Dental Flashcards
What is the dental formula for an adult dog? What about a puppy?
Adult teeth- I 3/3, C1/1, P 4/4, M2/3
Deciduous teeth- I3/3, C1/1, P 3/3
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1117
What is the dental formula for an adult cat? What about a kitten
Adult teeth- I 3/3, C1/1, P 3/2, M1/1
Deciduous teeth- I3/3, C1/1, P 3/2
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1117
How many teeth does an adult dog have? What about an adult cat?
Dog- 42 teeth
Cats- 30 teeth
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1117
Can a periodontal explorer go subgingivally?
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1128
Describe/define the 4 classes of malocclusion?
Class I- When the maxilla and mandible jaw lengths are the same but one or more teeth are in an abnormal position
Class 2- (distoclusion) When the maxilla is longer than the mandible.
Class 3- (mesioclusion) When the mandible is longer than the maxilla.
Class 4- (wry bite) when one segment of the jaw is disproportionate to the other segment. Maxillary or mandibular.
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1152
How long does it take for plaque to mineralize into calculus?
In as little as 24 hours
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1134
In terms of attachment loss, what does a classification of PD 3 mean?
It means there is 25% - 50% attachment loss.
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1145
What are the four most common dental blocks?
Infraorbital, Middle mental, Inferior Alveolar, and Maxillary
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1144
What does VOHC stand for?
It stands for the Veterinary Oral Health Council.
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1147
What are 3 good dental home care options?
Brushing, proper diet, and toys.
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1146
What are the major salivary glands in dogs and cats?
19 JY
Mandibular, sublingual, zygomatic, and parotid glands.
McCurnin’s 10th ed
pg. 1125
When performing an intraoral exam on an anesthetized patient, what are the four areas to examine?
19 JY
Soft tissues, oral cavity, dental structures, and periodontium.
McCurnin’s 10th ed
pg. 1125
What is the normal sulcus depth range on a dog?
19 JY
0-3 mm
McCurnin’s 10th ed
pg. 1128
What is the normal sulcus depth range on a cat?
19 JY
0-1 mm
McCurnin’s 10th ed
pg. 1128
What makes up the periodontium?
19 JY
Gingival connective tissue, alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, and cementum.
McCurnin’s 10th ed
pg. 1128
What does the term mesial mean?
-The position of the tooth in line with the dental arcade that is closest to the most rostral portion of the dental arch.
#11, McCurnin’s (electronic version) 10th ed. Pg 3501
What is malocclusion?
Refers to an incorrect alignment of the tooth or of the jaws which usually results in discomfort
#11, McCurnin’s (electronic version) 10th ed. Pg 3504
What are carnassial teeth?
- The term means ‘tearing of flesh’ and is the largest shearing tooth in the upper jaw of dogs cats and other carnivores.
#11, McCurnin’s (electronic version) 10th ed. Pg 3504
What are some signs of oral disease?
- pawing at the mouth
- dropping feed
- anorexia
- rubbing the face on furniture
- aggression when touched around the mouth
#11, McCurnin’s (electronic version) 10th ed. Pg 3507
What is rugae?
-palatal mucosa arranged in apparent ridges
#11, McCurnin’s (electronic version) 10th ed. Pg 3507
What dental condition is most common in cats?
Tooth resorption
McCurnins 10th Edition pg.1150 #9
Gingivitis vs Stomatitis
Gingivitis: Inflammation confined to the gingiva
Stomatitis: Inflammation that extends beyond the mucogingival junction
McCurnins 10th Edition pg.1155 #9
What is masticatory myositis?
An immune-mediated disease where the immune system forms antibodies toward a specific component within myosin. That are found only in muscles of mastication.
McCurnins 10th Edition pg.1155 #9
Disease of the inner chamber of the tooth cause what type of abnormalities?
McCurnins 10th Edition pg.1157 #9
What orthodontic problem is seen in foals?
Wry nose
McCurnins 10th Edition pg.1159 #9
What does COHAT stand for?
Comprehensive Oral Assessment and Treatment
McCurnin 10th Ed. Pg. 1115 #17 AG
What are the stages of the Mobility Scoring Index?
- Stage 0 (M0) - physiologic mobility up to 0.2 mm
- Stage 1 (M1) - mobility is increased in any direction other than axial over a distance more than 0.2 mm and up to 0.5 mm
- Stage 2 (M2) - mobility is increased in any direction other than axial over a distance more than 0.5 mm and up to 1.0 mm
- Stage 3 (M3) - mobility is increased in any direction other than axial over a distance exceeding 1.0 mm or any axial movement
McCurnin 10th Ed. Pg. 1135 #17 AG
What is the definition of Periodontal Debridement?
Non-surgical instrumentation that focuses on removal of hard and soft deposits from the supragingival and subgingival surfaces of the teeth, along with disruption of non adherent bacteria within the sulcus.
McCurnin 10th Ed. Pg. 1134 #17 AG
What is the most common form of Oral Neoplasia in cats?
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
McCurnin 10th Ed. Pg. 1155 #17 AG
What are the Periodontal Disease Classifications?
- PD 0 - Clinically normal
- PD 1 - Gingivitis with no attachment loss
- PD 2 - < 25% attachment loss
- PD 3 - 25-50% attachment loss
- PD 4 - > 50% attachment loss
McCurnin 10th Ed. Pg. 1145 #17 AG
Periodontal instruments are held properly with this type of grip
10 JM
Modified pen grasp
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1128
Curettes are designed to be used
10 JM
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1141
Normal sulcus depth for cats
10 JM
0-1 mm
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1128
Normal sulcus depth for dogs
10 JM
0-3 mm
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1128
This sign can be suggestive of an oronasal fistula
10 JM
Sneezing after drinking water
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1120
What is the triadan representation of an adult dog’s upper right canine tooth?
16 RW
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1119
Which furcation stage exists when a periodontal probe extends more than halfway under the crown of a multi-rooted tooth but not through and through
16 RW
Stage 2 (F2)
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1130
Which teeth are radiographed using the parallel plate technique?
16 RW
Mandibular teeth caudal to the fourth pre-molar.
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1133
What is the term for teeth that continue to grow throughout the animal’s life span?
16 RW
Aradicular Hypsodont
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1116
Name of the structure that exists rather than upper incisors in ruminant species
16 RW
Dental Pad
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1118
brachydont vs hypsodont vs diphydonts
1 IB
brachydont - small distinct crowns, teeth do not continually grow - apex of tooth has limited time to erupt. ex: carnivores, pigs
hypsodont - large reserve crown below beneath ginigva, continued eruption. ex: horses, rodents
diphydonts - two sets of teeth, first set is deciduous, second are permanent
McCurrin 10th edition pg 1116
define anisognathism
1 IB
upper jaw is wider than lower jaw, maxillary fourth premolar occludes lateral to mandibular first molar
McCurrin 10th edition pg 1119
What is included in a extraoral exam?
1 IB
assess head, face, eyes, ears, and neck
use direct visual observation, palpation, and smell
McCurrin 10th edition pg 1125
What are all of the skull types?
1 IB
brachycephalic - wide skull and short maxilla, ex bulldogs
mesaticephalic - well-porpotioned skulls, ex lab’s
dolichocephalic - narrow skull and long maxilla, ex: sight hounds
McCurrin 10th edition pg 1152
Define stomatitis and what viruses can cats shed with this disease?
1 IB
inflammation that spreads to the mucoginigval junction
herpesvirus and calcivirus
McCurrin 10th edition pg 1155
Contact stomatitis is also known as what?
Chronic ulcerative paradental stomatitis.
KB, #2, McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg 1126
What instrument is the slender wire-like and the working end tapers into a sharp point?
The dental explorer.
KB, #2, McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg 1128
Periodontal debridement is refers to what?
It refers to the non-surgical instrumentation that focuses on the removal of hard and soft deposits from subgingival and supragingival surfaces of teeth along with disruption of bacteria within the sulcus.
KB, #2, McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg 1135
Why is it important to polish teeth after cleaning?
It is important to polish the teeth to smooth and fill in microscopic scratches that were caused during the dental.
KB, #2, McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg 1143
When sharpening equipment what angle should your stone be at?
A 90 degree angle.
KB, #2, McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg 1142
How do Power scalers work?
Power scalers work by using a water-cooled vibrating tip to remove hard and soft deposits from teeth and periodontal pockets
8 PL McCurnin 10th edition pg. 1136
Are sickle scalers meant to be used for supragingival or subgingival scaling
Supragingival scaling on the crown of the tooth
8 PL McCurnin 10th edition pg. 1141
What is the difference between endodontics and exodontics?
Endodontics refers to the treatment of the pulp of the tooth while exodontics refers to the extraction of teeth.
3 LD
McCurnin’s 10th ed
pg 1148/1149
What size and type of suture should be used when closing extraction sites?
4-0 or 5-0 absorbable, monofilament suture.
3 LD
McCurnin’s 10th ed
Pg 1149
What are the four types of teeth in dogs and cats?
8 PL McCurnin 10th edition pg. 1117
How many roots to Canines have?
1 root
8 PL McCurnin 10th edition pg. 1117
What is the difference between an uncomplicated tooth fracture and a complicated tooth fracture?
Uncomplicated fractures have no pulp exposure and complicated fractures result in pulp exposure.
3 LD
McCurnin’s 10th ed
pg 1153
How do you distinguish between adult teeth and deciduous teeth when using the triadian system?
Deciduous teeth are denoted by the use of 500, 600, 700 and 800 starting at the right maxillary region, then moving to the left maxillary region, moving to the left mandibular region, and ending at the right mandibular area.
3 LD
McCurnin’s 10th ed
pg 1117
How many 3 rooted teeth do dogs and cats have and what numbers are they?
Dogs: 6-8 - 107 (sometimes), 108, 109, 110 and 207 (sometimes), 208, 209, 210
Cats: 2-4 - 107, 108 and 207, 208 (107 and 207 sometimes only have two roots)
3 LD
McCurnin’s 10th ed
pg 1117
What are the palatoglossal folds?
The bilateral folds of the pharyngeal mucosa that should be evident lateral to the tongue when the patients mouth is open
8 PL McCurnin 10th edition pg. 1127
What must be included on a dental radiograph to be diagnostic?
2-3 mm of bone around the apex of the tooth and the level of the alveolar bone
SS 18
McCurnin’s 10th Edition
pg. 1132
How can advanced periodontal disease spread bacteria to other organs? What organs can be affected?
Advanced periodontal disease can cause bacteremia, which can then spread bacteria to the liver, kidney, heart, and lungs
SS 18
McCurnin’s 10th Edition
pg. 1135
Define symphyseal separation
Right and left mandibles separate at the fibrous connection at the most rostral portion
SS 18
McCurnin’s 10th Edition
pg. 1156
straight shank vs. bent shank scaler
Straight shank–used on the most rostral teeth
Bent shank–used on premolars and molars
SS 18
McCurnin’s 10th Edition
pg. 1140
How can distortion be prevented on dental radiographs?
By using the bisecting angle technique
SS 18
McCurnin’s 10th Edition
pg. 1133
How is pulp exposure distinguished?
7 MJ
The tip of the dental explorer will “fall into” the discolored hole in the center of the tooth
McCurnin 10th eg pg 1131
What is the minimum amount of water pressure required when using an ultrasonic cleaner?
7 MJ
25 psi
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1138
What is the most common local anesthetic for oral surgery?
7 MJ
0.5% Bupivacaine
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1143
What is the rule of “4 and 9”?
7 MJ
Canine teeth are always 04
1st molars are always 09
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1117
What does a periodontal probe measure?
7 MJ
- Attachment loss
- Sulcus and pocket depth
- Loss of bone in furcation
- Size of oral lesions
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1127
Which teeth are the carnassial teeth?
On the maxilla, they are premolar 4 (108,408). On the mandible, they are molar 1 (209, 309)
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1121
What teeth do dogs have that cats are “missing”?
Cats have 3 instead of 4 maxillary premolars, therefore the first premolar (P1/105 or 405) are missing. Their maxilla has 2 molars (instead of 3), therefore the last one (M2/ 110 or 410) is missing.
Cats have 2 mandibular premolars, therefore the first two (P1 (205, 305) and P2 (206, 306)) are missing. Cats only have 1 mandibular molar, therefore the last two (M2 (210,310) and M3 (211, 311) are missing
McCurnin 10th edition
What are the parts of a dental instrument?
Working end
Terminal shank
Functional shank
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1129
What is considered an abnormal probe measurement?
Greater than 3mm in a dog, or 1mm in a cat
McCurnin 10th edition
What are safety precautions to use with a power scaler?
Do not spend too much time on a tooth, you can go back to it. Do not use subgingival. Use the side, not the tip of the scaler, and ensure water is running.
McCurnin 10th edition
page 1137
What is the Bass technique?
Bristles of the brush are at a 45 degree angle against the gingival margin, some bristles slide into the sulcus.
McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg. 1147
What is the Stillman technique?
Bristles apical to the gingival margin, gentle sweeping motion in coronal direction against the gingiva, bristles do not go into the sulcus.
McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg. 1147
Why is it important to avoid inserting a needle too deep with a maxillary or infraorbital nerve block?
To avoid injury to the eye.
McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg. 1144
When sharpening hand instruments what should the angle between the stone and the face of the blade be?
110 degrees
McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg. 1142
What are the two types of ultrasonic scalers?
Magnetostrictive and Piezoelectric
McCurnin’s 10 ed., pg. 1138
If the handpiece of an ultrasonic scaler begins to get warm, what is causing it and what should we do?
The handpiece getting warm/hot indicates inadequate water pressure. Descaling should stop immediately, and the water pressure should be increased prior to proceeding.
14 BR
McCurnin 10th ed. pg 1138
What is the frequency range for ultrasonic scalers?
18,000-50,000 cps (cycles per second)
14 BR
McCurnin 10th ed pg 1136
Why is proper maintenance crucial for dental radiography equipment?
Keeping dental radiography equipment well-maintained ensures accurate imaging and prolongs the lifespan of the machinery.
#4, GG, McCurnin Pg. 1131
What is the bisecting angle technique in dental radiography?
Positioning the X-ray beam perpendicular to an imaginary line that bisects the angle between the tooth and the film, minimizing distortion.
#4, GG, McCurnin Pg.1132
What are some advantages of using digital radiography?
Digital radiography offers benefits such as faster image acquisition, lower radiation exposure, enhanced image quality, easy image storage and sharing, and the ability to manipulate images for better diagnostic accuracy in veterinary medicine.
#4, GG, McCurnin Pg. 1131
What are some instruments used for supragingival cleaning?
Some essential instruments for supragingival cleaning in veterinary dentistry include scalers, curettes, and ultrasonic scalers
#4, GG, McCurnin Pg. 1141
Which instruments are commonly used for polishing?
Common instruments used for polishing include prophy angles, rubber cups, and polishing paste
#4, GG, McCurnin Pg. 1143