Suprahyoid and Infrahyoid Muscles Flashcards
anterior belly: digastric fossa
of mandible; posterior belly: mastoid notch of temporal bone.
tendinous connection of both bellies through a fascial loop on the hyoid bone.
depresses mandible/ elevates hyoid
anterior belly: branch of Mylohyoid of V3; posterior belly: branch of VII
posterior border of styloid process of temporal bone
hyoid bone, at junction of the body and greater cornu
elevates hyoid & draws it posteriorly
Stylohyoid branch of VII
mylohyoid line of mandible
median raphe from chin to hyoid bone and onto hyoid
elevates floor of mouth & hyoid bone/ depresses mandible
Mylohyoid branch of Inferior alveolar branch of V3
inferior genial tubercle
anterior body of hyoid
elevates the hyoid and draws it forward/ depresses mandible
C1 through the Hypoglossal N.
posterior manubrium, sternoclavicular lig., and medial end of clavicle
medial lower body of hyoid
depresses hyoid bone
Ansa cervicalis
posterior manubrium, deep to sternohyoid; 1st costal cartilage
oblique line on lamina of thyroid cartilage
depresses larynx
Ansa cervicalis
oblique line on thyroid cartilage
lower border of body and greater cornu of hyoid
depresses hyoid bone/ elevates larynx
Thyrohyoid branch of C1 through the Hypoglossal
inferior belly: upper border of scapula and suprascapular lig.; superior belly: central tendon located deep
to sternocleidomastoid; here, superior belly unites with inferior belly
lower border of body of hyoid
depresses hyoid
Ansa cervicalis