S Flashcards
See Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
sampling period
A defined duration of time, such as one minute, over which Amazon CloudWatch computes a statistic.
A testing location where you can test the functionality of your application without affecting production, incurring charges, or purchasing products.
Amazon SES: An environment that is designed for developers to test and evaluate the service. In the sandbox, you have full access to the Amazon SES API, but you can only send messages to verified email addresses and the mailbox simulator. To get out of the sandbox, you need to apply for production access. Accounts in the sandbox also have lower sending limits than production accounts.
scale in
To remove EC2 instances from an Auto Scaling group.
scale out
To add EC2 instances to an Auto Scaling group.
scaling policy
A description of how Auto Scaling should automatically scale an Auto Scaling group in response to changing demand.
See Also scale in.
See Also scale out.
scaling activity
A process that changes the size, configuration, or makeup of an Auto Scaling group by launching or terminating instances.
The method used for placing tasks on container instances.
Amazon Machine Learning: The information needed to interpret the input data for a machine learning model, including attribute names and their assigned data types, and the names of special attributes.
score cut-off value
Amazon Machine Learning: A binary classification models output a score that ranges from 0 to 1. To decide whether an observation should be classified as 1 or 0, you pick a classification threshold, or cut-off, and Amazon ML compares the score against it. Observations with scores higher than the cut-off are predicted as target equals 1, and scores lower than the cut-off are predicted as target equals 0.
See service control policy.
search API
Amazon CloudSearch: The API that you use to submit search requests to a search domain.
search domain
Amazon CloudSearch: Encapsulates your searchable data and the search instances that handle your search requests. You typically set up a separate Amazon CloudSearch domain for each different collection of data that you want to search.
search domain configuration
Amazon CloudSearch: An domain’s indexing options, analysis schemes, expressions, suggesters, access policies, and scaling and availability options.
search enabled
Amazon CloudSearch: An index field option that enables the field data to be searched.
search endpoint
Amazon CloudSearch: The URL that you connect to when sending search requests to a search domain. Each Amazon CloudSearch domain has a unique search endpoint that remains the same for the life of the domain.
search index
Amazon CloudSearch: A representation of your searchable data that facilitates fast and accurate data retrieval.
search instance
Amazon CloudSearch: A compute resource that indexes your data and processes search requests. An Amazon CloudSearch domain has one or more search instances, each with a finite amount of RAM and CPU resources. As your data volume grows, more search instances or larger search instances are deployed to contain your indexed data. When necessary, your index is automatically partitioned across multiple search instances. As your request volume or complexity increases, each search partition is automatically replicated to provide additional processing capacity.
search request
Amazon CloudSearch: A request that is sent to an Amazon CloudSearch domain’s search endpoint to retrieve documents from the index that match particular search criteria.
search result
Amazon CloudSearch: A document that matches a search request. Also referred to as a search hit.
secret access key
A key that is used in conjunction with the access key ID to cryptographically sign programmatic AWS requests. Signing a request identifies the sender and prevents the request from being altered. You can generate secret access keys for your AWS account, individual IAM users, and temporary sessions.
security group
A named set of allowed inbound network connections for an instance. (Security groups in Amazon VPC also include support for outbound connections.) Each security group consists of a list of protocols, ports, and IP address ranges. A security group can apply to multiple instances, and multiple groups can regulate a single instance.
The person or entity sending an email message.
Sender ID
A Microsoft-controlled version of SPF. An email authentication and anti-spoofing system. For more information about Sender ID, see Sender ID in Wikipedia.
sending limits
The sending quota and maximum send rate that are associated with every Amazon SES account.
sending quota
The maximum number of email messages that you can send using Amazon SES in a 24-hour period.
server-side encryption (SSE)
The encrypting of data at the server level. Amazon S3 supports three modes of server-side encryption: SSE-S3, in which Amazon S3 manages the keys; SSE-C, in which the customer manages the keys; and SSE-KMS, in which AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) manages keys.
See Amazon ECS service.
service control policy
AWS Organizations: A policy-based control that specifies the services and actions that users and roles can use in the accounts that the service control policy (SCP) affects.
service endpoint
See endpoint.
service health dashboard
A web page showing up-to-the-minute information about AWS service availability. The dashboard is located at http://status.aws.amazon.com/.
service role
An IAM role that grants permissions to an AWS service so it can access AWS resources. The policies that you attach to the service role determine which AWS resources the service can access and what it can do with those resources.
See Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES).
The period during which the temporary security credentials provided by AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) allow access to your AWS account.
Secure Hash Algorithm. SHA1 is an earlier version of the algorithm, which AWS has deprecated in favor of SHA256.
Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES): A partition of data in an index. You can split an index into multiple shards, which can include primary shards (original shards) and replica shards (copies of the primary shards). Replica shards provide failover, which means that a replica shard is promoted to a primary shard if a cluster node that contains a primary shard fails. Replica shards also can handle requests.
shared AMI
An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that a developer builds and makes available for others to use.
shutdown action
Amazon EMR: A predefined bootstrap action that launches a script that executes a series of commands in parallel before terminating the job flow.
Refers to a digital signature, which is a mathematical way to confirm the authenticity of a digital message. AWS uses signatures to authenticate the requests you send to our web services. For more information, to https://aws.amazon.com/security.
AWS Import/Export: A file you copy to the root directory of your storage device. The file contains a job ID, manifest file, and a signature.
Signature Version 4
Protocol for authenticating inbound API requests to AWS services in all AWS regions.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Simple Object Access Protocol
Simple Storage Service
See Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
Single-AZ DB instance
A standard (non-Multi-AZ) DB instance that is deployed in one Availability Zone, without a standby replica in another Availability Zone.
See Also Multi-AZ deployment.
sloppy phrase search
A search for a phrase that specifies how close the terms must be to one another to be considered a match.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. The standard that is used to exchange email messages between internet hosts for the purpose of routing and delivery.
Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS): A backup of your volumes that is stored in Amazon S3. You can use these snapshots as the starting point for new Amazon EBS volumes or to protect your data for long-term durability.
See Also DB snapshot.
See Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).
An AWS Import/Export feature that uses Amazon-owned Snowball appliances for transferring your data.
See Also https://aws.amazon.com/importexport.
Simple Object Access Protocol. An XML-based protocol that lets you exchange information over a particular protocol (HTTP or SMTP, for example) between applications.
See Also REST.
See Also WSDL.
soft bounce
A temporary email delivery failure such as one resulting from a full mailbox.
software VPN
A software appliance-based VPN connection over the internet.
sort enabled
Amazon CloudSearch: An index field option that enables a field to be used to sort the search results.
sort key
An attribute used to sort the order of partition keys in a composite primary key (also known as a range attribute).
See Also partition key.
See Also primary key.
source/destination checking
A security measure to verify that an EC2 instance is the origin of all traffic that it sends and the ultimate destination of all traffic that it receives; that is, that the instance is not relaying traffic. Source/destination checking is enabled by default. For instances that function as gateways, such as VPC NAT instances, source/destination checking must be disabled.
Unsolicited bulk email.
An email address that is set up by an anti-spam entity, not for correspondence, but to monitor unsolicited email. This is also called a honeypot.
Sender Policy Framework. A standard for authenticating email.
See Also http://www.openspf.org.
Spot Instance
A type of EC2 instance that you can bid on to take advantage of unused Amazon EC2 capacity.
Spot price
The price for a Spot Instance at any given time. If your maximum price exceeds the current price and your restrictions are met, Amazon EC2 launches instances on your behalf.
SQL injection match condition
AWS WAF: An attribute that specifies the part of web requests, such as a header or a query string, that AWS WAF inspects for malicious SQL code. Based on the specified conditions, you can configure AWS WAF to allow or block web requests to AWS resources such as Amazon CloudFront distributions.
See Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS).
See server-side encryption (SSE).
Secure Sockets Layer
See Also Transport Layer Security.
AWS CloudFormation: A collection of AWS resources that you create and delete as a single unit.
AWS OpsWorks: A set of instances that you manage collectively, typically because they have a common purpose such as serving PHP applications. A stack serves as a container and handles tasks that apply to the group of instances as a whole, such as managing applications and cookbooks.
AWS CodePipeline: A portion of a pipeline workflow where one or more actions are performed.
A place at an AWS facility where your AWS Import/Export data is transferred on to, or off of, your storage device.
One of five functions of the values submitted for a given sampling period. These functions are Maximum, Minimum, Sum, Average, and SampleCount.
The common root or substring shared by a set of related words.
The process of mapping related words to a common stem. This enables matching on variants of a word. For example, a search for “horse” could return matches for horses, horseback, and horsing, as well as horse. Amazon CloudSearch supports both dictionary based and algorithmic stemming.
Amazon EMR: A single function applied to the data in a job flow. The sum of all steps comprises a job flow.
step type
Amazon EMR: The type of work done in a step. There are a limited number of step types, such as moving data from Amazon S3 to Amazon EC2 or from Amazon EC2 to Amazon S3.
sticky session
A feature of the Elastic Load Balancing load balancer that binds a user’s session to a specific application instance so that all requests coming from the user during the session are sent to the same application instance. By contrast, a load balancer defaults to route each request independently to the application instance with the smallest load.
The process of filtering stop words from an index or search request.
A word that is not indexed and is automatically filtered out of search requests because it is either insignificant or so common that including it would result in too many matches to be useful. Stop words are language-specific.
Amazon EMR (Amazon EMR): A utility that comes with Hadoop that enables you to develop MapReduce executables in languages other than Java.
Amazon CloudFront: The ability to use a media file in real time—as it is transmitted in a steady stream from a server.
streaming distribution
A special kind of distribution that serves streamed media files using a Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) connection.
See Amazon Kinesis Data Streams.
Before you calculate an HMAC signature, you first assemble the required components in a canonical order. The preencrypted string is the string-to-sign.
string match condition
AWS WAF: An attribute that specifies the strings that AWS WAF searches for in a web request, such as a value in a header or a query string. Based on the specified strings, you can configure AWS WAF to allow or block web requests to AWS resources such as CloudFront distributions.
strongly consistent read
A read process that returns a response with the most up-to-date data, reflecting the updates from all prior write operations that were successful—regardless of the region.
See Also data consistency.
See Also eventual consistency.
See Also eventually consistent read.
structured query
Search criteria specified using the Amazon CloudSearch structured query language. You use the structured query language to construct compound queries that use advanced search options and combine multiple search criteria using Boolean operators.
See AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS).
A segment of the IP address range of a VPC that EC2 instances can be attached to. You can create subnets to group instances according to security and operational needs.
Subscription button
An HTML-coded button that enables an easy way to charge customers a recurring fee.
Amazon CloudSearch: Specifies an index field you want to use to get autocomplete suggestions and options that can enable fuzzy matches and control how suggestions are sorted.
Documents that contain a match for the partial search string in the field designated by the suggester. Amazon CloudSearch suggestions include the document IDs and field values for each matching document. To be a match, the string must match the contents of the field starting from the beginning of the field.
supported AMI
An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) similar to a paid AMI, except that the owner charges for additional software or a service that customers use with their own AMIs.
See Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF).
symmetric encryption
Encryption that uses a private key only.
See Also asymmetric encryption.
synchronous bounce
A type of bounce that occurs while the email servers of the sender and receiver are actively communicating.
A word that is the same or nearly the same as an indexed word and that should produce the same results when specified in a search request. For example, a search for “Rocky Four” or “Rocky 4” should return the fourth Rocky movie. This can be done by designating that four and 4 are synonyms for IV. Synonyms are language-specific.