Subway Samaritans Flashcards
Pilliavin et al.
[Subway Samaritans] Psychology being investigated.
o Diffusion of responsibility.
o Bystander apathy.
[Subway Samaritans] Aims?
Study bystander apathy in a natural setting by investigating the effect of
o type of victim
o race of victim
o Number of bystanders
o behaviour of model
on helping behaviour.
[Subway Samaritans] Research Method:
Field experiment, Covert participant observation.
[Subway Samaritans] Experimental design
Independent measures design
[Subway Samaritans] IV?
o type of victim [ill/drunk]
o race of victim [black/white]
o model’s behaviour [late/ early, close/distant]
o number of bystanders [no.]
[Subway Samaritans] DV?
Helping behaviour
[Subway Samaritans] Sample size
45% black
55% white
[Subway Samaritans] When?
On weekdays, 11A.M-3P.M.
[Subway Samaritans] victim
o 3 white male
o 1 white male
o dressed in casual, identical clothing [Jacket, Old trouser, no tie.]
o age: 26-35
[Subway Samaritans] Total trials
103, 38 drunk trials and 65 sick trials.
[Subway Samaritans] Route?
7.5 min long
[Subway Samaritans] model
o all white male
o casual clothing
o 24-29
[Subway Samaritans] trial condition
o critical and early: model stood in the critical area and helped after 70 sec
o critical/late: in critical area and helped after 150 sec
o adj/ early: in adj area, helped in 70 sec
o adj/ late: in adj area and helped in 150 sec
o no model condition: didn’t help until trial over, stop reached.
[Subway Samaritans] Victim falls
o 70 secs in
o staggers forward and collapses
o lay on the floor looking upwards until helped.
[Subway Samaritans] DV operationalized?
as the time taken to help and the number of people who helped.
[Subway Samaritans] results?
o 78% received spontaneous help
o in 60% cases more than one person helped
o Key differences in the level of helping in different conditions of the study.
o 90% helpers male
o model acting early encouraged helping behaviour.
in 20% trial, movement out of critical area.
cost-benefit model
Someone analyzing whether helping costs or benefits them more and then acting in accordance with the answer.
diffusion of responsibility
Where there are other people witness to a predicament people may feel a lesser sense of helping due to reduced personal responsibility.
[Subway Samaritans] verbal remarks
o “I wish I could help him - I am not strong enough.”
o “It’s for men to help him.”