New Sesame Street character highlights homelessness Flashcards
noun: an unpleasant or difficult situation

zor ve nahoş bir durum, dram, acıklı durum
*The world-famous children’s television show Sesame Street has introduced a new character to highlight the —– of homeless children.*
- plight
verb: DEAL WITH : to try to deal with a problem
hemen ilgilenmek, ele almak, çaresine bakmak
*The educational TV series, which has been aired since 1969, is helping to —– the issue of homelessness via a new character called Lily.*
SPEAK TO : to speak to someone about something bad that they have done
nazik bir konuyu/yapılan kötü bir şeyi biriyle paylaşmak/konuşmak
*I decided to —— him about his absences.*
BALL: to try to get the ball from someone in a game such as football
futbolda topu birinin ayağından almak/çalmak, topu kesmek/kapmak

- tackle
noun: DISAPPROVAL [C, U] : If there is a ——- attached to something, people disapprove of it, especially when this is unfair.

leke, damga, rezalet, yüz kızartıcı durum
*We hoped the character Lily would reduce the —— associated with homelessness and allow children to identify with her, “and hopefully feel less alone”.*
- stigma
verb: to intentionally frighten someone who is smaller or weaker than you
kabadayılık/zorbalık etmek, bilerek birini korkutmak, zayıf birinin üstüne üstüne gitmek
—-ies: zorba, kabadayı
*Other tough topics they have addressed include dealing with parents who are in prison, living with autism, and facing —-ies at school.*

- bully
adjective: B1 continuing forever or for a long time

kalıcı, uzun süreli
*Ms Westin stressed the importance of reaching out to children who have no —– home.*
- permanent
adjective: SHOCKING : making someone very shocked and upset
şaşkına çeviren, şok edici, yıkıcı, perişan eden
*Despite the —— news, no one is giving up hope.*
DESTROYING : causing a lot of damage or destruction
yıkıcı, mahvedici, yok edici
*We know children experiencing homelessness are often caught up in a —– cycle of trauma.*

- devastating
noun: the state of being very poor

yoksulluk, fakirlik, sefalet, yokluk
*As well as the daily hardship of being homeless, those children may suffer due to —–, domestic violence, or other trauma that caused them to lose their home.*
- poverty
noun: a problem or situation that makes you suffer a lot, especially because you are very poor

zorluk, güçlük, sıkıntılı olma, çaresizlik
*As well as the daily —— of being homeless, those children may suffer due to poverty, domestic violence, or other trauma that caused them to lose their home.*
- hardship