Suicide Assessment Flashcards
What is non-suicidal self-injury?
Characterized by self-harming behaviour with no intent to die.
What is postvention?
Interventions with the family and friends of a person who has died by suicide. Postvention aims to both reduce the traumatic after-effects and explore effective means of addressing survivor problems using primary and secondary interventions.
What is primary intervention related to suicide?
In relation to suicide, activities that provide support, information, and education to prevent suicide.
What is secondary intervention related to suicide?
In relation to suicide, a treatment of the actual suicidal crisis. It is practised in clinics, hospitals, and jails and on telephone hotlines.
Define suicidal ideation.
Also known as suicidal thoughts. These thoughts can range from a fleeting idea about one’s own death (or about not being here) that does not include the act of killing oneself to a detailed plan, including the final act of killing oneself
What is tertiary intervention as it relates to suicide?
tertiary intervention
In relation to suicide, interventions with the family and friends of a person who has died by suicide. Tertiary interventions aim to both reduce the traumatic after-effects and explore effective means of addressing survivor problems using primary and secondary interventions
When should the nurse ask about suicide?
Is part of your patient assessment in mental health nursing
As part of your patient assessment each shift
In response to patient behavior
Before patient leaves on a pass and prior to discharge.
Is a skill you will get better at with practice
Safety is always the most important factor.
What increases the risk of suicide?
There is no magic formula, but we can identify some known risks.
* History of Previous Suicide Attempts
Having a Mental Illness or Recent Serious Diagnosis
* Recent Loss * Male
* Older Adult * Aboriginal (2.1 x higher)
* Poverty * Single
* Addictions * Victim of Abuse
What % of persons who died by suicide has contact with a Mental Health Professional within the past month?
What do we need to know to assess with suicide?
How Frequently have they been thinking about suicide?
Is there Intent?
Do they have a plan?
➢ Are they making specific plans about when?
Lethality of plan? (Important part of assessment)
Do they have the Means to carry it out? Access to means?
Any PROTECTIVE factors?
Collateral history: Any recent changes, i.e. sudden happiness, losses, giving things away
SAFETY always on our minds: Are they safe? How much observation do they need? What is their Safety Plans?
(also, assess controlability)
What is the nurse assessing for with intensity of ideation?
- frequency
- duration
- controllability
- deterrents
- reason for the ideation
What are examples of protective factors?
- Supportive family & social network
- Problem solving skills/coping skills
- Conflict resolution skills
- Sense of belonging/identity & self-esteem
- Future goals
- Supportive medical & mental health care relationships
What are the 4 sub scales to assess for with suicide (per RNAO guideline)
- Severity of ideation
- Intensity of Ideation
- behavioural (acute attempt, aborted attempt, interrupted attempt, etc.)
- lethality
If you are stuck during a suicide assessment, what are some good questions to ask?
*Be Direct: Are you having suicidal thoughts?
What has been helpful that has got you through this so far?
How can I help?
What have you tried that has been helpful?
Have you been in this situation before?
What would you like different?
What addiction is most likely to result in suicide?
What percentage of people who die by suicide were living with a mental illness or problem?