Elephant Learning Flashcards
Fagan et al
Operant conditioning
Refers to learning through the consequence of our behaviour. For eg, if we perform a behaviour and it has a good consequence we are more likely to repeat it. Psychologists would say this behaviour has been reinforced.
positive reinforcer
Reward for a behaviour that fulfils a biological need and is known as as PPR. A stimulus associated with the the primary reinforcer can be learned and is known as secondary reinforcer.
In elephant learning, Fagan et al, What is the psychology being investigated?
Operant Conditioning.
Reinforcers ( Primary, secondary, Negative, Positive)
Shaping and behavioural chaining.
negative reinforcement
when smth unpleasant is avoided or removed in response to a stimulus, for eg, you go outside and it’s unpleasantly cold (stimulus) you put on a coat (response) you quickly learn that putting on more clothes keeps you warm (reinforcement).
Positive reinforcement
A form of operant conditioning that involves rewarding desirable behaviour to encourage it to be repeated, for eg, praising a child for saying ‘please’ and ‘thankyou’ positively reinforces good manners.
A training method that involves a secondary reinforcer such as a sound marker being associated with a primary positive reinforcer (typically food). later this PPR is removed and the sound marker is used to reward wanted behaviour.
What was the aim of the study elephant learning by Fagan et al.
The aim of the study was to see whether ‘free’ contact, traditionally trained elephants can be trained to participate in a trunk wash using positive reinforcement.
Describe Fagan’s sample in elephant learning.
5 female elephants, 4 youngins; aged 5-7 yrs and 1 adult in her 50s. All from the same stable in Nepal.
What made the chosen elephants the perfect candidate?
Not pregnant/ caring for a calf.
Mahout willing.
Traditionally trained in free contact.
No previous experience of SPR.
Elephants daily routine?
Most day-grazing-jungle-mahout’s control.
Rest day-leg chained-Stable-6-8 feet-Stake.
Diet: Grains-Nutritional supplements-Fresh grasses-water from the river during grazing hours.
In elephant learning, Method of training?
Slowly removing a reponse (fear) in regards to a stimuli (syringe)
Behavioural chaining
A training method that allows for individual behaviour tasks to be performed as a sequence.
In elephant learning, Research Method
In elephant learning, What was the primary reinforcer?
Chopped banana.
In elephant learning what was the Secondary reinforcer?
Short whistle blow.
In elephant learning, Name what the training entailed.
Indoor sessions- Trainer measured the session time in minutes- mahouts present stood at the side silently/ without signaling to the elephant-7:30 am_10:00 am and 4:00 pm_ 10:00pm-2 days max without training-behavioural chaining and cues-Ele’s could choose not to part take.
Name the Controls, in elephant learning.
- Given water before the training to keep them from drinking the solution.
- One syllable word with no meaning in English of Nepali paired with the Behavioural task after they had been performed.
In elephant learning, describe the training sessions.
The assistant recorded the length of the session In minutes and counted the number of cues offered to the elephants-after 10 sessions tested on previously taught behaviour every 5 lessons-passing score 80%-whole task passed as a sequence training complete.
What were the results in the study Elephant learning by Fagan et al?
- All the 4 Youngins successfully completed their training, the adult Elephant didn’t.
- Elephant 2 and 4 never passed their steady test.
- The adult elephant didn’t pass her blow, steady and desensitization tasks.
- Some tasks proved to be harder than others, trunk here harder than blow/ bucket.
- performance improved with time. From 59% after 10 sessions to 89.3% after 35 sessions.