T Flashcards
A collection of data. Similar to other database systems, DynamoDB stores data in tables.
Metadata that you can define and assign to AWS resources, such as an EC2 instance. Not all AWS resources can be tagged.
Tagging resources: Applying a tag to an AWS resource.
Amazon SES: Also called labeling. A way to format return path email addresses so that you can specify a different return path for each recipient of a message. Tagging enables you to support VERP. For example, if Andrew manages a mailing list, he can use the return paths andrew+recipient1@example.net and andrew+recipient2@example.net so that he can determine which email bounced.
target attribute
Amazon Machine Learning (Amazon ML ): The attribute in the input data that contains the “correct” answers. Amazon ML uses the target attribute to learn how to make predictions on new data. For example, if you were building a model for predicting the sale price of a house, the target attribute would be “target sale price in USD.”
target revision
AWS CodeDeploy: The most recent version of the application revision that has been uploaded to the repository and will be deployed to the instances in a deployment group. In other words, the application revision currently targeted for deployment. This is also the revision that will be pulled for automatic deployments.
An instantiation of a task definition that is running on a container instance.
task definition
The blueprint for your task. Specifies the name of the task, revisions, container definitions, and volume information.
task node
An EC2 instance that runs Hadoop map and reduce tasks, but does not store data. Task nodes are managed by the master node, which assigns Hadoop tasks to nodes and monitors their status. While a job flow is running you can increase and decrease the number of task nodes. Because they don’t store data and can be added and removed from a job flow, you can use task nodes to manage the EC2 instance capacity your job flow uses, increasing capacity to handle peak loads and decreasing it later.
Task nodes only run a TaskTracker Hadoop daemon.
A contraction of tera binary byte, a tebibyte is 2^40 or 1,099,511,627,776 bytes. A terabyte (TB) is 10^12 or 1,000,000,000,000 bytes. 1,024 TiB is a pebibyte.
template format version
The version of an AWS CloudFormation template design that determines the available features. If you omit the AWSTemplateFormatVersion section from your template, AWS CloudFormation assumes the most recent format version.
template validation
The process of confirming the use of JSON code in an AWS CloudFormation template. You can validate any AWS CloudFormation template using the cfn-validate-template command.
temporary security credentials
Authentication information that is provided by AWS STS when you call an STS API action. Includes an access key ID, a secret access key, a session token, and an expiration time.
The automatic restricting or slowing down of a process based on one or more limits. Examples: Amazon Kinesis Data Streams throttles operations if an application (or group of applications operating on the same stream) attempts to get data from a shard at a rate faster than the shard limit. Amazon API Gateway uses throttling to limit the steady-state request rates for a single account. Amazon SES uses throttling to reject attempts to send email that exceeds the sending limits.
time series data
Data provided as part of a metric. The time value is assumed to be when the value occurred. A metric is the fundamental concept for Amazon CloudWatch and represents a time-ordered set of data points. You publish metric data points into CloudWatch and later retrieve statistics about those data points as a time-series ordered data set.
time stamp
A date/time string in ISO 8601 format.
See Transport Layer Security.
The process of splitting a stream of text into separate tokens on detectable boundaries such as whitespace and hyphens.
A communication channel to send messages and subscribe to notifications. It provides an access point for publishers and subscribers to communicate with each other.
training datasource
A datasource that contains the data that Amazon Machine Learning uses to train the machine learning model to make predictions.
AWS CodePipeline: The act of a revision in a pipeline continuing from one stage to the next in a workflow.
Transport Layer Security
A cryptographic protocol that provides security for communication over the internet. Its predecessor is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
trust policy
An IAM policy that is an inherent part of an IAM role. The trust policy specifies which principals are allowed to use the role.
trusted signers
AWS accounts that the CloudFront distribution owner has given permission to create signed URLs for a distribution’s content.
Selecting the number and type of AMIs to run a Hadoop job flow most efficiently.
A route for transmission of private network traffic that uses the internet to connect nodes in the private network. The tunnel uses encryption and secure protocols such as PPTP to prevent the traffic from being intercepted as it passes through public routing nodes.