Crew/AC Airworthiness Flashcards
How to record mechanical irregularities prior to block-out?
PIC records irregularity in the eAML. Maintenance determines action required.
How to record a mechanical irregularity after block out, before take-off?
QRH procedure or maintenance directed reset procedure. Defer it with maintenance.
Minimum Equipment List. Aircraft is airworthy, although some instruments/equipment are inoperative.
Configuration Deviation List. Used to defer missing equipment; found in the back of the AFM.
Non-Essential Equipment & Furnishings. Have no effect on the safe operation of the flight.
Deferred Maintenance Items
When does SkyWest procedure take precedence over FAR’s?
When SkyWest is more restrictive.
When do we need a special flight permit?
When the aircraft no longer meets airworthiness standards for revenue flights, but is still in a safe condition to fly.
What are your responsibilities after an accident or serious incident resulting in injury, death, or substantial aircraft damage? (5)
Passenger Safety. Preservation of Records. Notify Nearest Authority by quickest means available. Notify Dispatch. Do NOT provide any information (fact or opinion) about the incident/accident in any form (verbally or in writing) to anyone (including the FAA or NTSBO) outside SkyWest.
Documentation of an FDP extension is required. How is this done?
When the PIC becomes aware of the need for an FDP extension prior to a flight, the ACARS initilization or completion of load manifiest count as documentation.
Are Deadheads part of a rest period?
You need at least ___ hours rest within a rolling 7 day period (168 hours).
30 hours.
Rest periods must be at least __ hours long with __ uninterrupted hours of sleep opportunity.
10, 8.
The Company Manual App must have been synced within the preceding __ days to be considered current.
T or F
Prior to each flight YOU are responsible to calculate actual flight time completed so far that day and then add what you expect to fly on your next leg. Total flight time must remain at or below 8 or 9 hours. (depending on what your showtime was).
Are deadheads recognized as a flight segment? (when determining FDP limitations).
If the deadhead is PRIOR to your flight segments, Yes. If its at the END of your flight segements, No.
If you divert, do you need to calculate the extra flight segment with regards to FDP limitations?
No, FDP is scheduled flights only.
When does an Flight Duty Period end?
At block in on the last flight, NOT 15 minutes after.
If you declare an emergency, you must….
Notify the MOD as soon as practical. Submit an IOR within 24 hours.
What does MT mean in the Takeoff Data section of the release?
MT = Maximum Temperature (actual or assumed) for which T/O is allowed for the specified MTOW and takeoff configuration.
What does O2 mean in the Takeoff Data planning header section of the release mean?
Optimum V2 indicator for the PMRTW. If Y (yes), PMRTW is based on the use of Optimum V2. If N (no), PMRTW is based on the use of Minimum V2.
What are the required flight deck documents? (6)
QRH, QRC, airworthiness certificate, aircraft registration, aircraft radio license, mx can.
What is the required flight deck equipment? (4)
Jumpseat headset and adaptor, spare bulb kit, gear pins, survivable (portable) ELT.
What items are required for operation to AK? (2)
SLB (yellow bag), flare gun (red bag).
Flight time can’t exceed? (2)
1000 block hours in 365 consecutive calendar days, or 100 block hours in 672 consecutive hours (28 days).
What are the FDP limits? (2)
60 FDP in 168 consecutive hours (7 days), 190 FDP in 672 consecutive hours (28 days).
When calculating FDP, what time zone is used?
Domicile time.
Alcohol must not be consumed within ___ hours of report time, and blood alcohol content must be below ___?
Must not be consumed within 8 hours of REPORT TIME. Blood Alcohol Content below .02 (SkyWest) (FAA is .04).
How do we determine airworthiness of an aircraft? (3)
All mechanical irregularities are corrected or deferred. All MEL’s and CDL’s are on the release. Flight View shows IS (In Service).
If medical certificate or pilot certificate are lost, could we fly internationally with a replacement from SkyWest?
No. Originals are required!