Renal Pathology Part III - Tubular Diseases Flashcards
Tubular diseases
Occur as a result of _____ epithelium damage from
the following:
* _____-borne infections (septicemia)
* ____ and _______ (heavy metals, drugs, food, plants,
bact/fungal toxins, oxalates, vitamin D, pigments [hemoglobin,
myoglobin, bilirubin], etc..)
* _____/______
* ________ infections (infection of lower urinary tract)
tubular, Blood, Toxins, chemicals, Hypoxia, Ischemia, Ascending
What can be seen in this image?
Ascending infection
Label the image accordingly
Proximal tubules = brush border
Interstitial capillaries ?
?? tubules = no brush border
______ tubular necrosis is the most important cause of acute renal failure. Can be caused by ______ or _____. Clinically results in _____ and _____.
Acute, nephrotoxin, nephrotoxin, oliguria, anuria
What is occurring in each image?
Fluid leaving tubules is retained in the kidney,
Celllular debirs from necrotic tubules, destroy tubules? fluid retinaed and not excreted in the urine.
Difference in outcome of tubular necrosis
Toxic vs Ischemic
- Nephrotoxins – cause _____ necrosis, but leave the basement membrane _____, so damaged epithelium is replaced by _______.
- Ischemia result in damage to the
_______ membrane, so tubular damage heal by ______.
tubular, intact, regeneration, basement, fibrosis
Name the pathway for Toxic insult versus Ischemia.
What can be seen here?
Acute tubular necrosis - Toxic
Eosiniphillic granular ?
Cellular debris
BM is intact.
If toxin is removed from the body quickly, animal will have a greater chance of survival.
What can be seen here?
Acute tubular necrosis - Ischemic
Necrosis of everything
Toxins preferentially damage kidneys because:
1) ___% of cardiac output goes to the kidney
2) The substance is filtered into the urine by the _______.
3) The toxin or its metabolites within the renal tubular lumina are ________.
25, glomerulus, concentrated
Common Nephrotoxins of Domestic Animals:
* Pigments: Hemoglobin, Myoglobin, Bile/bilirubin
* Heavy metals: Lead, Mercury
* Pharmaceutical agents (e.g., chemotherapeutic and antimicrobial agents): Cisplatin,
Aminoglycosides, Oxytetracycline, Amphotericin B, Sulfonamides, Monensin, NSAIDs
* Fungal toxins (Aspergillus and Penicillium: ochratoxin)
* Plant toxins: Pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus), Oxalate-containing plants, Oak tannins
* Antifreeze (ethylene glycol)
* Vitamins and minerals: Vitamin D, Hypercalcemia
* Bacterial toxins (epsilon toxin)
* Pet food contaminants: Melamine, Cyanuric acid, Raisins and Grapes
Only study ones in bold
Pharm: Toxic when administered in excessive doses or very frequently.
Aspergillus: contaminate food and produce ochratoxin which are toxic to tubular epithelial cells
Oak tannins: in cattle
Antifreeze is the most common cause of acute renal failure in dogs and cats
Nephrotoxic Pigments
**Hemoglobinuric Nephrosis
Describe what the steps leading ot Hemoglobinuric Nephrosis.
Intravascular ________ > __________ > hemoglobin passes into the ________ _______ > ________ accumulation > direct damage to _____ epithelium + _____
(because of intravascular hemolysis) > ______ of the epithelium and ____ casts
Hemoglobinuric means hemoglobin in urine.
Nephrosis means in tubules
hemolysis, Hemoglobinemia, glomerular filtrate, intraluminal, tubular, hypoxia, necrosis, hemoglobin
Name the conditions that cause Hemoglobinuric Nephrosis.
- Chronic _____ toxicity in sheep
- (3) in cattle
- _______ _____ toxicity in horses
- (2) in dogs
copper, Leptospirosis, babesiosis, Clostridium haemolyticum, Red Maple, Babesiosis or autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- Name the condition.
- What can be seen in this image?
- Chronic copper toxicity in sheep
- Coagulative necrosis of tubular epithelium. Orange-red, granular
(hemoglobin) casts in tubule lumens
- Name the condition.
- What can be seen in this image?
- Chronic copper toxicity in sheep
- Diffuse red-brown to blue- black discoloration
- Name the condition.
- What can be seen in this image?
Hemoglobinuric Nephrosis
a dog
Adipose tissue yellow b/c?
Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia in?
- Name the condition.
- What can be seen in this image?
Red Maple toxicosis in a horse
Myoglobinuric Nephrosis results from?
acute and extensive muscle necrosis
Describe the mechanism that causes Myoglobinuric Nephrosis
- Same mechanism of hemoglobinuric nephrosis: Myoglobin is
filtered by the glomerulus and it is toxic to tubular epithelium
List the conditions that cause Myoglobinuric Nephrosis
- Exertional rhabdomyolysis in horses, greyhounds,
and wild or exotic animals - Cassia spp. toxicity in cattle
- Severe direct trauma to muscle (traffic accident)
Name the condition and describe the image below.
Myoglobinuric Nephrosis
Exertional rhabdomyolysis in a horse
- Diffuse myoglobin staining of the cortex and medulla
(red-brown) is secondary to myoglobinemia
Name the condition and describe the image below.
Intraluminal myoglobin casts
Name the condition and describe the image below.
Cholemic Nephrosis
- Acute fulminant hepatic failure > icterus > bile cast nephropathy
- Kidney is discolored green
What causes the resulting condition below?
Heavy metals
* Lead
- Affects LA such as ruminants
- Source Old paints, batteries, automobile components
- Direct damage to membranes of epithelial cells and mitochondria
- Tubular epithelial cells sometimes have intranuclear inclusion bodies
composed of a lead-protein complex
- Intranuclear inclusion bodies are acid-fast positive (acid-fast stains mycobacteria)
Ethylene glycol toxicity is more common in ____ , but ____ are more susceptible.
* Constituent of engine _____ solution (95%), _____, voluntarily consumed, especially by young animals
* Oxidized by ______ _______ (liver) into toxic metabolites
_______, _____ acid, ______ and ultimately into ____
* Filtered by glomeruli –> direct toxic effects (_____ depletion and ________ damage)
* _____ tubular degeneration and necrosis, with characteristic ______ ______ crystals (large numbers is pathognomonic)
antifreeze, sweet, dogs, cats, alcohol dehydrogenase, GLYCOALDEHYDE, glycolic, GLYOXYLATE, oxalate, ATP, membrane, Proximal, calcium oxalate
Name the condition
Ethylene glycol toxicity - histopathology
* Birefringent with polarized light, light yellow arranged in rosettes or sheaves
Ischemic renal tubular damage
- Anything that will ______ the volume of blood going through the kidneys
Volume depletion
◦ List examples.
Not enough blood being pumped
◦ List examples
Systemic vasodilation - Hypotension
◦ List examples
Renal artery occlusion
◦ List examples
Vomiting, diarrhea, GI hemorrhage, burns
Heart failure, severe valvular disease
Sepsis – massive release of cytokines
Thrombi –> Renal Infarction
Renal infarction is defined as _______ areas of ________ necrosis
- Obstructive material: ______ (hypercoagulable state),
_____ emboli, _______ emboli
- Predisposing conditions: ______ endocarditis, Feline ________ (HCM), ________, _______.,
localized, coagulative, thrombi, septic, neoplastic, Valvular, cardiomyopathy, endotoxemia, neoplasia