Interpersonal space Flashcards
Perry et al
[Interpersonal space] What is the main psychology being studied?
Interpersonal Space
Social Hormones
[Interpersonal space] Aim?
To investigate how the social hormone Oxytocin effects people’s personal space preference based on their empathy level
[Interpersonal space] Research Method?
Laboratory experiment.
[Interpersonal space] Sample?
54 undergraduate males.
[Interpersonal space] Sample’s age?
19-32 yrs old
[Interpersonal space] Incentive?
Course Credit/Payment.
[Interpersonal space] Sampling Method.
Voluntary sampling.
[Interpersonal space] IV
o Empathy [High/Low] [Independent groups design] [Natural]
o Treatment [Oxytocin/Placebo] [Repeated Measures design] [Manipulated]
o Condition [Stranger/ Authority Figure/ Friend/ Ball] [ Repeated measures design ]
[Interpersonal space] DV
personal space requirements of each participants.
[Interpersonal space] In experiment 1 DV operationalized as?
Preferred distance measured between the participant and approaching subject.
[Interpersonal space] In experiment 2 DV operationalized as?
preferred distance and angle between two chairs in a room.
[Interpersonal space] controls?
o Normal vision
o No history psychiatric or neurological disorders.
o given nature magazines
o waited in a quiet room for 45 minutes
CID Paradigm
Comfortable interpersonal distance paradigm
[Interpersonal space] Experiment 1; Trials
24 trials for each figure 96 trials in total.
[Interpersonal space] Experiment 2; computerized stimuli.
Coloured pictures with 2 identical chairs, a table on the side, a cupboard, a plant, a lamp and a clock
[Interpersonal space] The experimental condition was preferred distance between chairs and consisted of the following stimuli:
o Preferred distance between chairs [8-55in] with intervals of 8 in.
o Preferred angle of the chairs’ positions [ 0: facing forward, 45 each, 90*: facing each other.
The control condition was preferred distance between table and plant and consisted of the following stimuli:
o distance between the table and the plant [80-125in with intervals of 8 in]
o Angle of the table and plant positions [o: acing forward, 45 each, 90* facing each other.]
[Interpersonal space] The experiment included:
o 21 different pairs of chairs
o21 different pairs of table-plant differences
o 3 different table-plant angles repeated 7 times to equal 21 pairs of comparative angles.
o each participant was shown 84 pairs, repeated twice to equal 168 pairs.
[Interpersonal space] experiment 2, each picture shown for ?
CID Paradigm specifics
o displayed the approaching figures title for a sec.
o a fixation point for 0.5s
o The circle and figure for a sec
o 3s animation of the approaching figure
o Interpersonal reactivity index.
o A 28-item self report used to determine the participants empathy level.
[Interpersonal space] Results. Experiment 1.
o IV: Condition: Participants need for personal distance increases the less well the figure in known to them.
o IV: Treatment x Empathy:
OT decreased the preferred distance for High empathy group from 26.-23.29% and increased the preferred distance for the low empathy group from 29.98-30.20.
o IV: Treatment x Condition x Empathy:
Significant differences between friend and stranger and friend and authority, significant differences in ball and stranger and ball and authority shows that the ball is a social cue.
social salience
Importance people attach to social cues.