P Flashcards
The process of responding to an API request by returning a large list of records in small separate parts. Pagination can occur in the following situations:
pagination token
A marker that indicates that an API response contains a subset of a larger list of records. The client can return this marker in a subsequent API request to retrieve the next subset of records until the service responds with a subset of records and no pagination token, indicating that all records have been sent.
See Also pagination.
paid AMI
An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that you sell to other Amazon EC2 users on AWS Marketplace.
paravirtual virtualization
See PV virtualization.
A contiguous portion of the object’s data in a multipart upload request.
partition key
A simple primary key, composed of one attribute (also known as a hash attribute).
See Also partition key.
See Also sort key.
Port address translation.
A contraction of peta binary byte, a pebibyte is 2^50 or 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes. A petabyte (PB) is 10^15 or 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes. 1,024 PiB is an exbibyte.
See sampling period.
A statement within a policy that allows or denies access to a particular resource. You can state any permission like this: “A has permission to do B to C.” For example, Jane (A) has permission to read messages (B) from John’s Amazon SQS queue (C). Whenever Jane sends a request to Amazon SQS to use John’s queue, the service checks to see if she has permission and if the request satisfies the conditions John set forth in the permission.
persistent storage
A data storage solution where the data remains intact until it is deleted. Options within AWS include: Amazon S3, Amazon RDS, Amazon DynamoDB, and other services.
physical name
A unique label that AWS CloudFormation assigns to each resource when creating a stack. Some AWS CloudFormation commands accept the physical name as a value with the –physical-name parameter.
AWS CodePipeline: A workflow construct that defines the way software changes go through a release process.
Information that has not been encrypted, as opposed to ciphertext.
IAM: A document defining permissions that apply to a user, group, or role; the permissions in turn determine what users can do in AWS. A policy typically allows access to specific actions, and can optionally grant that the actions are allowed for specific resources, like EC2 instances, Amazon S3 buckets, and so on. Policies can also explicitly deny access.
Auto Scaling: An object that stores the information needed to launch or terminate instances for an Auto Scaling group. Executing the policy causes instances to be launched or terminated. You can configure an alarm to invoke an Auto Scaling policy.
policy generator
A tool in the IAM AWS Management Console that helps you build a policy by selecting elements from lists of available options.
policy simulator
A tool in the IAM AWS Management Console that helps you test and troubleshoot policies so you can see their effects in real-world scenarios.
policy validator
A tool in the IAM AWS Management Console that examines your existing IAM access control policies to ensure that they comply with the IAM policy grammar.
presigned URL
A web address that uses query string authentication.
See job prefix.
Premium Support
A one-on-one, fast-response support channel that AWS customers can subscribe to for support for AWS infrastructure services.
See Also https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/.
primary key
One or two attributes that uniquely identify each item in a Amazon DynamoDB table, so that no two items can have the same key.
See Also partition key.
See Also sort key.
primary shard
See shard.
The user, service, or account that receives permissions that are defined in a policy. The principal is A in the statement “A has permission to do B to C.”
private content
When using Amazon CloudFront to serve content with an Amazon S3 bucket as the origin, a method of controlling access to your content by requiring users to use signed URLs. Signed URLs can restrict user access based on the current date and time and/or the IP addresses that the requests originate from.
private IP address
A private numerical address (for example, that networked devices use to communicate with one another using the Internet Protocol (IP). All EC2 instancess are assigned two IP addresses at launch, which are directly mapped to each other through Network Address Translation (NAT): a private address (following RFC 1918) and a public address. Exception: Instances launched in Amazon VPC are assigned only a private IP address.
private subnet
A VPC subnet whose instances cannot be reached from the internet.
product code
An identifier provided by AWS when you submit a product to AWS Marketplace.
See resource property.
property rule
A JSON-compliant markup standard for declaring properties, mappings, and output values in an AWS CloudFormation template.
Provisioned IOPS
A storage option designed to deliver fast, predictable, and consistent I/O performance. When you specify an IOPS rate while creating a DB instance, Amazon RDS provisions that IOPS rate for the lifetime of the DB instance.
pseudo parameter
A predefined setting, such as AWS:StackName that can be used in AWS CloudFormation templates without having to declare them. You can use pseudo parameters anywhere you can use a regular parameter.
public AMI
An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that all AWS accounts have permission to launch.
public data set
A large collection of public information that can be seamlessly integrated into AWS cloud-based applications. Amazon stores public data sets at no charge to the community and, like all AWS services, users pay only for the compute and storage they use for their own applications. These data sets currently include data from the Human Genome Project, the U.S. Census, Wikipedia, and other sources.
See Also https://aws.amazon.com/publicdatasets.
public IP address
A pubic numerical address (for example, that networked devices use to communicate with one another using the Internet Protocol (IP). EC2 instances are assigned two IP addresses at launch, which are directly mapped to each other through Network Address Translation (NAT): a private address (following RFC 1918) and a public address. Exception: Instances launched in Amazon VPC are assigned only a private IP address.
public subnet
A subnet whose instances can be reached from the internet.
PV virtualization
Paravirtual virtualization. Allows guest VMs to run on host systems that do not have special support extensions for full hardware and CPU virtualization. Because PV guests run a modified operating system that does not use hardware emulation, they cannot provide hardware-related features such as enhanced networking or GPU support.
See Also HVM virtualization.