What do you consider to be an example of good communication?
Open, honest, transparent, clear communication.
How do you ensure that the frequency of communication is acceptable?
Detailed and agreed in PEP and pre-start meeting.
What are the different ways you can communicate with clients?
Face to face, email (written & oral).
When would you choose to use written communication over verbal communication or a face to face meeting?
When you want to ensure there is a strong and clear audit trail. When agreeing certificates / change orders.
What barriers to effective communication have you come across?
Poor body language, poor written and oral communication skills, language, internet connection.
Tell me about your negotiating style.
Always come prepared with facts, allow all parties to put an argument across. Be factual, assertive but polite and evidence based.
Why is negotiation important?
To ensure that your client is getting value for money / competitive pricing.
What can be a barrier to negotiating effectively?
Lack of preparation and poor communication.
What would be a good way to facilitate negotiations in your role?
Organise a face to face meeting / workshop.
Why do you consider that discussing matters in person might be effective?
Cannot hide behind email, people are less confrontational.
Why can these alternatives present challenges?
- Feeling / personality does not come across.
- Slow process
Tell me about how you conduct yourself in negotiations.
Open, honest, good body language, factual.
Tell me about how you ensure good communication.
- Be prepared
- Know your argument
- Stay factual and evidence based
Tell me about an example of when you have negotiated effectively.
Variations - benchmark costs from QS presented to contractor.
Tell me about an example of when you have communicated effectively.
Regular reporting and regular chairing of meetings.
Tell me about your negotiating style.
Allow all parties to speak
Present my facts
Discuss my point
Be assertive but polite
Give me an example of when you have communicated using a complex written report.
Procurement strategy report.
How would you deal with a breakdown in communication?
- Remind the team of unity / one goal
- Clients best interest
- Put plans in place
- Find cause of breakdown