What is sustainability?
Meeting the needs of today without compromising the needs of future generations.
What is MEES?
- Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards
- EPC (energy performance certificate) rating (A-G)
What are the three pillars of sustainability?
Social, Environmental, Economic
What is ESG?
Environmental, Social, Governence
What is life cycle analysis?
- Review of the impact from ‘cradle to grave’
- Includes sourcing materials, creating, in use and disposal
What is BREEAM?
Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (1990)
- Rate new and refurbished buildings
- Scored on points, criteria inc:
- Energy consumption
- Water use
What is the pass criteria?
Pass, good, very good, excellent, outstanding
What is LEED?
Leading Energy Environmental Design
What criteria is LEED?
- Innovation in design
- Water efficiency
- Energy usage
What is SKA?
- RICS environmental assessment method
- Used for non-domestic fit outs
- More tailored towards fit out (as opposed BREEAM for whole building)
- Reviews fitout irrelevant of base build
What criteria is SKA?
- Has 100 criteria
- Co2, waste, water, wellbeing
- Bronze, silver, gold
- Has gateway (weighted measures)
- SKA assessor reviews
- Assessment reviewed at design and handover
What are the differences between each?
- LEED – Mainly used in US
- BREEAM – more overall encompassing, trained assessor
- SKA – aimed at fitout, quicker, cheaper
What is ‘Well’?
World’s first building standard focused exclusively on human health and wellness
What criteria is Well?
Air, water (access and quality), nourishment (access to the right food), fitness (support active lifestyle), comfort (acoustics)
Silver, gold, platinum
What building regulations relate to this?
Part L - Conservation of Fuel and power
Part H - Drainage and disposal
What is sustainable construction?
Construction using renewable methods throughout design, construction and use.
What are social factors?
Quality of life
What are economic factors?
Smart growth
Cost savings
Cost of living
What impact does the construction industry have on the environment?
Around 15% of countries emissions are as a result of of non-domestic buildings.
Around half of all non-renewable resources are consumed in construction.
What regulations are you aware of relating to this?
50% lower emissions by 2025 (BRE)