Surgical Nursing Flashcards
What incision abnormalities can occur early postoperatively?
Redness, swelling, drainage, and dehiscence.
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1052
What is the difference between an active drain and a passive drain?
Active drains are sealed to the environment and actively collect fluid from the wound into a reservoir.
Passive drains are drains providing an exit port for fluid to the external environment.
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1054
What is a urethrostomy and indictions?
Urethrostomy is the process of making an external opening in the urethra.
Indications include obstruction and rupture of the penile urethra.
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1075
What are 6 important questions to guide client eduction after a procedure ?
1- what is the intensity of patient care after discharge?
2- Can the owner provide patient care at home?
3 - What is the best form of communication for the owner?
4- What major concerns should be relayed to the owner for monitoring purposes
5- if complications occur, what should the owner do?
When should the animals return for a repeat evaluation?
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1086
What are the best ways to avoid hypothermia in surgical patients?
With active warming- heated circulating blankets, wrapping paws and the body, Bair huggers, hot dogs
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1051
What is the proper name for a declawing procedure?
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1057
What is the minimum bloodwork that should be preformed prior to surgery?
PCV and TP
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1051
What is a pyometra?
A pyometra is a condition of the uterus in which endometrial hyperplasia has resulted in increased uterine secretions and accumulation of fluid in the uterus with secondary infection.
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1069
How many types of hernias are there? What are they?
There are 3, Umbilical hernia, Inguinal hernia, and Diaphragmatic hernia
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1077
Patient positioning is very important during orthopedic procedures, how would you position a patient undergoing a femur fracture repair.
The patient would be in lateral recumbency, affected side up.
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1084
What are three possible postoperative complications that need to be monitored for after a neuter?
19 JY
- Scrotal dermatitis from clipper burn
- Hemorrhage
- Scrotal Seroma
McCurnin’s 10th ed
pg. 1070
What are two possible postoperative complications that may occur with tail docking in puppies?
19 JY
- Hemorrhage
- Surgical Site Infection
McCurnin’s 10th ed
pg. 1056
What is the definition of Anastomosis?
19 JY
The suturing of of portions of the GI tract back together to allow normal ingesta to flow normally.
McCurnin’s 10th ed
pg. 1061
What is the definition of a gastropexy?
19 JY
Surgical attachment of the stomach to the body wall
McCurnin’s 10th ed
pg. 1063
When placing a catheter in a possible GDV patient, why us it important to use the cephalic or jugular vein as opposed to the lateral saphenous?
19 JY
Venous blood returned is impaired from the caudal portion of the body due to the compression of the vena cava from the dilated stomach
McCurnin’s 10th ed
pg. 1063
What is an impervious barrier?
Waterproof/ does not allow water to penetrate it
McCurnin’s (electronic version) 10th ed. Pg 3068.
Small animal surgeries are generally performed with a ___sized handle?
No. 3
McCurnin’s (electronic version) 10th ed. Pg 3065.
The amount of laser energy applied to tissue is measured what two ways?
Joules or watts
McCurnin’s (electronic version) 10th ed. Pg 3067.
A laser in the class III category says what for its safety description?
- It is harmful for direct viewing
McCurnin’s (electronic version) 10th ed. Pg 3075.
What is laser plume?
Harmful smoke generated from lasering tissues which may contain toxic substances. A Plume evacuator should be used to help suck up the smoke.
McCurnin’s (electronic version) 10th ed. Pg 3079
What are classic signs of a diaphragmatic hernia?
Intestinal sounds in the chest, “tucked up” abdomen, muffled heart/lung sounds, & dyspnea.
McCurnins 10th Edition pg. 1077. #9
Post-op signs of gastric wall compromise GDV surgery
Fever, persistant inappetance, and vomiting
McCurnins 10th Edition pg. 1064. #9
An incision into the bladder exposing the lumen or inside of the bladder
McCurnins 10th Edition pg.1074. #9
Removal of a chain of mammary glands on one or both sides of an animal
Radical mastectomy
McCurnins 10th Edition pg.1080 #9
Most common neruologic disorder in dogs
Intervertebral disk rupture
McCurnins 10th Edition pg.1081 #9
How is a limb positioned for an amputation?
The limb is suspended above the patient.
McCurnin 10th Ed. Pg. 1081 #17 AG
What are maternal factors that can lead to dystocia?
Uterine Muscle Defect
Uterine Inertia
Oxytocin Deficiency
Premature Birth
Inadequate Pelvis
McCurnin 10th Ed. Pg. 1073 #17 AG
What are the most common complications that occur after a feline orchidectomy?
Scrotal swelling and hemorrhage.
McCurnin 10th Ed. Pg. 1071 #17 AG
What may cause renal dysfunction after ovariohysterectomy?
Accidental ureteral ligation during surgery.
McCurnin 10th Ed. Pg. 1068 #17 AG
What is the definition of Mucometra?
An enlargement of the uterus with a sterile mucoid.
McCurnin 10th Ed. Pg. 1069 #17 AG
For mature dogs, this is the most favorable time to spay
10 JM
3-4 months after estrus
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1067
Animals undergoing cervical disk surgery are positioned this way for the procedure
Dorsal recumbency, with head and neck slightly extended
#10 JM
McCurnin 10th ed
pg 1082
A gastropexy is performed in this area of the body
10 JM
Right ventrolateral body wall near the last rib
McCurnin 10th ed
pg 1064
Technicians should monitor animals carefully for at least __ hours after an ovariohysterectomy
10 JM
24 hours
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1067
Hypovolemic shock is common in this condition due to compression of the stomach onto the caudal vena cava
10 JM
GDV or gastric dilation volvulus
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1063
How can you distinguish between a seroma and an abscess or infection?
A seroma does no illicit pain on palpation, is not hot to the touch, and the animals vital signs remain normal. An abscess or infection will often be hot to the touch and the animals vital signs indicate infection.
3 LD
McCurnin 10th edition
pg 1053
What are indications for prophylactic antibiotics?
1 IB
operative time exceeds 90 minutes, open surgical wounds exposed to bacteria from animal’s skin, patient is immunosuppressed, surgery site is hard to aseptically prepare
McCurrin 10th edition pg 1050
What are abnormalities that can occur at the incision site in the first 1-3 days post-op?
1 IB
redness, swelling, drainage, dehiscence (wound breakdown)
McCurrin 10th edition pg 1052
Elective vs Non-elective surgeries
1 IB
elective surgery - performed at owner’s and vet’s convenience, ex: spay/neuter
non-elective surgery - surgeries done urgently or on compromised animals, ex: tumor resection, stifles stabilization cranial cruciate ligament rupture
McCurrin 10th edition pg 1055
Define gastrotomy, eneterotomy, and anastomosis
1 IB
gastrotomy - incision into stomach
eneterotomy - incision into intestine
anastomosis - suturing portions of GI tract for ingesta (substances taken into body as nourishment)
McCurrin 10th edition pg 1061
Umbilical hernia vs diaphragmatic hernia
1 IB
umbilical hernia - in the abdominal wall at the umbilicus, fat collects from the bowel, omentum, and intra-abdominal area and protrudes under skin
diaphragmatic hernia - from an opening in the diaphragm to the thoracc cavity abdominal contents are able to collect go through the opening
McCurrin 10th edition pg 1077
Define prophylactic antibiotics
used after clean or clean-contaminated surgeries to decrease the risk of infection
18 SS
McCurrin 10th edition
pg. 1050
True or False
A surgical seroma is hot to the touch and must be drained
18 SS
McCurrin 10th edition
pg. 1052
How are surgical site infections treated?
Warm compression
Systemic antibiotics
18 SS
McCurrin 10th edition
Pg. 1053
What is another medical term for laparotomy?
18 SS
McCurrin 10th edition
pg. 1059
What is bandage strike-through?
Drainage from wounds/surgical incisions can soak bandages allowing bacteria from the environment to penetrate the area
**Can be prevented with regular bandage changes
18 SS
McCurrin 10th edition
pg. 1054
What should be included in a preoperative assessment
-Full history
-Previous medical concerns/complications
-Full physical exam
8 PL
McCurnin 10th Edition pg. 1049
What is the purpose for tail docking and dewclaw removal in puppies
Usually done for aesthetic and breed standard purposes
8 PL
McCurnin 10th Edition pg. 1056
What are the indications for an Ovariohysterectomy (OHE)
-Pregnancy prevention
-Endocrine imbalances
-Behavioral purposes
-Congenital Abnormalities
McCurnin 10th Edition pg. 1065
Why might a dog or a cat need a Cesarean Delivery as opposed to a natural delivery?
If the bitch or queen cannot deliver on her own/having a dystocia
McCurnin 10th Edition pg. 1071
What is a Lumpectomy
A local surgical resection of a mass (Usually a cutaneous or subcutaneous mass)
McCurnin 10th Edition pg. 1079
What is the term to describe temporary loss of intestinal motility?
16 RW
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1060
Give examples of elective celiotomy procedures?
16 RW
Ovariohysterectomy, Organ Biopsy, Cystotomy, planned c-section, gastropexy, and removal or retained testicles.
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1059
How long after a procedure are skin sutures typically removed?
16 RW
10 - 14 days.
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1053
What is the term for a false pregnancy that occur in females and can be an indication for OHE?
16 RW
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1065
What is the most common signalment for a pyometra patient?
16 RW
Middle-aged intact females 4 - 8 weeks post estrus.
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1069
What complication occurs if there is a complete dehiscence of a thoracic wound?
7 MJ
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1053
Before closing up the abdomen, what step should always be performed?
7 MJ
Counting lap sponges, gauze squares and instruments used
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1060
Best radiograph view for GDV patients?
7 MJ
Right lateral abdominal
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1063
What is the surgical site prep for a cat castration?
7 MJ
- Pluck scrotal hair with thumb and finger
- Scrub scrotum alternating between antiseptic and sterile saline
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1071
What is the last step before closure during a cystotomy?
7 MJ
The bladder to the urethra is flushed with sterile saline until all calculi are removed.
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1074
What is one of the important things to consider if a laser is going to be used during a procedure to control bleeding?
You must not use alcohol when prepping the surgical site because it is flammable.
3 LD
McCurnins 10th ed
pg 1057
What is the proper placement for a tourniquet during an onychectomy? Why?
A tourniquet should be placed just distal to the elbow and only tightened when the surgeon is beginning the procedure. The tourniquet must be distal to the elbow because the radial nerve is more superficial proximal of the elbow and the tourniquet can cause permanent damage if tightened at that point for an extended amount of time.
3 LD
McCurnin’s 10th ed
pg 1057
Why are closed pyometras not or should not be treated conservatively?
With a closed pyometra the risk of uterine rupture, septicemia, endotoxemia and death are very high because there is no drainage of the contents of the utuerus.
3 LD
McCurnin’s 10th ed
pg 1069
What is the difference between prepping for a canine castration and a neuter via scrotal ablation?
For a castration not including scrotal ablation the scrotum is not shaved because the skin is very sensitive and is very susceptible to razor burn. When a scrotal ablation is being performed then the scrotum must be shaved and aseptically prepped.
3 LD
McCurnin’s 10th ed
pg 1070
What should be assessed and recorded before surgery?
Temperature, pulse rate and quality, respiration rate and character, CRT, mm color, body weight, demeanor.
KB, #2, McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg 1049
When is suture removal usually performed?
Usually 10-14 days after surgery
KB, #2, McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg 1053
What is cellulitis? How is it treated?
Cellulitis is an infection along tissue planes, usually without large pockets of fluid. It is treated with a warm compress and systemic antibiotics but not drained.
KB, #2, McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg 1053
How long must animals undergoing an orthopedic surgery be confined?
6-8 weeks.
KB, #2, McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg 1055
After an Onychectomy when should bandages be removed?
Within 24 hours.
KB, #2, McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg 1049
What is the most important post-op consideration for cats after onychectomy?
Pain management!
McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg 1059
What is the main purpose of placing a drain?
Drains are used particularly when there is a lot of dead space. It allows any fluid to come out for the dead space to shrink vs getting filled back up
McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg 1054
What is “dehiscence”?
Dehiscence is when an incision begins to separate and open up
McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg 1052
What are some pre/intraoperative considerations for a lumpectomy?
We will need to clip and prepare the area that is to be excised. This is a larger area around the mass to ensure all abnormal cells are taken.
McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg 1079
What care should be taken with recumbent animals?
It is best that they are rotated sides at least every 4 hours to prevent decubital ulcers
McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg 1083
What percent of mammary tumors in dogs and cats are malignant?
50%- dogs
80-90%- cats
McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg. 1080
How long should pain management be continued post-operatively for a radical mastectomy?
At least 5 days.
McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg. 1080
For scrubbed-in personnel who have had no breaches in sterility, what locations on their attire are considered to be sterile?
The front of the gown, from just below the shoulders to the waist (or to the level of the table), and the gown sleeves.
14 BR
McCurnin’s 10th ed. pg 1019
Why is an animal with spinal column instability at greater risk of additional trauma to the spine under anesthesia?
Normal protective abilities (muscle support, conscious perception of pain) are removed.
McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg. 1082
What is the best surface for transporting an animal with instability of the thoracolumbar spine?
A rigid flat surface.
McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg. 1082
Should Metzenbaum or Mayo scissors be used to cut suture?
No, Metzenbaum and Mayo dissecting scissors are only designed for cutting soft tissues. Cutting suture can dull them and cause loss of effectiveness.
14 BR
McCurnin’s 10th ed. pg. 979
Is it acceptable to place both chrome and stainless-steel instruments in an ultrasonic cleaner?
No. Instruments of different materials should be cleaned separately in the ultrasonic cleaner to avoid damage/pitting.
14 BR
McCurnin’s 10th ed. pg 998
True of False? If utilizing a one-step prep solution to aseptically prepare a surgical site, the additional of a presurgical and surgical scrub can further enhance aseptic preparation and reduce chances of infection.
False. Application of other scrub solutions (like chlorhexidine gluconate) can leave residues which interfere with aseptic properties of the one-step prep solution.
14 BR
McCurnin’s 10th ed. pg 1011
Which suction tip is used most often in the abdominal or thoracic cavity?
Poole suction tip.
14 BR
McCurnin’s 10th ed. pg 1034
What are the key practices to maintain sterility in the operating room
include proper handwashing and scrubbing techniques, wearing sterile gloves and gowns, ensuring all surgical instruments are sterilized, and maintaining a sterile field by avoiding any contamination.
#4, GG, McCurnin Pg. 1030
What are the advantages of using a reverse cutting suture needle
Reverse cutting suture needles have a cutting edge on the outer curve, which helps reduce the risk of cutting through the tissue. The reduced risk of tissue damage leads to improved healing outcomes and less postoperative complications.
#4, GG, McCurnin Pg. 1038
Why is it important to sterilize surgical instruments?
Sterilizing surgical instruments is crucial to prevent infections and ensure patient safety during procedures.
#4, GG, McCurnin Pg. 998
What is the purpose of lubricating surgical instruments?
Lubricating surgical instruments ensures smooth operation, prevents rust, and extends their lifespan.
#4, GG, McCurnin Pg. 998
Why is it important to clip and clean the surgical site?
Clipping and cleaning the surgical site reduces the risk of infection by removing hair and contaminants.
#4, GG, McCurnin Pg. 1010