French climber banned from scaling UK buildings Flashcards
a man who performs stunts, especially instead of an actor in a film or television programme

A French —— who specializes in scaling skyscrapers has been banned from climbing any building in the UK.
- stuntman

to climb something that is high or steep

A French stuntman who specializes in —-ing skyscrapers has been banned from climbing any building in the UK.
- scale

a very tall building

A French stuntman who specializes in scaling ——s has been banned from climbing any building in the UK.
- skyscraper

——- down/out/up, etc
to move or climb quickly but with difficulty, often using your hands
ellerin yardımıyla güçlükle tırmanmak
Alain Robert, 56, was handed a 20-week prison sentence on Friday, suspended for two years, for ——ing up London’s 201-metre Heron Tower.
to move or climb quickly but with difficulty, often using your hands
ellerin yardımıyla güçlükle tırmanmak

- scramble

to give someone or something an unofficial or funny name
lakap/isim takmak
Mr Robert, —-bed “the French Spiderman,” was also handed a $7,000 fine for disruption and for causing a “large scale” emergency response.
LANGUAGE : to change the language in a film or television programme into a different language
seslendirme/dublaj yapmak
[often passive] The film was —bed into English.

- dub

to move up or to a higher position

yükselmek, yukarı çıkmak, tırmanmak
Using his usual climbing method, Mr Robert ——ed the London tower using only his bare hands.
- ascend

Something that is ——— can be shown to exist or be true.
kanıtlanabilir, gösterilebilir
You are ———–ly an accomplished climber, but there is always the danger that your actions could be imitated by those less proficient, with potentially fatal consequences.
——–ly adverb : kanıtlanabilir bir şekilde

- demonstrable

an event, especially one that is bad or unusual

olay, vaka, hadise, vukuat
Another judge described the —– as a “publicity stunt”.
- incident

B2 advertising or information about someone or something in the newspaper, on television, etc

tanıtma, reklâm
Another judge described the incident as a “—– stunt”.
- publicity

decorated in a very obvious way with something such as a name or a design

işlenmiş, işlemeli
He pointed out that it appeared Robert had been sponsored to climb the building because he was wearing a T-shirt —- with the logo of a company.
- emblazoned

If the police —— someone, they catch them and take them away to ask them about a crime that they might have committed.

tutuklamak, tevkif etmek
When London Police ——ed him at the foot of the tower on Thursday, he immediately handed officers his passport and the telephone number of his lawyer.
- apprehend