Craniofacial Muscles (Muscles of Facial Expression) Flashcards
occipitalis: lateral 2/3 of superior nuchal line; mastoid process
occipitalis: epicranial aponeurosis (Galea Aponeurotica)
occipitalis: draws scalp posteriorly
occipitalis: Posterior Auricular branch of VII
frontalis: epicranial aponeurosis at coronal suture
frontalis: dermis and superficial fascia of frontal region & eyebrow
frontalis: elevates the eyebrows & skin at the nasal root OR draws the forehead down
in wrinkles
frontalis: Temporal branches of VII
Temporoparietalis (variable)
temporalis fascia above auricle
lateral border of Galea aponeurotica
tenses the Galea
temporoparietalis: Temporal branches of VII
Anterior Auriculares
temporalis fascia and epicranial aponeurosis
anterior portion of medial helix
draws auricle forward and upward
Temporal branch of VII
Superior Auriculares
temporalis fascia and epicranial aponeurosis of VII
upper medial surface of auricle
elevates auricle
Posterior Auricular branch of VII
Posterior Auriculares
base of mastoid process
lower anterior surface of auricle/convexity of concha
retracts & elevates auricle
Posterior Auricular branch of VII
Corrugator supercilii
medial superciliary arch of frontal bone
dermis of medial eyebrow
draws eyebrows medially & inferiorly
Zygomatic and Temporal branches of VII
fascia over lower nasal bone & upper lateral nasal cartilage
dermis between eyebrows
draws medial angle
of eyebrows medially towards bridge of nose
Temporal, Zygomatic, and Buccal branches of VII
Orbicularis oculi
ocular portion: multiple origins from nasal portion of frontal bone; frontal process of maxilla; medial palpebral ligament; arranged as a series of ellipses running from supero-medial to infero-medial; blending superiorly with frontalis and corrugator supercilii; inferiorly blending with levator labii superioris alequae nasi, levator labii superioris, and zygomaticus minor; laterally, blending with temporoparietalis portion of epicranius
ocular portion: dermis and superficial fascia or eyebrow
sphincter which narrows and closes the eyelids; draws eyelids slightly medially
Temporal, zygomatic and superior Buccal branches of VII
Nasalis: a.compressor naris
canine eminence of maxilla
with contralateral muscle into aponeurosis on nasal cartilage
compresses external nasal aperture
Superior Zygomatic and Buccal branches of VII
Nasalis: dilator naris
notch of maxilla over lateral incisor
alar cartilage
draws alae downward and laterally to flare nostrils & widen anterior nasal aperture
Zygomatic and Superior Buccal branches of VII
Nasalis: depressor septi
incisive fossa of maxilla deep to orbicularis oris
moblile portion of nasal septum and posterior ala
widens anterior nasal aperture
Zygomatic and Superior Buccal branches of VII
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
upper frontal process of maxilla
medial slip into greater alar cartilage of nose and overlying dermis; lateral slip into portion of upper lip, blending with levator labii superioris and orbicularis oris
medial slip: dilates nares and modivies circum-
malar sulcus
lateral slip: raises and everts upper lip; raises and deepens nasolabial sulcus
Zygomatic and Buccal branches of VII
Levator labii superioris
lower rim of orbit
just above infraorbital foramen on maxilla and zygomatic
dermis of lateral 1⁄2 of upper lip between zygomaticus minor and #7
raises and everts upper lip & modifies nasolabial furrow
Zygomatic and Buccal branches of VII
Levator anguli oris (Caninus)
canine fossa of maxilla below infraorbital foramen
modiolus lateral to angle of the mouth; intermingles with orbicularis oris, depressor anguli oris & zygomaticus major
raises angle of mouth & deepens
nasolabial furrow
Zygomatic and Buccal branches of VII