Summary 5 - The appeal of Nazism : Why did people vote for the Nazi's? Flashcards
How did the Nazi’s present themselves?
The Nazis presented themselves as a force for change. Hitler personified the qualities of power, strength and determination. The SA contributed with their image of discipline and unity.
How did the Nazi’s view war?
War was viewed as necessary to reconstruct german society and build a new German Reich based on the subjugation of other races. Nazi propaganda glorified military qualities of courage and self-sacrifice.
Give an example of socialist policies within the 25 point programme?
Nationalising monopoly industries
Why did the Nazi’s include some socialist policies within their 25 point programme?
The inclusion of socialist policies was an attempt to appeal to the working class in the early days of the Nazi party.
Was Hitler fully committed to the socialist aspects of the 25 point programme?
Hitler was never fully committed to the socialist aspects of the 25 point programme. In the long run, Hitler saw the need to support big businesses.
How did Hitler define socialism?
He referred to socialism as the need for everyone to work for the good of the community.
How did Hitler view the concept of democracy?
He viewed democracy as weak
He preferred the traditional authoritarian style of government which had been in place in Germany prior to establishment of the Weimar Republic.
What did Hitler accuse the democratic leaders of the Weimar Republic of doing?
He accused them of ‘ stabbing Germany in the back’ when they signed the Treaty of Versailles.
What style of leadership did Hitler feel that Germany needed?
He thought that Germany needed a dictatorship, a one-party state run on the basis of the Fϋhrerprincip (the principle of leadership).
What were the three main aims that Hitler had for Germany?
- Reverse the Treaty of Versailles
- Reuinite all German speakers into one Reich
- Secure Lebensraum to sustain the Reich
Who did Hitler blame for Germany’s defeat in the First World War and its economic decline?
He blamed the Jews, he viewed them as responsible for the evils of capitalism and the growth of communism and so were responsible for Germany’s decline.
The Nazi’s made relevant promises to different groups, give some examples of the different promises that they made to specific groups?
- Workers were promised bread and work
- Middle classes were promised family values (‘restore mothers to the home’)
- Peasants were promised fair prices and restricted food imports
- Industrialists were promised law and order (removal of the communist threat)
Why did the Nazi’s emotionally appeal to voters?
The prospect of strong leadership, a clear direction and security as well as firm action to direct Germany out of turmoil, attracted millions of voters.
Why did the Nazi’s economic policies appeal to voters?
The Nazi’s offered rational economic policies which were different to communist state planning and the liberal capitalism of the Weimar regime. They also offered government investment in industry, financial controls and autarky ( the concept of putting the economic needs of Germany before those of foreigners).
Why did the Nazi’s appeal to farmers?
The Nazi’s promised to control the volume of imports therefore enabling farmers to charge more for their produce.
What stance did the Nazi’s take regarding communism?
The Nazi’s were fiercely anti-communist, Nazi propaganda stoked the fear of a communist revolution and the SA was portrayed as tackling this danger.
How did the Nazi’s portray the violence of the SA towards the Red Fighting League and the KPD?
The violence towards the Red Fighting League and the KPD from the SA was portrayed as action to restore law and order.
How was communism portrayed by the Nazi’s?
Communism was portrayed as the enemy of Germany and was repeatedly linked with the Jews. Jewish-Marxism was a convenient scapegoat and was blamed for Germany’s problems.
How significant was anti-semitism in the Nazi’s gaining support?
Anti-semitism was not a significant reason for the Nazi’s growth in support. Hitler down-played his anti-semitism at this point and saw more success in stressing his anti-communist views.
Which classes were attracted the most to Hitler’s anti-communist messages?
The elite and middle classes