Court says 'Kiwi' is not a racist term Flashcards
unfairly treating a person or particular group of people differently from others:

ayrımcı, ayrımcılık yapan
A court in Australia has judged that the use of the word “Kiwi” to describe a person from New Zealand is not ———.
- discriminatory

to behave or speak in a strong, confident way
cesaretle, kendine güvenerek konuşmak, davranmak, iyi olduğunu göstermek
She has to learn to —— herself.
to do something to show other people that you have power
gücünü göstermek, yetkisini ortaya koymak
[T] formal to say that something is certainly true
iddia etmek, açıklamak, belirtmek
She ——ed that the term “Kiwi” was a form of racial discrimination and was insulting and disrespectful.

- assert

B2 to say or do something to someone that is rude and offensive
hakaret etmek, aşağılamak
How dare you —— me in front of my friends!
——-ing adjective : rude and offensive. Disrespectful.
aşağılayan, hakaret eden; aşağılayıcı, küçük düşürücü
She asserted that the term “Kiwi” was a form of racial discrimination and was —–ing and disrespectful.

- insult

an official court or group of people whose job is to deal with a particular problem or disagreement

yargıçlar kurulu
However, the employment ——- decided otherwise and dismissed her complaint.
- tribunal

to say publicly that you support a person or action
onaylamak, desteklemek, arka çıkmak
He said the New Zealand government openly —–s the term and that it was used as “a term of endearment and as a means of identifying as a New Zealander”.
——ment noun [C, U]

- endorse

a word or phrase that you use to show that you love someone:

tatlı söz
He said the New Zealand government openly endorses the term and that it was used as “a term of ——- and as a means of identifying as a New Zealander”.
- endearment

a change to the next stage of development

ilerleme, gelişme
In her findings, the judge observed that Ms Savage, “did not allege that she suffered unfavourable treatment in respect of the terms of her employment, lack of —— or segregation”.
- progression

to separate one group of people from another, especially one sex or race from another
At school the girls were ——-ed from the boys.
——ion noun [U]: ayırım
In her findings, the judge observed that Ms Savage, “did not allege that she suffered unfavourable treatment in respect of the terms of her employment, lack of progression or ——”.

- segregate

B2 If you do something on someone’s —–, you do it for them or instead of them.

adına, temsilen
Australia’s Commissioner for Equal Opportunity acted on Ms Savage’s ——.
- behalf