Muscles of the Palate Flashcards
Levator veli palatini
lower surface of petrous temporal and from
cartilaginous auditory tube
joins contralateral muscle in velum palatinum (soft palate)
elevates soft palate and pulls it slightly posteriorly; draws the walls of the naso- pharynx medially (narrows
Pharyngeal plexus
Tensor veli palatini
scaphoid fossa, spina angularis and cartilaginous part of auditory tube
tendon, guided by pterygoid hamulus,
ends in velum palatinum
tenses soft palate; opens the
cartilaginous auditory tube (pharyngo- tympanic) tube
branch of V3
Muscularis uvulae
posterior nasal spine and palatine aponeurosis
mucous membrane of uvulae
elevates and retracts muscular uvulae; thickens middle
of soft palate
Pharyngeal plexus
anterior surface of soft palate
dorsum and side of tongue, blends with styloglossus
elevates root of
tongue; acting bi- laterally, approxi- mation of left and
right palatoglossus closes off oral
cavity from oropharynx
Pharyngeal plexus