I Flashcards
See AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
IAM group
See group.
IAM policy simulator
See policy simulator.
IAM role
See role.
IAM user
See user.
Identity and Access Management
See AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
identity provider (IdP)
An IAM entity that holds metadata about external identity providers.
See identity provider (IdP) .
See Amazon Machine Image (AMI).
import/export station
A machine that uploads or downloads your data to or from Amazon S3.
import log
A report that contains details about how AWS Import/Export processed your data.
in-place deployment
AWS CodeDeploy: A deployment method in which the application on each instance in the deployment group is stopped, the latest application revision is installed, and the new version of the application is started and validated. You can choose to use a load balancer so each instance is deregistered during its deployment and then restored to service after the deployment is complete.
See search index.
index field
A name–value pair that is included in an Amazon CloudSearch domain’s index. An index field can contain text or numeric data, dates, or a location.
indexing options
Configuration settings that define an Amazon CloudSearch domain’s index fields, how document data is mapped to those index fields, and how the index fields can be used.
inline policy
An IAM policy that is embedded in a single IAM user, group, or role.
input data
Amazon Machine Learning: The observations that you provide to Amazon Machine Learning to train and evaluate a machine learning model and generate predictions.
A copy of an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) running as a virtual server in the AWS cloud.
instance family
A general instance type grouping using either storage or CPU capacity.
instance group
A Hadoop cluster contains one master instance group that contains one master node, a core instance group containing one or more core node and an optional task node instance group, which can contain any number of task nodes.
instance profile
A container that passes IAM role information to an EC2 instance at launch.
instance store
Disk storage that is physically attached to the host computer for an EC2 instance, and therefore has the same lifespan as the instance. When the instance is terminated, you lose any data in the instance store.
instance store-backed AMI
A type of Amazon Machine Image (AMI) whose instances use an instance store volume as the root device. Compare this with instances launched from Amazon EBS-backed AMIs, which use an Amazon EBS volume as the root device.
instance type
A specification that defines the memory, CPU, storage capacity, and usage cost for an instance. Some instance types are designed for standard applications, whereas others are designed for CPU-intensive, memory-intensive applications, and so on.
internet gateway
Connects a network to the internet. You can route traffic for IP addresses outside your VPC to the internet gateway.
internet service provider
A company that provides subscribers with access to the internet. Many ISPs are also mailbox providers. Mailbox providers are sometimes referred to as ISPs, even if they only provide mailbox services.
intrinsic function
A special action in a AWS CloudFormation template that assigns values to properties not available until runtime. These functions follow the format Fn::Attribute, such as Fn::GetAtt. Arguments for intrinsic functions can be parameters, pseudo parameters, or the output of other intrinsic functions.
IP address
A numerical address (for example, that networked devices use to communicate with one another using the Internet Protocol (IP). All EC2 instances are assigned two IP addresses at launch, which are directly mapped to each other through network address translation (NAT): a private IP address (following RFC 1918) and a public IP address. Instances launched in a VPC are assigned only a private IP address. Instances launched in your default VPC are assigned both a private IP address and a public IP address.
IP match condition
AWS WAF: An attribute that specifies the IP addresses or IP address ranges that web requests originate from. Based on the specified IP addresses, you can configure AWS WAF to allow or block web requests to AWS resources such as Amazon CloudFront distributions.
See internet service provider.
The person who writes a policy to grant permissions to a resource. The issuer (by definition) is always the resource owner. AWS does not permit Amazon SQS users to create policies for resources they don’t own. If John is the resource owner, AWS authenticates John’s identity when he submits the policy he’s written to grant permissions for that resource.
A group of attributes that is uniquely identifiable among all of the other items. Items in Amazon DynamoDB are similar in many ways to rows, records, or tuples in other database systems.