Ravens and Tortoises Flashcards
phrasal verb : to destroy something completely

tümü ile yok etmek, silip süpürmek, tamamen ortadan kaldırmak
*The desert tortoises in the western Mojave are under threat of being —-d — by ravens.*
- wipe sth out
noun : a large, black bird

kuzgun, kara karga
*The desert tortoises in the western Mojave are under threat of being wiped out by —–s.*
- raven
verb : NECESSARY PART : If a situation or activity involves something, that thing is a necessary part of it.
gerektirmek, icap ettirmek
*This ——-s flying drones up to the ravens’ nests, removing fertilized eggs, coating them with a film of corn oil, and then replacing them.*
AFFECT/INCLUDE : to affect or include someone or something in an activity
etkisi altına almak, sarmak
*an event ——ing hundreds of people*
TAKE PART : to make someone be part of an activity or process
karışmak, bulaşmak, yer almak, bulaştırmak
*I prefer teaching methods that actively —— students in learning.*

- involve
noun : a home built by birds for their eggs and by some other creatures to live in

kuş yuvası, yuva
*This involves flying drones up to the ravens’ —s, removing fertilized eggs, coating them with a film of corn oil, and then replacing them.*
- nest
adjective : DECAYING : —- vegetable or animal substances are decaying.
çürümüş, çürük, bozuk, kokmuş
*If ravens figure out that their eggs are ——, they are likely to eat them and nest someplace else.*
BAD informal : very bad
iğrenç, berbat, çok fena, rezil
*—— weather*

- rotten