Sustainable Sites Flashcards
SSp1 - Construction Activity Pollution Prevention
Intent: minimize environmental impacts during construction process
Project team must develop & implement an Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESC)
SSc1 - Site Assessment
Intent: evaluate natural conditions of the site
Part of Integrative Process
- Topography
- Hydrology
- Climate
- Vegetation
- Soils
- Human Use
- Human Health Effects
SSc2 - Site Development: Protect and Restore Habitat
Intent: conserve existing natural features and attempt to restore what was originally on the site
2 options:
1. Protect 40% of greenfield area (if greenfield exists)
Restore 30% of developed land (including building
footprint) with native/adaptive vegetation
2. Provide financial support ($0.40/sq ft) for total site area to a Land Trust Alliance organization w/in the same EPA ecoregion
SSc3 - Site Development: Maximize Open Space
Intent: provide habitat for vegetation and wildlife, reduce heat island effect
Open space = property area - development hardscape footprint
- 30% of site area (including building footprint) must be open space
- 25% of that open space must be vegetated or have a tree canopy (if FAR is 1.5+, vegetative roof can be counted toward this)
- Outdoor space must be accessible and usable for building occupants
Extensive Green Roof
Vegetative roof not designed for human access, minimal maintenance
Intensive Green Roof
Vegetative roof with a variety of plants and human uses. Native and adaptive plants are encouraged
SSc4 - Rainwater Management
Intent: reduce stormwater runoff, protect the quality of surface and ground water
- Use low impact development and green infrastructure
Capture and treat 95th percentile rainfall events - Natural land cover condition management
Amount to manage = post development runoff - natural
land cover condition runoff
Green Infrastructure
Management approaches and technologies that help water infiltrate, evapotranspire, capture, and reuse stormwater to restore or maintain natural hydrologies
Low Impact Development
Emphasizes on-site natural features to protect water quality by replicating natural land cover hydrologic regime of watersheds, and addressing runoff close to its source
SSc5 - Heat Island Reduction
Intent: reduce temperature difference b/w developed and undeveloped areas
- Decrease impervious hardscape areas, use higher solar reflectance materials
- Shading: provide shading for 50% of hardscape area
- Parking: locate 75%+ of parking under roofs or shades w/good SRI or vegetative roof or energy generation systems
- Low-sloped roof: 82 initial SRI, 64 3 yr aged SRI
- Steep-sloped roof: 39 initial SRI, 32 3 yr aged SRI
- 50%+ roof area as vegetated roof
AKA Emissivity
Ability of a material to emit heat via radiation
Solar Reflectance (SR)
AKA albedo 0 - 1 Black 0, White 1 Fraction of solar energy reflected by a surface Used for non-roof surfaces
Solar Reflectance Index (SRI)
Measure of constructed surface ability to reject solar heat
Combined value of reflectivity and emissivity
Used for roof surfaces
0 - 100
Black 0, White 100
SSc6 - Light Pollution Reduction
Intent: minimize light trespass from the building and its site, reduce sky glow to increase night sky access, improve nighttime visibility through glare reduction, and reduce development impacts on nocturnal environments
2 options:
1. Backlight-Uplight-Glare (BUG) method
Do not exceed set luminaire ratings per zone
2. Calculation zone
Do not exceed the maximum allowed percentage of
total luminaire lumens emitted above horizontal/vertical
SSc7 - Site Master Plan (schools only)
Achieve 4 of the following 6 credits: LT credit: high priority site SS credit: site development protect or restore habitat SS credit: open space SS credit: rainwater management SS credit: heat island reduction SS credit: light pollution reduction
SSc8 - Joint Use Facilities (schools only)
Share facilities w/general public or specific organization, eg offsite gym
SSc7 - Tenant Design and Construction Guidelines (core and shell only)
Project team must create an easily understandable document to ensure tenants understand the sustainable features and utilize them in case they fit it out in future
SSc7 & SSc8 - Places of Respite and Direct Exterior Access (healthcare only)
Places of respite: mock outdoor environment indoors
Direct exterior access: e.g. courtyards or terraces