T/O&Enroute Flashcards
Tripped CB in flight, what do you do?
QRH. No reset procedure? Reset only allowed when PIC seems it necessary for the safety of flight. Do not reset twice.
What are the transponder emergency codes? (3)
Emergency: 7700. Lost coms: 7600. Hijack: 7500.
Speed restriction below class B/through a class B corridor:
200 KIAS
Speed restriction within 4nm and at/below 2500’ of primary airport in class C or D:
200 KIAS
Minimum SKW altitude VFR and IFR:
1000’ (2000’ mountainous) above the highest obstacle within 4nm
What are mandatory ATC reports while operating under IFR? (5)
Time and altitude passing each compulsorily reporting point (non-radar only), points requested by ATC, any unforecast WX conditions encountered, any info relating to the safety of the flight, any malfunction of NAV, APP, or communication equipment in flight
What do you report when not under radar contact? (4)
Over each compulsory reporting point (when on airways/routes), over each point used to define the route (when on a direct route), leaving FAF inbound (non-precision approach) or OM (precision), a corrected estimate for error in excess of 3 minutes.
What do you report at all times? (7)
Vacating any assigned altitude for a new altitude, change of altitude when VFR on top, when unable to climb/descend at least 500’/minute, missed approach with a request for a specific clearance, change in average cruise TAS by 5% or 10 knots (whichever is higher), time and altitude of reaching a holding fix (clearance limit), when leaving any assigned holding fix.
What should position reports include? (7)
ID, position, time, altitude, next reporting point and ETA, subsequent reporting point, flight conditions (unexpected WX)
What are the max holding speeds? (3)
Below 6000’ MSL: 200 KIAS, 6001’ - 14000’ MSL: 230 KIAS, above 14001’ MSL: 265 KIAS
What’s the minimum holding speed?
Lost coms, what route do you fly?
- Route in last clearance. 2. On vector? Direct to fix/route/airway. 3. Route in EFC (if no clearance). 4. Route filed (if no clearance or expected clearance).
Lost coms, what altitude do we fly? (3)
Highest of the following: altitude in last clearance, lowest IFR altitude, altitude in EFC.
What does the PM verify on T/O before saying
“Thrust Checked”? (3)
Target N1 achieved, ATTCS is green, all other engine parameters are normal.
What is done after the runway heading verification check? (2)
CA arms AT, both pilots silently verify ROLL and TO, and AT (TO white) are displayed on the FMA.
What must be verified if you reject a T/O above ___ kts before attempting another T/O?
80 kts, all FMS Initilization Data must be verified.
Should you exit the runway after a RTO?
ONLY when it is clear an emergency evacuation is not necessary
What speed do you pitch for following an engine failure on T/O, prior to acceleration altitude?
Engine failure below V2 = Pitch for V2, Engine failure V2 - V2+10 = Pitch for present speed, Engine failure above V2 = Pitch for V2+10
After an engine failure on T/O what do you look for before saying “Thrust Checked”, and what do you do if it’s not there?
Verify TO-1 RSV (or TO-2 RSV, depending on what you departed with) on operating engine. If not, push thrust levers to MAX
In the event of unreliable airspeed, what should you disconnect?
AP and AT.
Note: both these systems use airspeed data to work
What are the turbulence categories? What are the duration classifications?
-Light, Moderate, Severe, Extreme. Occasional - <1/3 of the time; Intermittent - 1/3 to 2/3; Continuous - >2/3.
What turbulence category must be reported to MX?
Severe or Extreme.
When will the striped bar extinguish after pressing the Water Dump switch for the LFOD? (4)
Water dump button pressed again, gear is extended, potable water is empty, a fault with the drain mast heater.
If conditions permit, delay Memory/QRC items on departure until…. When does the captain assign PF/PM duties?
T/O profile completed and established in the climb at Vfs. AFTER the Memory and QRC items are complete
What should MQEAN mean to you in association with TEAM?
What should MQEAN mean to you in association with TEAM?
Fly the Airplane=
M - Memory
Transfer Controls (if necessary) = ...Determine and state “Time, or, No Time Threat.” Give FO basic instructions. ...Pull up appropriate synoptic page ...Plan/Utilize CRM if Time Threat
E - Emergency
A - Abnormal
…2 in 2 out. State “This will be an NTSBO” and
state “Precautionary, or, Emergency landing.
N - Normal
Where is the LRBL? (least risk bomb location)
As close as possible to the center of the second to last window on aircraft left
What is the max FL if non RVSM?
How do you clean up after a windshear event?
Thrust levers out of Max. Flaps 2 or 4, positive rate, gear up (if necessary). Fantastic Four: FLCH, HDG or NAV, AP, AT. Climb Sequence, After TO checklist (above 1000’).
When is Max Thrust used? (4)
Windshear Escape, EGPWS Escape, upset procedure (as necessary), single Engine Ops (as necessary).
When can you NOT do a Flex T/O?
Contaminated Runway, windshear.
What are the PM callouts during an Upset Recovery? (3)
Call out any terrain. (standard “climbing” or “descending” with RA if below 1000’). Declare an Emergency with ATC as necessary. Call out “GREEN DOT” When accelerating past green dot.
How do you start an NTSBO briefing?
“This will be an NTSBO”
What does NTSBO stand for?
Nature of emergency, Time until landing (specify “precautionary landing” or emergency landing”), Signal for EVAC or no EVAC, Brace or not, 2 in 2 out.
Where do you find speed and altitude information when you have UNRELIABLE AIRSPEED?
Altitude: NAV 2/2 POS SENSORS - GPS ALT. Speed: Groundspeed on PFD.
What’s the difference between airplane symbol (green) and Flight Path Angle (black)?
Airplane symbol = aircraft pitch. FPA is AOA.
What Speed shows in the speed bug on T/O?
Explain V1.
V1: Decision Speed. The maximum speed by which a pilot must have decided to abort if they are going to stop on the runway. Also the minimum speed at which the pilot can continue the takeoff and achieve the required height above the runway or the clearway within the takeoff distance available, when a failure of the critical engine is identified immediately after V1.
Explain Vfs.
Vfs: Final Segment Speed. The speed to be achieved during the final T/O segment, with landing gear up and flaps retracted.
Explain V2.
V2: Takeoff Safety Speed. The speed to be attained at a height (e.g., 35 ft) when rotation is initiated at Vr, following a failure of the critical engine at Vref.
What consideration should be followed to avoid TCAS Resolution Advisories when within RVSM airspace?
During level offs (when aware of traffic in close vicinity) reduce vertical speed to 1,500 fpm or less at least 1,000 ft before reaching the cleared flight level.
Define first segment in climb.
Airborne to 35’ height at end of runway distance required. Speed must be V2 by end of 35 ft height.
Define 2nd segment of climb.
35 ft to 400 ft (1000 ft at SkyWest). Done at full takeoff power, at V2 speed. Most critical segment.
Define 3rd and 4th segment climb.
3rd: Acceleration from V2 to Vfs. 4th: Vfs to 1500 ft AGL.
When can we turn after takeoff?
In VMC = No Bank/Turn before 400 ft. In IMC = No Bank/Turn before 1000 ft.
What equipment must be operational to enter RVSM airspace? (4)
Both Primary Altimeters (PFD altimeters). Autopilot. Altitude Alerting System. Both Transponders.
Wake Turbulence separation minimums?
Approach AND Departure: Behind 757 or smaller = No min separation. Behind a 767 = 3.5NM. Behind anything Bigger than a 767 (777, 787,
747, A340, etc)= 5 NM. Behind an A380 = 7NM.
How do you perform an engine power check on take-off? Is this mandatory?
Apply brakes and advance the thrust levers. For takeoff in icing conditions, takeoff power must be set to approximately 54%N1 and held at that thrust level for 30 seconds or until fan vibration level returns to normal, just before or in conjunction with the final takeoff power setting.
In icing conditions, yes.