B Flashcards
basic monitoring
Monitoring of AWS provided metrics derived at a 5-minute frequency.
See document batch.
Border Gateway Protocol Autonomous System Number. A unique identifier for a network, for use in BGP routing. Amazon EC2 supports all 2-byte ASN numbers in the range of 1 – 65335, with the exception of 7224, which is reserved.
batch prediction
Amazon Machine Learning: An operation that processes multiple input data observations at one time (asynchronously). Unlike real-time predictions, batch predictions are not available until all predictions have been processed.
See Also real-time predictions.
See AWS Billing and Cost Management.
binary attribute
Amazon Machine Learning: An attribute for which one of two possible values is possible. Valid positive values are 1, y, yes, t, and true answers. Valid negative values are 0, n, no, f, and false. Amazon Machine Learning outputs 1 for positive values and 0 for negative values.
See Also attribute.
binary classification model
Amazon Machine Learning: A machine learning model that predicts the answer to questions where the answer can be expressed as a binary variable. For example, questions with answers of “1” or “0”, “yes” or “no”, “will click” or “will not click” are questions that have binary answers. The result for a binary classification model is always either a “1” (for a “true” or affirmative answers) or a “0” (for a “false” or negative answers).
A list of IP addresses, email addresses, or domains that an internet service provider suspects to be the source of spam. The ISP blocks incoming email from these addresses or domains.
A data set. Amazon EMR breaks large amounts of data into subsets. Each subset is called a data block. Amazon EMR assigns an ID to each block and uses a hash table to keep track of block processing.
block device
A storage device that supports reading and (optionally) writing data in fixed-size blocks, sectors, or clusters.
block device mapping
A mapping structure for every AMI and instance that specifies the block devices attached to the instance.
blue/green deployment
AWS CodeDeploy: A deployment method in which the instances in a deployment group (the original environment) are replaced by a different set of instances (the replacement environment).
bootstrap action
A user-specified default or custom action that runs a script or an application on all nodes of a job flow before Hadoop starts.
Border Gateway Protocol Autonomous System Number
A failed email delivery attempt.
Auto Scaling: The condition in which a user-set threshold (upper or lower boundary) is passed. If the duration of the breach is significant, as set by a breach duration parameter, it can possibly start a scaling activity.
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3): A container for stored objects. Every object is contained in a bucket. For example, if the object named photos/puppy.jpg is stored in the johnsmith bucket, then authorized users can access the object with the URL http://johnsmith.s3.amazonaws.com/photos/puppy.jpg.
bucket owner
The person or organization that owns a bucket in Amazon S3. Just as Amazon is the only owner of the domain name Amazon.com, only one person or organization can own a bucket.
A commonly used term for creating an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). It specifically refers to creating instance store-backed AMIs.