Elvis Presley gets Presidential Medal of Freedom Flashcards
adjective : happening after someone’s death
ölümünden sonra
the ——– publication of her letters
———-ly adverb
bir kişinin ölümünden sonra olan bir şekilde
The legendary rock ‘n’ roll singer Elvis Presley has been ——-ly awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, 41 years after his death.

- posthumous

verb : to give someone an important gift or a public reward for their achievements

bağışlamak, sunmak, vermek, bahşetmek
He won the Nobel Peace Prize, an honour also ——ed on his colleague.
The Presidential Medal of Freedom is ——-ed by the President of the United States and is the highest award that can be given to a civilian.
- bestow

adjective : deserving great praise:
değerli, övülmeye değer
an award for ——– service
It recognizes those people who have made, “an especially ———- contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors”.

- meritorious

verb : ——– to do sth formal : to try very hard to do something
çok büyük çaba sarfetmek, gayret etmek
I ——ed to help her, but she wouldn’t let me.
——- noun : çaba, gayret
human/artistic ——–
It recognizes those people who have made, “an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private ———s”.

- endeavour
verb : LOVE : to love someone and have a very good opinion of them
birini çok sevmek ve hakkında iyi kanaate sahip olmak
Sarah ——-d her father.
LIKE : to like something very much
bir şeyden çok haz almak, çok sevmek
I ——- travelling.
——ation noun : hayranlık
It added: “Presley defined American culture to billions of —–ing fans around the world.

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