Anesthesia Flashcards
Who are the 3 medical professionals that can provide anesthesia services?
- anesthesiologists
- certified registered nurse anesthetists
- anesthesiologist assistants
What are the credentials of an anesthesiologist?
- MD or DO
- 4 years of graduate education
- 4 year residency in anesthesiology
- under the anesthesia care team model, an anesthesiologist supervises the certified registered nurse anesthetist and anesthesiologist assistant
What are the credentials of a certified registered nurse anesthetists ?
- RN with a bachelor’s degree in nursing
- Min of 1 year of experience in critical care
- Master’s or doctoral degree from accredited nurse anesthesia ed program
- passed the national certification exam
What are the credentials of an anesthesiologist assistant?
- Bachelor of Science degree with a pre-med education
- Accredited AA program
- passed the national certification exam
What are the 8 factors that should be considered before choosing an anesthetic?
- patient’s age
- length and type of surgery
- patient and surgeon preferences
- patient’s co-existing diseases
- patient’s mental and psychological status
- patient’s previous experiences with anesthesia
- plans and protocols for post pain management
- position of the patient during surgery
What does the American society of Anesthesiologist’s say as NPO guidelines for…clear liquids?
stop 2 hours before surgery
What does the American society of Anesthesiologist’s say as NPO guidelines for…breast milk?
stop 4 hours before surgery
What does the American society of Anesthesiologist’s say as NPO guidelines for…infant formula?
stop 6 hours before surgery
What does the American society of Anesthesiologist’s say as NPO guidelines for…light meal - toast and a clear liquid ?
stop 6 hours before surgery
What does the American society of Anesthesiologist’s say as NPO guidelines for…fried foods-fatty foods-mean?
stop 8 hours before surgery
According to the ASA’s NPO guidelines, infant formula, nonhuman milk, and a light meal may be consumed 6 hours before surgery? true or false
Who should be available to assist the anesthesia provider during induction of anesthesia?
perioperative nurse
In what way can the perioperative nurse help the anesthesia provider?
- cricoid pressure application
- if intubation or ventilation of the patient becomes difficult, the perioperative nurse should retrieve additional equipment and supplies.
When is cricoid pressure released?
not until the ET tube cuff is inflated, tube placement is confirmed, and the anesthesia provider has given a verbal confirmation to the nurse that the cricoid pressure can be released.
If you are unsure if you should release cricoid pressure, what should you do?
ask the provider
What are 6 responsibilities of the perioperative nurse to help anesthesia?
- Help set up monitoring equipment.
- obtaining and checking blood products
- positioning forced-air warming equipment
- locating and retrieving emergency equipment
- monitoring the patient according to the preoperative plan of care and making adjustments as needed
- being at bedside during intubation and emergence
What are 3 commonly used anesthesia pieces of equipment?
- anesthesia machine
- intravenous infusion pumps
- warming devices
What is the anesthesia machine used for?
for delivering oxygen and inhaled anesthetic gases to the patient
What is the IV pump used for?
for administering IV anesthetics and vasoactive meds
What are the warming devices used for?
for the patient and for fluids
What are 3 pieces of airway equipment used by anesthesia?
- Laryngoscope
- oral and nasopharyngeal airways
- endotracheal tubes
What assesses depth of anesthesia?
bispectral index monitor
What is general anesthesia?
a drug-induced reversible state of unconsciousness
What does general anesthesia result in?
Results in amnesia, analgesia, and loss of responsiveness, decreased stress response, and loss of skeletal muscle
reflexes to a varying degree
What is regional anesthesia?
An injection of local anesthetics near nerve fibers that causes reversible loss of sensation over an area of the body
What are examples of regional anesthesia?
- spinal
- epidural
- peripheral nerve block
What is monitored anesthesia care?
An anesthesia provider monitors the patient, administers sedatives and other agents as needed, and provides medical services as required.
What is moderate sedation?
The administration of sedative, analgesic, and/or anxiolytic agents by a physician or by a nurse under physician
What can an RN do depending on state laws and hospital policies?
may administer moderate sedation