Pathology of the Male Reproductive System Flashcards
- Infertility is difficult to _______ unless the cause can be readily _____ and __________
- Determining the cause is where knowledge of disease ________, ________ to injury, and __________ are so important
- Production ($$$) and companion animal ($$) species
reverse, found, corrected, processes, responses, prognoses
* ____________ descent of the testis and _________ structures into the ________
* Complete testicular descent usually occurs ______ to birth in most species, except in ____ (by ___ months of age)
* _________/genetic
* Retained testes can be anywhere from ______ to the kidney to the ______ inguinal
* Due to ______ intra-abdominal temperature > ______ and also degeneration/atrophy > lack
of _________
* _________ or _______ (infertility)
* Prone to develop ______ and ______
- Dogs: _____ cell tumor and _____
- Stallions: ______ and _________
Incomplete, associated, scrotum, prior, dogs, 3, Congenital, caudal, external, higher, Hypoplasia, spermatogenesis, Unilateral, bilateral, neoplasia, torsion, Sertoli, Seminoma, Seminoma, Teratoma
Bilateral cryptorchidism with unilateral Sertoli cell tumor
Sertoli cell tumor with testicular torsion
* Defined as testes that have failed to grow to _______ size, detected right _____ puberty
* ________, low incidence in ?
* Is a ________ and/or ______ condition
* ____lateral or ____lateral
* Causes: ___________, ______ and _________ disorders (reduced production of ____
and ___).
* The best known example is __________ Syndrome (____) in ?
normal, after, Sporadic, bulls, rams, horses, boars, congenital, genetic, Uni, bi, Cryptorchidism, genetic, endocrine, LH, FSH, Klinefelter’s , XXY, tricolor male cat
Testicular hypoplasia
* ______ testes and __________ from this yearling ram are very ____ compared with normal age-matched controls
* The seminiferous tubules are lined only by ______ cells, and there is no _________
Both, epididymides, small, Sertoli, spermatogenesis
Testicular hypoplasia
Normal testicular tissue
Testicular Hypoplasia
Testicles/epididymis small but movable in the scrotum. Not apparent until puberty.
Testicular Degeneration and Atrophy
* Testes that reduce in ____ ____ puberty
* Most common cause of ________
* Secondary to a variety of insults: _______, _______ loss of blood flow, advancing ___,
_______therapy, ________ and _______ diseases (_____ important), _________, ________.
* Testes is small and firm (________), may be attached to scrotal ___. Epididymis more _________ in size or even ________.
*In young growing males, the distinction between testicular degeneration
and hypoplasia is often difficult. Both lesions are often present _______ because _________ testes are prone to degeneration.
size, after, infertility, Trauma, partial, age, chemo, epididymitis, scrotal, most, hormones, neoplasia
fibrosis, wall, normal, enlarged, together, hypoplastic
Testicular degeneration and atrophy
The affected testis (right) is small, and testicular veins are
not visible on the capsule of the testis because of fibrosis
and contraction of the connective tissue. The other testis
(left) is bulbous, indicating hypertrophy
Testicular degeneration and atrophy
Interstitial fibrosis that separates the seminiferous tubules, spermatogenic arrest, multinucleated spermatids
- Hypoplasia - testicle _____ and _____ movable _____ scrotum. ________ also
small and poorly developed. _________ condition.
small, freely, within, Epididymis, Irreversible
- Degeneration/Atrophy - testicle ____, _____ and may be attached to scrotal ____.
Epididymis more ______ in size or even ______. __________ is possible.
small, firm, wall, normal, enlarged, Regeneration
What can be seen in the image below?
testicular hypoplasia (top) vs. degeneration/atrophy (bottom)
* True orchitis is _____. Usually associated with __________.
* Portals of entry:
rare, epididymitis
1. Hematogenous route: Brucella abortus in bulls, C. pseudotuberculosis and B.
ovis in rams, B. suis in boars, B. canis and Blastomyces dermatitidis in dogs.
2. Direct penetration (bite wound, foreign body)
3. Ascending infection - genito-urinary tract – most common: E.coli, Proteus sp.,
Staph/Strep, Histophilus sp., Actinobacillus seminis in rams
4. Peritoneal spread (Periorchitis): FIP in cats, any peritonitis
What condition can be seen below?
Causative agent?
Causative agent: Brucellosis - B. suis
Brucellosis - B. abortus
Necrotizing orchitis
B. suis
B. canis
Porcine - Glasser’s disease
Peritoneal spread - Periorchitis
Chronic Periorchitis and testicle degeneration/atrophy
Epididymal disorders
* Developmental: ________/________ and spermatic ________
* Inflammatory: Infectious (similar to _______) and non-infectious ( _________ granuloma)
Aplasia, hypoplasia, granuloma, orchitis, spermatic
Efferent ductules (Testicle – Epididymis)
Epididymal disorders: Segmental Aplasia/Hypoplasia
- Most common in _____ and involves ____ and _____ of epididymis
- Usually _________
- Can lead to ____ pressure and secondary testicular _________
- Sperm ________ secondary to obstruction
- Can lead to sperm impaction due to obstruction, _______ (spermatocele) and/or ______
(Sperm granuloma)
bull, body, tail, unilateral, back, degeneration, impaction, dilatation, rupture
What can be seen in the images below?
Spermatocele (right)
Sperm granuloma (left)
Spermatic granuloma
* Epididymal _______ with __________ of spermatozoa to the interstitium > ________ response
- Congenital defect: Always in the epididymal _____ due to ____-ended ________
- _________ trauma
- Secondary to ________
^last two are ________ along the length of epididymis
rupture, extravasation, granulomatous, head, blind, efferent, Mechanical, epididimytis, anywhere
What condition can be seen below?
Spermatic granuloma
Spermatic granuloma
The mass of spermatozoa (right) in the interstitial connective tissue of the epididymis is surrounded by
macrophages and multinucleated giant cells (arrow)
* Usually ____lateral, _____ to _______
* Epididimytis > testicular __________ (__________ and ___________ of the
* Noninfectious causes
- _______, ________ and _______ obstructions with secondary sperm granuloma
* Infectious causes
- Ascending bacterial infection from genitourinary tract: ?
- Hematogenous - ?
uni, acute, chronic, degeneration, compression, extension, Trauma, congenital, acquired
Actinobacillus seminis.
H. somni in rams, E. coli, Proteus, etc.
Brucella sp. in a variety of animals. B. ovis and B. canis are
the most common
Acute epididymitis in a dog
What condition is pictured below?
What is the causative agent here?
Note the dramatic __________ of the epididymis (left upper and lower
portions of the image) and the adhesion of the ________ ________ ______ to
the _________ _______ _____ around the affected epididymis
Brucella Ovis
Brucella Ovis
Note the dramatic enlargement of the epididymis (left upper and lower
portions of the image) and the adhesion of the parietal vaginal tunic to
the visceral vaginal tunic around the affected epididymis
B. Suis – necrotizing epididymitis and orchitis
Testicular tumors
* +++ ____, +/- _____, rare in other species
* Almost always _____
* There are no features that indicate the likelihood of ________ (spermatic cord, scrotal lymph node, or beyond)
* ______ cell tumor
* Interstitial (_____) cell tumor
* Germ cells: _________ and ________
* _____ cell tumor, ______ cell tumor and _________ can occur concomitantly
Dogs, horses, benign, metastasis, Sertoli, Leydig, Seminoma, teratoma, Sertoli, Interstitial, seminoma
Testicular tumors
Interstitial (Leydig) cell tumor
* Often tan to yellow‐orange, well‐demarcated, soft and spherical
* Cysts and hemorrhage are common
Sertoli cell tumor
* Firm (abundant stroma), white and round to multilobulated
* Most common neoplasm in cryptorchid canine testicles
Sertoli cell tumor
* Approximately 30% produce _________
- Feminization (________ syndrome): __________, penile and testicular ____, loss of _______
- Alopecia – bilateral _______ and _______pigmentation
- Bone marrow suppression – ?
- Prostatic disease - ?
estrogens, hyperestrogenism, Gynecomastia, atrophy, libido, symmetric, hyper, anemia, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia
squamous metaplasia (predispose to inflammatory changes)
Sertoli cell tumor
* Derived from ________ cells of the testis (within the ___________ tubules)
* Neoplasms bulge from _____‐section, are _____ to ____, ______ and ____. Can be ________ within testicle.
* Tend to be more _______ and _______ potential cannot be predicted
germinal, seminiferous, cross, white, gray, glistening, soft, multicentric, invasive, metastatic
Seminoma in a stallion with
metastases to splenic lymph nodes
* ______ cell tumor
* __________ but seen most often in _______ stallions, _________ testicle
* Tumors can be ____, ____ to _____, and contain recognizable ?
* Usually ______
Germ, Uncommon, younger, cryptorchid, large, solid, cystic, hair, bone, mucus and teeth, benign
Pathology of Spermatic Cord
* Is the _________ of the spermatic veins in the _______ __________
* More common in ____ rams
* Cause is _________
* ________ of affected vessels is common
* Affect ____________ and lead to testicular __________
dilation, pampiniform plexus, older unknown, Thrombosis, thermoregulation, degeneration
This extremely large varicocele (arrows) is larger than the testis. It is multinodular from large thromboses filling the dilated veins.
- Torsion of spermatic cord
-__________ testicles
-Testicles with ___________ - Inflammation of spermatic cord (_________)
-Most often follows ___________ of castration wounds
Cryptorchid, neoplasms, funisitis, contamination
What condition can be seen below?
Testicular torsion
Vesicular adenitis
* Common in the _____
* Readily diagnosed via rectal _______
* Chronic interstitial form – markedly ______ and _____
* Numerous infectious causes ?
bull, palpation, enlarged, firm
(Brucella, Staph/Strep., Mycoplasma sp., T. pyogenes)
Vesicular adenitis
* ______, _____ dogs – Associated with prostatic _______ or squamous _______ (______ cell tumor)
* Ascending infection usually from _____ tract infection
- Coliforms (Proteus, E. coli, Staph/Strep)
* Prostatitis is also common with ________ _______ infection (hematogenous)
* Can compress _____ > ______ > ___________
* Can compress _____ > constipation
* Acute to chronic
Older, intact, hyperplasia, metaplasia, Sertoli, urinary, Brucella canis, urethra, LUTI, pyelonephritis, colon
Prostate hyperplasia (symmetric)
What condition can be seen below?
Compression of the colon by severe prostatitis
Prostatic neoplasia
* Neoplasia in the prostate can arise from
- ________ epithelium (?)
- _________ epithelium (?)
* Usually in dogs greater than ___ years old
* Frequently _________ – especially to bone
* ______________ enlargement
Prostatic, ducts and acini, Urethral, urothelial, 10, metastasize, Asymmetrical
Prostatic Carcinoma
Prostatic Carcinoma
Cross section. Note the asymmetric enlargement. The focal white
areas are regions of necrosis within a gland that is enlarged by
neoplastic epithelial cells.
Pathology of Penis and Prepuce
* Balanitis vs. posthitis vs. balanoposthitis
* Specific diseases:
- Equine coital exanthema –?
- Infectious balanoposthitis - ?
- Ulcerative posthitis in castrated rams - ?
Equine herpesvirus- 3
Bovine herpesvirus 1
Corynebacterium renale
Ulcerative balanoposthitis
Equine coital exanthema – Equine herpesvirus- 3
Infectious balanoposthitis in bovine – BHV-1
Ulcerative posthitis in castrated rams – Corynebacterium renale
Ulcerative posthitis in castrated rams – ?
* __________ (tendency of these animals to urinate within their prepuce)
* Diet rich in protein > urine has a high concentration of ______ > ________ breaks the urea down to ammonia, which is cytotoxic
Corynebacterium renale, Castration, urea, C. renale
Habronemiasis in horses – Granulomatous balanoposthitis
Penile Squamous cell carcinoma in horses
Penile Squamous cell carcinoma in horses
* Arise from _____ and penis of _____ horses
* Equal frequency in _________ and __________ (>12 years)
* May arise from previous ?
* ________ to _______ tumors with areas of ulceration
sheath, older, stallions, geldings, papillomas caused Equus caballus papillomavirus type 2 (EcPV2), Medium, large
Penile SCC
Fibropapillomas of bulls
Fibropapillomas of bulls
Fibropapillomas of bulls
* Young bulls (_____ years)
* Bovine _______________
* ________ mass
* ______________ regression
1‐2 , papillomavirus – 1 and 2, Exophitic, Spontaneous
Canine TVT
* Arises on the _____ or within the _____. They may be ____ or _____, _____ or _____
* Solid sheets of uniform (3) cells with large round ______ nuclei
* Transplants from one dog to another at _______ (______)
* _________ regression can occur, and most are sensitive to ______ with _________
* Metastasis occurs in up to ___% of cases and may involve the _______ ______ lymph nodes, ____ (from trauma and mechanical implantation), and multiple other organs
penis, prepuce, single, multiple, nodular, papillary
round, ovoid, or polyhedral, vesicular, intercourse, allograft
Spontaneous, chemotherapy, vincristine, 5, superficial inguinal , skin
Canine TVT
Scrotal mesothelioma