Surgical Antisepsis and scrub attire Flashcards
What should traffic flow be like in semi-restricted areas?
should be unidirectional - clean to dirty, and prevent the mixing of clean-sterile-dirty items.
What kind of area is sterile processing considered?
semi-restricted area
What room is included in the restricted area?
operating room
What 2 rooms are included in the semi-restricted area?
- corridors leading from unrestricted to restricted areas
2. sterile processing areas
What 2 places are included in the unrestricted area?
- patient waiting room
2. staff lounge
What 2 reasons do we wear surgical attire?
- provides a high level of cleanliness and hygiene
2. promotes patient and worker safety
What are 4 considerations for jewelry?
- Leave jewelry at home or lock it up
- remove jewelry before providing patient care
- remove all jewelry from the hands and wrists before performing hand hygiene
- Jewelry prevents effective cleaning of skin surfaces
When should you don a head covering?
Before entering the semi-restricted area (hallway, scrub sink areas, sterile processing department)
When should you cover a beard?
- a restricted area
2. the clean assembly area of the sterile processing department
When do you wear a surgical mask and eye protection?
in a restricted area
What are 2 considerations for personal items?
- follow your facility’s policy and procedure
2. Follow the manufacturer’s IFU for cleaning electronic devices
Before entering the semi-restricted area, what should be put on?
- clean scrubs
- head covering
- protective shoes
Fingernails should be what?
- natural
- short and clean
- Freshly polished and without chips, if nail polish is allowed by the facility policy and procedure
What has been linked to infection outbreaks and are not recommended?
artificial nails
What is a consideration for lotion?
Use facility-approved lotion
What can lotion interfere with?
glove integrity and antiseptic products
What is the single most effective method of infection prevention available?
hand hygiene
How long does the CDC recommend washing your hands?
20 seconds
What should you follow when using an alcohol-based hand rub?
manufacturer’s IFU