Location and Transportation Flashcards
LEED Project Boundary
Project site submitted for LEED certification
Building footprint
Area defined by the perimeter of the floor plan
Development footprint
Area of the site including: Building Pavements Parking Landscaping Roads Other facilities
Property boundary
Total area within the legal boundaries of the site
Full Time Equivalent (FTE)
1 FTE = 40 person-hours
Smart Growth
Urban planning theory that encourages:
- The protection of undeveloped land
- Transit-oriented and bicycle-friendly land use to reduce automobile use
- Mixed use development
- Development of compact urban centers
- Design of walkable neighborhoods
LTc1 - LEED for Neighborhood Development Location
Intent - encourage development on existing LEED for ND
Select a site located w/in the LEED boundary of an existing LEED for ND certified property
LTc2 - Sensitive Land Protection
Intent: locate development on previously developed site OR prevent development on following land types:
- Prime farmland
- Land w/in 100 ft of water bodies
- Lands w/in 500ft of wetlands
- Habitat for threatened or endangered species
- Floodplains
Infill site
Previously developed site that was built on, has been graded or a site in between existing structures
75% of site must be previously developed
LTc3 - High Priority Site
Intent: promote redevelopment of sites/areas deemed undesirable through decontamination, gentrification, or preservation
- Historic District - Locate project within a historic district or infill site
- Priority Designation - Locate project within a site identified by a government agency as a priority for redevelopment
- Brownfield Remediation - Site which contains water or soil contamination deemed by federal, local or regional authority
LTc4 - Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses
Intent: conserve land and habitats by developing in areas w/existing infrastructure
2 options for compliance:
- Surrounding density in 1/4 mile radius exceeds:
a. Residential density - dwelling units/acre
b. Non-residential density - 0.5 FAR+
c. Combined - SF/acre of buildable land
2. Diverse Uses Select site w/in 1/2 mile walk of existing and *publicly available* uses including: Category: Food retail Type: Supermarket Category: Services Type: Theater, bank Category: Community retail Type: convenience store, pharmacy Category: Civic & community uses Type: Senior & child care Category: Education facility Type: university
Minimum 4 diverse space uses. Must represent 3 categories, can only use 2 types per category.
FAR - Floor Area Ratio
Density of non-residential land use
Building floor area (sq. ft.) / Buildable land area (acre)
Transportation credits
Goal: reduction of vehicle trips and promotion of sustainable alternatives
LTc5 - Access to Quality Transit
Intent: encourage development in locations shown to have multimodal transportation choices or otherwise reduced motor vehicle use
2 options:
- Any functional entry is w/in 1/4 mile walk of either:
a. bus stop
b. street car stop
c. ride share location
Minimum trip count: 72 weekday and 40 weekend trips - Any functional entry is w/in 1/2 mile walk of either:
a. bus rapid transit stop
b. light or heavy rail location
c. commuter rail or ferry terminals
Minimum trip count: 24 weekday and 6 weekend trips
School specific option:
Certain % of students w/in 3/4 mile walk (8th grade and younger) and/or 1.5 mile walk (high school)
LTc6 - Bicycle facilities
Intent: increase bicycle travel/commuting
Connection to bicycle network:
1. Off-street bicycle paths or on-street bicycle lanes
2. W/in 3 miles of one of the following:
a. 10 diverse uses
b. a school or employment center (for residential
c. bus rapid transit, light or heavy rail station, or a
commuter rail or ferry terminals
Bicycle storage:
1. Provide short and/or long-term parking for occupants
a. Long-term: covered parking easily accessible to
residents and employees
b. Short-term: uncovered parking used by visitors
2. Provide showers for occupants in commercial spaces
LTc7 - Reduced Parking Footprint
Intent: reduce automobile dependence and reduce impervious pavement
3 requirements:
1. Do not exceed local zoning requirement
2. Reduce parking capacity from baseline
If LTc4 is not achieved - 20% reduction
If LTc4 is achieved - 40% reduction
3. Provide 5% preferred carpool parking
LTc8 - Green Vehicles
Intent: encourage use of vehicles with less carbon-intense fuel sources
2 requirements:
1. Provide 5% preferred parking or 20%+ discount for green vehicles (ACEEE score 45+)
2. Provide EV charging stations OR
Provide alternative fueling/battery switching stations
Schools only - All buses must meet prescribed emissions standards and all other school-owned vehicles must be green