Sydney Opera House Flashcards
a strong public expression of anger and disapproval about a recent event or decision
toplumsal tepki, toplu feryat/çığlık, itiraz, protesto, şikâyet, bağırıp çağırma

- outcry
B2 causing a lot of disagreement or argument
tartışmalı, tartışmaya açık, nizalı, uyuşmazlık yaratan

- controversial
verb : to officially ask someone in authority to do something
dilekçe vermek

- petition
support, especially money, for a person or plan
destekleme, arka çıkma, yardım etme
financial ——-
- backing
phrasal verb
to fasten something together using string, rope, etc
bağlamak, bağlayıp düğümlemek

- tie sth up
adjective [always before noun]
happening, existing, or true in the past but not now
önceki, geçmiş, sabık

- former
verb ENCOURAGE : to encourage something to happen or develop olmasına/gelişmesine destek vermek; yüreklendirmek; cesaret vermek
ADVERTISE : to advertise something
reklâmını yapmak, tanıtmak
JOB : to give someone a more important job in the same organization
terfi ettirmek, yükseltmek; rütbe vermek
- promote
noun : BUILDING : a building that you can easily recognize, especially one that helpsyou to know where you are
nirengi noktası, belirgin özelliği olan bina
a historic ——–
EVENT : an event that is famous or important in the history of something
önemli olay, dönüm noktası
His speech was a ——- in the history of civil rights.
The former chief executive of the Opera House described the decision to promote the race on the world-famous ——— as “crass, inappropriate and offensive”.

- landmark
adjective [always before noun] : OF MANAGEMENT
relating to making decisions and managing businesses
yönetim, icra, karar vermeye ilişkin/dair
an ——- director
FOR MANAGERS : suitable for people who have important jobs in business
pahalı ve şık; üst düzey iş adamları için uygun
Peter always stays in the ——- suite.
The former chief ——- of the Opera House described the decision to promote the race on the world-famous landmark as “crass, inappropriate and offensive”.

- executive
adjective : showing that you do not understand or care about other people’s feelings
aptalca, ahmakça, kabaca
a —— remark
The former chief executive of the Opera House described the decision to promote the race on the world-famous landmark as “——-, inappropriate and offensive”.

- crass
adjective : not suitable
yersiz, uygunsuz, maksada aykırı
——– behaviour
It would be ——– for me to comment, without knowing the facts.
in——— : adverb
The former chief executive of the Opera House described the decision to promote the race on the world-famous landmark as “crass, ——– and offensive”.

- inappropriate
adjective : DISHONEST : dishonest or illegal
ahlaksız, namussuz, cibiliyetsiz, hayasız, yasadışı
a ——– government
DAMAGED : If information on a computer is corrupt, it has been damaged or spoiled.
bozulmuş, kullanılamaz, yıpranmış
——– files
I find it extraordinary that the state politicians on both sides have somehow decided that this is in the interests of Sydney, New South Wales or Australia to —— the way the Opera House works, to corrupt the art integrity of the building.

- corrupt
noun : honesty and the ability to do or know what is morally right

erdem, doğruluk, dürüstlük, namusluluk
a woman of great ——-
I find it extraordinary that the state politicians on both sides have somehow decided that this is in the interests of Sydney, New South Wales or Australia to corrupt the way the Opera House works, to corrupt the art ——– of the building.
- integrity
verb : to accept or allow behaviour that is wrong

müsamaha etmek, hoş görmek, onaylamak
His comments appeared to ——- drug abuse.
He would not have ———d advertising on the building in any way.
- condone
noun : the action of damaging or showing no respect towards something holy or very much respected:

People were horrified at the ——- of the cemetery.
——– of sacred sites and objects was widespread.
Lucky he’s not around to see the ——- of our beautiful, iconic masterpiece.”
- desecration