Systemic Path Lab Flashcards
Normal or abnormal? Abnormal
Signs of hemorrhage (dark discoloration), emphysema (cavities in the muscle)
Paler areas = degeneration/necrosis
Inflammatory, degenerative, neoplastic process? Inflammatory b/c emphysema –> bacterial infection (clostridium) –> Black leg
Main word used in morphological diagnosis? ‘itis’ –> myositis –> rhabdomyositis
Gross diagnosis: Necrohemorrhagic emphysematic rhabdomyositis
Etiologic diagnosis: Bacterial myositis/rhabdomyositis/ Clostridium rhabdomyositis
Name of the disease: Black leg
Localization = multi-focal, focally extensive
Hemorrhage, necrosis, emphysema
Bacterial myositis
Black leg
Hemorrhage, necrosis/degeneration
Fibrinous exudate circled
Morphological Diagnosis: Necrohemorrhagic emphasemateous myocarditis
Another case of black leg
Young animals are most affected
Focal, slightly raised white areas
Name of the disease: Sarcocystosis /Sarcospoliosis
Etiology: Sarcocystis species
Etiologic: Parasitic myositis
Inflammatory process
Tapeworm larva
Cysticercus tarandi - intermediate state of taenia krabbei a tapeworm of wild carnivores wolves and coyotes -
condition in moos known as moose measles.
Etiologic Diagnosis: Parasitic myositis
Morphologic Diagnosis: Focal/Multifocal granulomatous Cystic Myositis
Name of disease: Masticatory myositis
- atrophy of massitor muscles
- atrophic
Etiologic Diagnosis: type II m myoglobin present in masticatory muscles; german shepherds, rottweilers
Morphologic: Immune-mediated myositis; Focal, atrophic
Acute form you don’t see atrophy, you see swelling
Microscopically in the chronic form: lymphocytes, plasma cells, MQ
Multifocal to focally extensive areas of pale discoloration; streaks that appear granular are calcification due to muscle degeneration
Dystrophic = calcification; in an area of necrosis
Metastatic = area of normal tissue that become calcified
This is an example of nutritional myopathy; vitamin e and selenium deficiency
Pathogenesis = oxidative damage in the muscle fibers
Etiology (What is the cause?) = Vitamin E and Selenium Deficiency
Etiologic Diagnosis = Nutritional Myopathy
Description: focally extensive pale/yellow areas of discoloration that appears to be surrounded by a reddish ring.
Possible Name of Disease: Downer Syndrome
Microscopically: Ischemic damage, coagulative necrosis
Etiologic Diagnosis:
Name of Disease: Downer Syndrome
Etiologic Diagnosis: Necrohemorhagic fibrinolytic ?
Hemorrhage, Fibrin, Necrosis
Cross-section of the heart, myocardium of the left ventricle
Pale discoloration
Morphological Diagnosis: Focally extensive necrohemorrhagic myocarditis
Cause: Vitamin E/Selenium Deficiency (White Muscle Disease); degenerative
Name of Disease: Vitamin E/Selenium Deficiency
Narrowing of the spinal canal
Name of Disease: Wobbler’s Syndrome; Cervical Vetebral Stenotic Myelopathy –> compressive degeneration of the spinal chord
Ski slope lesion
In dogs, which breeds are predisposed: large breeds - Great Danes, Doberman Pinschers and young horses
Gait abnormalities
Areas that are compressed can be softer due to malecia
Focal Compressive myelopathy
Cross-section of the lumbar region
Pale, wet in appearance (longissimus dorsi, psoas, ?)
Ryr1 gene
Name of the Disease: Nutritional Myopathy/Vitamin E/Selenium Deficiency
Lungs are very wet = degree of pulmonary edema –> distension of interlobular CT
Lack of medullary cavity, increased bone density –> more susceptible to pathological fractures (even due to minimal force), anemia due to lack of hematopoiesis (also increase in other inflammatory cells –> more susceptible to infections)
Name of the disease: Osteopetrosis
Name of the Disease: Chondrodysplasia
- legs are short in this case
- Bones that arise by endochondral ossification
- Beef cattle
Lethal chondrodysplasia
Aborted around 7 months of age
Dexter cattle, but can also happen in other breeds (Hereford and others)
Bones on top of head are normal