.
Initiation: UV light photodissociates chlorine molecule, producing chlorine radicals
Cl2 + hν → 2Cl•
Propogation: radicals react with molecules, producing new radicals
Cl• + H2 → HCl + H•
H• + Cl2 → HCl + Cl•
So on…
Termination: 2 radicals react, producing molecules
2H• → H2
H• + Cl• → HCl
2Cl• → Cl2
- The overall equation of the the radical chain reaction between methane and chlorine is shown below. Describe the stages of the reaction, using equations to support your answer.
CH4 + Cl2 → CH3Cl + HCl
- Explain why the products also contain some dichloromethane, trichloromethane and tetrachloromethane.
- Initiation: UV light photodissociates chlorine molecule, forming chlorine radicals
Cl2 + hν → 2Cl•
Propogation: radicals react with molecules, producing new radicals
Cl• + CH4 → HCl + CH3•
CH3• + Cl2 → CH3Cl + Cl•
Termination: 2 radicals react, producing molecules
CH3• + Cl• → CH3Cl
- Also 2Cl• → Cl2, 2CH3• → C2H6, etc*
2. CH3Cl reacts with Cl• radicals:
CH3Cl + Cl• → CH2Cl• + HCl
CH2Cl• + Cl2 → CH2Cl2 + Cl•
CH2Cl2 + Cl• → CHCl3 + H•
CHCl3 + Cl• → CCl4 + H•
Suggest why radical polymerisation tends to produce highly branched, irregular chains.
Radicals are highly reactive with any species, so it’s hard to control where monomers join the polymer.
- Representing a radical with X, write the propogation and termination stages of a catalytic cycle, and the overall equation, responsible for the depletion of stratospheric ozone.
- State the role X plays.
- X + O3 → XO + O2
XO + O → X + O2
Overall: O + O3 → 2O2 (also happens directly)
- Homogeneous catalyst
What are CFCs?
Human-derived haloalkanes containing chlorine and/or fluorine
Small amounts of chloromethane and bromomethane reach the stratosphere due to natural processes.
Using relevant equations, explain how chloromethane can lead to the depletion of stratospheric ozone.
Initiation: photolysis of chloromethane
CH3Cl + hv → CH3* + Cl*
Cl* regenerated in catalytic cycle; acts as homogeneous catalyst in ozone depletion:
Cl* + O3* → ClO* + O2<strong> </strong>
ClO* + O* → Cl* + O2
Overall: O* + O3* → 2O2
Chlorine radicals contribute to the depletion of stratospheric ozone.
Explain why the effect of chlorine radicals in the stratosphere is significant, despite the fact that their concentration is very small.
- They act as homogeneous catalysts since they are regenerated by ClO* + O* → O2 + Cl*
- So they go through catalytic cycle many times before being converted into something else
Why are bromoalkanes much more effective in depleting stratospheric ozone than chloroalkanes?
- Bromoalkanes are more reactive than chloroalkanes, so photodissociate more easily (since carbon-halogen bond enthalpy decreases down group)
- More bromine radicals are formed, depleting more ozone
Doesn’t add up bc there is a lower conc of bromine radicals, yet it’s still more effective??
Using relevant equations, explain:
- how hydroxyl radicals are generated.
- how hydroxyl radicals contribute to the depletion of stratospheric ozone.
Initiation: photolysis of oxygen
O2 + hv → 2O*
O* + H2O → 2OH*
OH* regenerated in catalytic cycle; acts as homogeneous catalyst in ozone depletion:
OH* + O3* → HO2* + O2
HO2* + O* → HO* + O2
Overall effect: O3* + O* → 2O2
Using relevant equations, explain:
- how nitrogen monoxide radicals are generated.
- how nitrogen monoxide radicals contribute to the depletion of stratospheric ozone.
Initiation: photolysis of nitrogen dioxide
NO2 + hv → NO* + O*
NO* regenerated in catalytic cycle; acts as homogeneous catalyst in ozone depletion:
NO* + O3* → NO2* + O2
NO2* + O* → NO* + O2
Overall effect: O3* + O* → 2O2

- Reactions show regeneration of NO2, which does occur
- But reactions are incorrect
- Correct reactions are NO + O3 → NO2 + O2 and NO2 + O → NO + O2