surgical emergencies Flashcards
what is the main cause of death in the age group of 1-38 years ?
traumatic death
what is the main cause of preventable deaths following multiple injuries ?
failure to manage abdominal injuries
what evaluation needs to be done in retroperitoneal abdomen trauma ?
serum amylase
radiography and angiography
what injury can result from seat belts ?
avulsion injuries of the mesentery of the small bowel
what is the most appropriate management for gunshot penetrating injuries ?
mandatory exploration
what abdominal organ could be affected with fractured ribs ?
liver or spleen injury
what abdominal organ could be affected in transverse process ?
ureteric injury
on imaging if there is loss of the psoas shadow ?
retroperitoneal haemorrhage
if retroperitoneal stippling is seen on imaging what does this indicate ?
duodenal injuries
to show diaphragmatic rupture or free air intraperitoneal what type of imaging should be done ?
sitting chest x ray
for the diagnosis of retroperitoneal organ affection which imaging modality should be used ?
in what cases should CT be avoided for diagnostic purposes ?
bowel injuries and diaphragmatic injuries
what are the indications for arteriography ?
for the diagnosis of renal artery thrombosis
or in cases of liver hematomas iff there is a drop in hematocrit or increased volume of the hematoma
what is the number one priority in dealing with trauma patients ?
support the cervical spine
what are the indications for laparotomy in penetrating injuries ?
hemodynamically unstable
all gunshot wounds
stable penetrating anterior wounds with physical findings
back stabs with signs of peritonitis
flank stabs with signs of peritonitis