Superpowers Key Theroetical Terms Flashcards
A nation with the ability to project its influence anywhere in the world and be a dominant global force
Emerging superpowers
Nations whose economic military and political influence is already large but still growing
Regional powers
Smaller influence- countries that are superpowers at a continental scale
Hyper power
A current superpower that is completely unchallenged by other powers
Hard power
Use of military or economic force to make a country alter its ways
Soft power
Use of power via policies and ideologies to influence a country to change
Smart power
A mixed use of soft and hard power e.g. trade agreements
Imperialist strategies
Strategy to extend a countries power via colonisation
A unipolar world
Global power is dominated by one country
A multi polar world
World where many different countries are global powers and they compete for global dominance
What was the winds of change?
1950-70 era amongst African nations in which they experienced independence and equality
Sphere of influence
A country or area in which another country or TNC has power to effect developments although it has no formal authority
The belief that one countries culture is superior to others
A bipolar world
When two global powers with differing ideologies dominate simultaneously
Neo colonialisms
Mechanisms by which post colonial powers maintain control over ex colonies in the developing world
Structural adjustment programme
Debt-Aid relationship
Developing nations owe money for past loans from developed nations yet rely on aid from these same nations to survive
Poor terms of trade
When developing nations export low value (often primary goods) to developed nations and import high value manufactured goods in return (disproportionately advantageous trade)
Brain drain
The loss of developing nations brightest and most productive people as they migrate to developed nations