Surgery Flashcards
Pelvis fracture - ATLS 10th edition
Rupture urethra
Scrotal hematoma
Blood at urethral meatus
Limb length discrepancy
Rotational deformity of leg
(High riding prostate in 9th edition removed)
Inguinal canal
Posterior wall - fascia tranversalis, conjoined tendon (medially)
Roof - arched fibres of conjoined tendon
Anterior wall - External oblique, internal oblique (laterally)
Floor - inguinal ligament
Triangle of doom
Medial - vas deferens
Lateral - gonadal vessels
Inferior - peritoneum
External iliac vessels
Deep circumflex iliac vessels
Genital branch of GFN
Triangle of pain
Lateral: Iliopubic tract
Medial: Gonadal vessels
Inferior: peritoneum
Contents (L→M)
Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh (mc injurured in lap)
Anterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
Femoral branch of GFN
Femoral nerve
Nerves injured in hernia surgery
Open hernia - ilioinguinal nerve
Lap hernia - lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh
Open appendix - iliohypogastric
Nerve entrapment in mesh - iliohypogastric
Myopectineal orifice of fruchaud
Superior: conjoined tendon
Medial: rectus
Lateral: psoas
Inferior: pecten pubis
European hernia society
M1 - Subxiphoid - 3cm below xiphoid
M2 - Epigastric - 3cm above umbilicus
M3 - Umbilical - At umbilicus
M4 - Infra umbilical - 3cm below umbilicus
M5 - Supra pubic - 3cm above pubic symphisis
Defect size
I - <4cm
II - 4-10cm
III - >10cm
L1 - subcostal
L2 - flank
L3 - iliac
L4 - lumbar
P/R - Primary/Recurrent
L/M/F - Indirect/Direct/Femoral
Defect size
I - <1.5cm
II - 1.5-3cm
III - >3cm
Liver transplant in case of secondaries
Possible only in Colorectal cancer, carcinoids and cholangiocarcinoma
Gall bladder cancer treatment
Tis - mucosa, T1a - lamina propria : cholecystectomy
T1b - muscularis, T2 - serosa, T3 - any one organ : extended cholecystectomy (GB, Lesser Omentum, Nodes, Liver - wedge resection/ segments V&IVb)
Margin positive Stump involvement: Removal of bile duct and hepatojejunostomy
GB polyp
<10mm - observation, 6 monthly follow up
>10mm - elective lap cholecystectomy
GB adenomyomatosis
Rokitansky Aschoff sinus - Excessive epithelial proliferation and infolding within the underlying muscular layer
Bile in RA sinus → intramural dystrophic calcification
Serosa never involved
MRI - pearl necklace sign
USG - comet tail sign
Reynolds pentad
Seen in Cholangitis
Pain \
Fever. – charcots triad
Jaundice /
Altered sensorium
Suspicion of cholangitis
Gall stone in USG
CBD dilated >8mm (n=6mm)
LFT - ↑conjugated bilirubin, ↑ALP, ↑GGT
Suggestion: MRCP
Central dot sign
Seen in Intrahepatic choledochal cyst
Todani type(IVa & V)
Treatment: segmental resection or Liver transplant
Best investigation for site of bile leak
At stump - ERCP stenting
Other site - laparotomy and repair