Obedience Flashcards
[ Obedience ] The psychology being studied
Obedience and social pressure.
[ Obedience ] Aim?
Whether individuals would carry out orders to harm others from an authority figure.
[ Obedience ] Research Method.
Controlled observation in a lab + interviews.
[ Obedience ] Sample
o 40
o All male
[ Obedience ] Sampling method
Voluntary sampling
[ Obedience ] Incentive.
[ Obedience ] Stooge
A middle aged nice man.
[ Obedience ] The shock Generators range
15V to 450V
[ Obedience ] Participants were given a sample shock of?
Experimenter? [ Obedience ]
o A 31 yr old teacher
o Adorn in a technician’s coat
o Serious throughout
[ Obedience ] After each mistake the shock administered was increased by
[ Obedience ] Learner’s behaviour.
o Until 300V, stooge quiet.
o At 300V and 315 Banged the wall in protest
o Stopped responding after this
Pre-set plan of mistakes.
Find the answer.
Verbal Prods
o Please go on
o please continue
o the experiment requires you continue
o it is absolutely essential that you continue
o You have no other choice you must go on
Results. [ Obedience ]
o Scale of 0-14—>13.42
o Mean voltage administered—> 368V
o 65% gave max voltage
Protests at orders
o “I don’t think I can go on with this… I think this is very humane.”
o “I am gonna chicken out, I can’t do that to a man, I’ll hurt his heart.”
Signs of nervousness
o Sweating
o shaking
o Groaning
o 14 showed signs of nervous laughter/smiling
o 1 suffered a violent seizure