Michelle Obama's book best- selling of 2018 Flashcards
verb : to write something

dolma kalemle yazmak
sonnets —– by Shakespeare
The new autobiography —— by the former First Lady of the USA Michelle Obama has stormed to the top of the bestseller lists.
- penned

verb : to attack a building, town, etc, using violence
saldırmak, hücum etmek
Armed police —–ed the embassy and arrested hundreds of protesters.
—– into/out of, etc : to enter or leave a place in a very noisy way because you are angry
hışımla girmek/çıkmak; fırtına gibi/hiddetle girmek/çıkmak/basmak
He ——ed out of the meeting.
The new autobiography penned by the former First Lady of the USA Michelle Obama has ——-ed to the top of the bestseller lists.

- storm

adjective [always before noun] : involving or considering all the details of something

her şeyi kapsayan, tam, bütün bütün
__-___ knowledge
The __-___ memoir of her life and times at the White House is now the fastest- selling book of 2018 and holds the top spot on Amazon’s bestseller list.
- in-depth

adjective : PRIVATE : private and personal
özel, kişisel, gizli, mahrem, yakın, candan
——- details of her family life
——- conversations
SMALL : If a place or event is ——, it is small in a way that feels comfortable or private.
(yer, mekân, çevre vb.) sıcak, samimi, rahat
an ——- hotel
Amazon calls it: “An ——, powerful, and inspiring memoir by the former First Lady of the United States.”

- intimate

verb: CAUSE TO BE : to make something or someone be in a particular state or condition
İşlemek, haline getirmek; etmek, yapmak
She was —–ed speechless upon hearing the news.
GIVE : to give someone a decision, opinion, help, etc
karar/fikir/yardım vs. vermek/sunmak
payment for services —–ed
“We are thrilled by the extraordinary response to Ms Obama’s beautifully ——ed and deeply personal memoir, and we are confident that ‘Becoming’ will inspire millions of readers.”

- render

phrasal verb: to describe briefly the important facts or characteristics of something or someone

özetlemek, ana hatlarıyla belirtmek
The purpose of a conclusion is to ___-___ the main points of an essay.
Michelle Obama __med-__ the idea behind her book.
- sum (sth/sb) up

verb : to make a record of something, or give details of something

her şeyi kayıt altına almak, detayıyla kaydını tutmak
The book ——-s his life as an actor.
Michelle Obama invites readers into her world, ——-ling the experiences that have shaped her.
- chronicle