Swiss German Speaking Flashcards
How many hectars of vines are in the German Speaking wine region?
Percentage of red and whites?
32% white, 68% red
How many cantons are present inside this wine region?
3 mostly planted white varieties in swiss german region?
RieslingxSylvaner , Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc
3 Mostly planted red varieties in swiss german region?
Pinot Noir, Merlot, Regent
3 biggest subregions?
Western part (Basel, AARgau) Central Part (zurich, schaffhausen, Thurgau) Eastern Part(St. Gallen Graubünden)
What is clevner ?
un sinonmio di pinot noir (also klevner)
what is PIWI?
PIWI Wines are wines from fungus-resistant grape varieties.
Which is the canton in the swiss german part that has more vineyard hectares?
Zürich (607ha)
What cross is Regent?
Diana x Chambourcin
What is schiller?
Schiller, the traditional Graubünden rosé, was made
from a mixture of white and red grapes grown on the
same plot
Which canton have the influence of Phoen wined?
Graubünden . St. Gallen
Which are the 4 biggest cantons for wine production in this wine region?
- Zurich
- Schaffahousen
- Graubünden
Cos’è Hallau?
Il piu grande comune vitivinicolo della svizzera tedesca. Si trova in Sciaffusa ed è conosciuto come la capitale del Blauburgunderland
DOve si trovano questi vigneti? Goldwand a Ennetbaden
Kloster Sion a Klingnau
Hasenberg a Küttigen
Brestenberg a Meisterschwanden
Canton Aargau
Cos’è Hüttwiler Stadtschryber»?
Un vigneto famoso del cantone Thurgau
order from north to south the 4 most importatn villages of graubunden
Fläsch, Maienfeld, Jenins, Malans
le 4 sub regions di sciaffusa
Klettgau (west, the biggest, suolo calcareo, top pinot strutturati), Sciaffusa/reiat, Stein am rhein (suolo piu sabbioso e pinot piu leggere e eleganti), Buchberg/Rüdlingen
Quale cantone ë conosciuto come il blauburgunderland?
Sciaffusa dove ilp inot nero domina i vigneti
Elenca le 5 regioni vitivinicole del canton zurighese
- Lago di Zurigo
- Limmatal (dietikon)
- Zürcher Unterland (bülach)
- Wintherthurer Weinland
- Zürcher Weinland (sopra wintherthur)
Quante sub regions ci sono nel cantone thurgau?