C Flashcards
cache cluster
A logical cache distributed over multiple cache nodes. A cache cluster can be set up with a specific number of cache nodes.
cache cluster identifier
Customer-supplied identifier for the cache cluster that must be unique for that customer in an AWS region.
cache engine version
The version of the Memcached service that is running on the cache node.
cache node
A fixed-size chunk of secure, network-attached RAM. Each cache node runs an instance of the Memcached service, and has its own DNS name and port. Multiple types of cache nodes are supported, each with varying amounts of associated memory.
cache node type
An EC2 instance type used to run the cache node.
cache parameter group
A container for cache engine parameter values that can be applied to one or more cache clusters.
cache security group
A group maintained by ElastiCache that combines ingress authorizations to cache nodes for hosts belonging to Amazon EC2 security groups specified through the console or the API or command line tools.
canned access policy
A standard access control policy that you can apply to a bucket or object. Options include: private, public-read, public-read-write, and authenticated-read.
The process of converting data into a standard format that a service such as Amazon S3 can recognize.
The amount of available compute size at a given time. Each Auto Scaling group is defined with a minimum and maximum compute size. A scaling activity increases or decreases the capacity within the defined minimum and maximum values.
cartesian product processor
A processor that calculates a cartesian product. Also known as a cartesian data processor.
cartesian product
A mathematical operation that returns a product from multiple sets.
See content delivery network (CDN).
A credential that some AWS products use to authenticate AWS accounts and users. Also known as an X.509 certificate . The certificate is paired with a private key.
chargeable resources
Features or services whose use incurs fees. Although some AWS products are free, others include charges. For example, in an AWS CloudFormation stack, AWS resources that have been created incur charges. The amount charged depends on the usage load. Use the Amazon Web Services Simple Monthly Calculator at http://calculator.s3.amazonaws.com/calc5.html to estimate your cost prior to creating instances, stacks, or other resources.
CIDR block
Classless Inter-Domain Routing. An internet protocol address allocation and route aggregation methodology.
See Also Classless Inter-Domain Routing in Wikipedia.
Information that has been encrypted, as opposed to plaintext, which is information that has not.
A feature for linking an EC2-Classic instance to a VPC, allowing your EC2-Classic instance to communicate with VPC instances using private IP addresses.
See Also link to VPC.
See Also unlink from VPC.
In machine learning, a type of problem that seeks to place (classify) a data sample into a single category or “class.” Often, classification problems are modeled to choose one category (class) out of two. These are binary classification problems. Problems where more than two categories (classes) are available are called “multiclass classification” problems.
See Also binary classification model.
See Also multiclass classification model.
cloud service provider
A company that provides subscribers with access to internet-hosted computing, storage, and software services.
See AWS VPN CloudHub.
See AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).
A logical grouping of container instances that you can place tasks on.
Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES): A logical grouping of one or more data nodes, optional dedicated master nodes, and storage required to run Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES) and operate your Amazon ES domain.
See Also data node.
See Also dedicated master node.
See Also node.
cluster compute instance
A type of instance that provides a great amount of CPU power coupled with increased networking performance, making it well suited for High Performance Compute (HPC) applications and other demanding network-bound applications.
cluster placement group
A logical cluster compute instance grouping to provide lower latency and high-bandwidth connectivity between the instances.
cluster status
Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES): An indicator of the health of a cluster. A status can be green, yellow, or red. At the shard level, green means that all shards are allocated to nodes in a cluster, yellow means that the primary shard is allocated but the replica shards are not, and red means that the primary and replica shards of at least one index are not allocated. The shard status determines the index status, and the index status determines the cluster status.
See customer master key (CMK).
Canonical Name Record. A type of resource record in the Domain Name System (DNS) that specifies that the domain name is an alias of another, canonical domain name. More simply, it is an entry in a DNS table that lets you alias one fully qualified domain name to another.
The event in which a recipient who does not want to receive an email message clicks “Mark as Spam” within the email client, and the internet service provider sends a notification to Amazon SES.
compound query
Amazon CloudSearch: A search request that specifies multiple search criteria using the Amazon CloudSearch structured search syntax.
IAM: Any restriction or detail about a permission. The condition is D in the statement “A has permission to do B to C where D applies.”
AWS WAF: A set of attributes that AWS WAF searches for in web requests to AWS resources such as Amazon CloudFront distributions. Conditions can include values such as the IP addresses that web requests originate from or values in request headers. Based on the specified conditions, you can configure AWS WAF to allow or block web requests to AWS resources.
conditional parameter
See mapping.
configuration API
Amazon CloudSearch: The API call that you use to create, configure, and manage search domains.
configuration template
A series of key–value pairs that define parameters for various AWS products so that AWS Elastic Beanstalk can provision them for an environment.
consistency model
The method a service uses to achieve high availability. For example, it could involve replicating data across multiple servers in a data center.
See Also eventual consistency.
See AWS Management Console.
consolidated billing
A feature of the AWS Organizations service for consolidating payment for multiple AWS accounts. You create an organization that contains your AWS accounts, and you use the master account of your organization to pay for all member accounts. You can see a combined view of AWS costs that are incurred by all accounts in your organization, and you can get detailed cost reports for individual accounts.
A Linux container that was created from a Docker image as part of a task.
container definition
Specifies which Docker image to use for a container, how much CPU and memory the container is allocated, and more options. The container definition is included as part of a task definition.
container instance
An EC2 instance that is running the Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) agent and has been registered into a cluster. Amazon ECS tasks are placed on active container instances.
container registry
Stores, manages, and deploys Docker images.
content delivery network (CDN)
A web service that speeds up distribution of your static and dynamic web content—such as .html, .css, .js, media files, and image files—to your users by using a worldwide network of data centers. When a user requests your content, the request is routed to the data center that provides the lowest latency (time delay). If the content is already in the location with the lowest latency, the CDN delivers it immediately. If not, the CDN retrieves it from an origin that you specify (for example, a web server or an Amazon S3 bucket). With some CDNs, you can help secure your content by configuring an HTTPS connection between users and data centers, and between data centers and your origin. Amazon CloudFront is an example of a CDN.
continuous delivery
A software development practice in which code changes are automatically built, tested, and prepared for a release to production.
See Also https://aws.amazon.com/devops/continuous-delivery/.
continuous integration
A software development practice in which developers regularly merge code changes into a central repository, after which automated builds and tests are run.
See Also https://aws.amazon.com/devops/continuous-integration/.
cooldown period
Amount of time during which Auto Scaling does not allow the desired size of the Auto Scaling group to be changed by any other notification from an Amazon CloudWatch alarm.
core node
An EC2 instance that runs Hadoop map and reduce tasks and stores data using the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Core nodes are managed by the master node, which assigns Hadoop tasks to nodes and monitors their status. The EC2 instances you assign as core nodes are capacity that must be allotted for the entire job flow run. Because core nodes store data, you can’t remove them from a job flow. However, you can add more core nodes to a running job flow.
Core nodes run both the DataNodes and TaskTracker Hadoop daemons.
Amazon CloudSearch: A collection of data that you want to search.
credential helper
AWS CodeCommit: A program that stores credentials for repositories and supplies them to Git when making connections to those repositories. The AWS CLI includes a credential helper that you can use with Git when connecting to AWS CodeCommit repositories.
Also called access credentials or security credentials. In authentication and authorization, a system uses credentials to identify who is making a call and whether to allow the requested access. In AWS, these credentials are typically the access key ID and the secret access key.
cross-account access
The process of permitting limited, controlled use of resources in one AWS account by a user in another AWS account. For example, in AWS CodeCommit and AWS CodeDeploy you can configure cross-account access so that a user in AWS account A can access an AWS CodeCommit repository created by account B. Or a pipeline in AWS CodePipeline created by account A can use AWS CodeDeploy resources created by account B. In IAM you use a role to delegate temporary access to a user in one account to resources in another.
cross-region replication
A client-side solution for maintaining identical copies of Amazon DynamoDB tables across different AWS regions, in near real time.
customer gateway
A router or software application on your side of a VPN tunnel that is managed by Amazon VPC. The internal interfaces of the customer gateway are attached to one or more devices in your home network. The external interface is attached to the virtual private gateway across the VPN tunnel.
customer managed policy
An IAM managed policy that you create and manage in your AWS account.
customer master key (CMK)
The fundamental resource that AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) manages. CMKs can be either customer managed keys or AWS managed keys. Use CMKs inside AWS KMS to encrypt or decrypt up to 4 kilobytes of data directly or to encrypt generated data keys, which are then used to encrypt or decrypt larger amounts of data outside of the service.