Submission Must Know's Flashcards
PII turnover - less than £100,000
Required £250,000
PII turnover - £100,001 - £200,000
Required £500,000
PII turnover - £200,001 +
Required £1,000,000
Who is the LL money laundering officer?
Chief of Finance - Tom Seymour
Who is the LL complaints handling officer?
Chief of Operations - Peter Leonard
What PII do LL require?
What can you tell us about Whole Life Carbon Assessments?
- Provides detailed methodology for the measurement of carbon footprint from construction phase to end of life phase
- RICS Whole Life Carbon Assessment Standard, 2nd Ed took effect from 1st July 2024
- The 2nd edition is an expansion of the 1st
- Aligns with International Cost Management Standards (3rd Ed) and Built Environment Carbon Database to provide consistent output of cost and carbon reporting and benchmarking
- Sets standard approach for assessing whole life carbon
- Extends to buildings and infrastructure
- Incorporates latest definitions for carbon terminology to enable a clear understanding
- Greater detail of carbon data sources
How did you determine the switch point for the TEC?
- Understand TEC capacity (3,000 units) - Infrastructure team
- Understand when 3,000 units will be delivered - Main contractor
Talk us through the options analysis for auto-irrigation on green roofs?
- Liaised with internal sustainability expert
- Opportunity - More reliable, which maintains success of green roofs and supports BNG
- Risks - Costly to install and maintain, also unsustainable if not used correctly
- Installed auto-irrigation
Rationale - When submitting HPA, BNG assessment was 10.01% so only just over, it is now mandatory under the Town and Country Planning Act to retain over 10% for 30 years after the development is completed
Talk me through the advice you gave in relation to BNG when removing trees?
Where Why How
Liaised with arboriculture consultant
1. Where - Understand location of trees
2. Why - Impact of training them and rationale for removing
3. How - Shortfall compensated for
1. If retained, roots impeach on location of future plots, reducing GEA, compromising viability of whole scheme
2. Shortfall in BNG compensated for by replanting new trees and shrubs to retain 10% BNG
Did any of the trees have Tree Preservation Orders?
Used to protect good quality trees
No - but there are 400 in the borough
Talk me through the viability of the scheme?
Recent FVA submitted to reduce AH to 35% from 50%
Due to cost of redesigning buildings
Talk me through the advice you gave in relation to PV panels?
- Reviewed Energy Strategy (encouraged)
- Advised should be incorporated
- Undertook analysis of options (a) standard or (b) battery storage
- (a) opportunity - operational carbon saving but risk - installation costs and end of life scenario
- (b) opportunity - operational carbon AND cost saving but risk - higher installation costs and end of life scenario
1. (a) carbon reduction but cheaper to install
Rationale for this is that the EON ectogrid will mean a battery also isn’t needed
Talk me through the different use classes?
E - Commercial / Business / Service
F2 - Local Community
C3 - Residential (dwelling houses)
Sui generis - No class specified
Can you name some types of funding for development?
Debt or Equity
- Debt: Homes England for development loans
- Equity: If we sold shares in TSP
Talk me through how the community use strategy contributed to the masterplan?
- Reviewed HPA (750 sqm)
- Reviewed community consultation material - 15 minute city
- Reviewed Community Wealth Building Strategy (2022)
- Reviewed Royal Docks Placemaking Strategy (2022) - upskilling and wealth building & 15 minute city
- Plot cafe, hall and exhibition space with these strategies in mind
- All evidence suggested the local people want amenity in close proximity to their homes (travel less far, builds a sense of community, also upskills people (customer skills in cafe) and creates jobs (running the exhibitions)
- I plotted the cafe on Sivertown Street where there was the highest footfall, and the hall and exhibition space in Victoria Gardens where there would be lots of people milling about
Talk me through why it was important to describe the plot in the context of the wider masterplan at the community consultation?
- Purpose of consultation was to receive feedback on the design of Plot 78, so it was important to provide context about the wider masterplan to show what had informed the design
- Reviewed history and planning history, in addition to neighbourhood areas to ensure I could explain these
- I also mentioned how the plot is located between the Grade II listed buildings and public transport, making it a desirable location within the site
Rationale is that the Development Brief for the masterplan stipulates that the scheme should be designed to celebrate the industrial character of the site, hence why this plot has drawn inspiration from that in its design
Rationale is that it is also important to locate plots so they are in close proximity to existing grey infrastructure
Talk me through the advice you gave in the plot configuration study?
- Resi team - key design and viability metrics (GEA & dual aspect)
- Infrastructure team - utility requirements, dock wall loading limitations (9 metres), location of manholes
- Masterplan architect - optioneering
- Set one plot back from dock (reduce need for reinforcement)
- Straighten utilities corridor (allow space for additional GEA)
Talk me through the advice you gave in the non-residential floorspace study?
- LBN concerned about quantum of non-resi floorspace in HPA as it was not aligned with the Local Plan’s town centre hierarchy whereby Silvertown is considered a ‘local centre’
- Instructed retail, leisure and office agents to prepare reports analysing the demand for non-resi uses
- In response back to LBN outline the demand for non-resi uses, driven by lack of amenity
- Further advised that it won’t detract from nearby ‘town centres’ as offering is different (Canning Town caters locally, Canary Wharf is much more branded / grab and go offering)
Talk me through the information you put into the plot development brief?
Dev Brief for Plot 78
- Reviewed masterplan key principles (which were developed in line with LBN Local Plan and community consultation) to set out that celebrating industrial heritage is key priority
- Vision of plot - how design reflects architecture
- Product type
- Market info and positioning
- Opportunities and constraints
- Programme (design and planning milestones like RMA)
Talk me through the information you put into the sustainability project brief?
Sus brief for BTR plot
- Aspiration for BTR to be market leading - BTR team
- Quantifiable - Sus expert
- Benchmarking analysis - what accreditations are competitors using / what scores are competitive
- HQM +4.5* would position as market leader
What is included in Home Quality Mark?
Developed by BRE but for residential developers and investors in the UK (BREEAM is for commercial)
- Verification that a property has met the expected level of performance for sustainability and quality
- Process includes:
- Assessment of property
- Implementation of recommendations (credits given based on transport options, outdoors, safety, comfort, energy, materials, space, water, quality assurance, construction impacts, customer experience)
- Awarding of HQM certification (out of 500 credits, 300 needed for 4.5*)
Rationale is that it looks at everything
What are other types of accreditations you looked at?
Residential UK:
- SKA??
Residential Other:
Commercial UK:
Commercial Other:
Chose HQM over LEED as HQM is often used for BTR, LEED is also more often used in the USA
What is RICS SKA?
- For non-resi fit outs
- Energy, CO2, waste, water, pollution, transport, materials, wellbeing
- SKA assessor reviews scope of relevant criteria and decides which applies to the project
- Assessor works with project team during design to implement measures
- Throughout construction, assessor works with project team to collect evidence demonstrating specific measures implemented
- Once handed over, assessment is submitted and assessor able to download certification
Talk me through the advice you gave in the PEC Development Brief?
- Reviewed the London Plan Policy SI 3 (Energy Infrastructure)
- Reviewed Energy Strategy
- Set out key requirement - to connect into EON Ectogrid
- Spatial and operational requirements - liaised with Esco
ADVISED it should be located in north east corner to connect to waste heat from the nearby Tate and Lyle factory and the dock water
ADVISED on review of max heights it would not exceed parameters
Also liaised with planning consultants to understand key milestones and build into programme to FURTHER ADVISE my client of the critical path for delivery
Talk us through how the EON Ectogrid works?
- Harnesses waste energy from other sources rather than adding new energy to provide heating and cooling
Why did you refer to the London Plan Policy SI 3?
London Plan: Spatial development strategy for Greater London which sets the framework of how London will develop over the next 20-25 years
Policy SI 3 outlines a range of initiatives to support London’s energy infrastructure:
- Developers should engage with ESCos to establish energy requirements
- Energy masterplans should be developed for large scale development locations to establish most effective energy supply options
- Major heat supply from waste
- Heating and cooling network routes
What are the spatial and operational requirements?
Spatial - 600sqm, 8 metres high
Operational - 2 bays for 3.5 tonnes vehicles, electrical, water, drainage, telecoms, ectogrid, pipework, connect to dock
Talk us through the advice you gave when advising on the amenity project brief?
- Reviewed tenure blind strategy
- Undertook analysis of local area to understand demand
ADVISED core and additional
- Reviewed phasing to determine the delivery of the amenities
ADVISED core in phase 1 and additional in later phases
What is the current guidance for measurement?
- RICS Property Measurement (2nd Ed, 2018)
- This includes IPMS Residential and Office
- IPMS All Buildings (2023) has replaced all previous IPMS
- This has not yet been included into the RICS Property Measurement (2nd Ed, 2018)
- During interim, use IPMS All Buildings (for office and residential), or RICS Code of Measuring Practise (6th Ed) (for retail and industrial), unless client states otherwise and then must state why
- RICS announced that RICS Code of Measuring Practise (7th Ed) will clarify the relationship between COMP and IPMS: All Buildings (2023). RICS Property Measurement (2nd Ed, 2018) will be withdrawn.
- Report on a dual basis
What is IPMS 1?
External measurement (for whole or part of building) (IPMS 1 used to be GEA)
- Basically the red line of a building
- Excludes void areas such as covered stair openings and atriums but included on ground floor, also excludes fire exits, also exclude separate structures
“The floor area measured to the external extent of the external walls and to any notional boundaries, external floor areas or sheltered areas.”
What is IPMS 2?
Internal measurement (for whole or part of building) (IPMS 2 used to be GIA)
- Exclude void areas, wall thickness between external floor area and IDF, sheltered areas and patios
“The floor area measured to the internal extent of the IDF and to any notional boundaries and external floor areas”
What is IPMS 3.1?
External exclusive measurement (for exclusive occupation by occupier) (IPMS 3 used to be NIA)
- Exclude void areas, floor area with standard facilities is ignored, open framework fire escapes excluded, structures not inside construction area are also excluded
- Basically NIA but includes external walls
“The floor area available on an exclusive basis to an occupier measured externally to any notional boundaries, external walls, demising walls, and including any external floor areas, sheltered areas and secondary areas”
What is IPMS 3.2?
Internal exclusive measurement (for exclusive occupation by occupier) (IPMS 3 used to be NIA)
- Exclude void areas, floor area with standard facilities is ignored, open framework fire escapes excluded, structures not inside construction area are also excluded
- Basically NIA but excludes external walls
“The floor area available on an exclusive basis to an occupier measured internally to any notional boundaries, the internal dominant face, demising walls and including any external floor areas and secondary areas”
What is IPMS 4.1?
Selected areas including internal walls (for selected areas)
- Basically NIA for certain area but includes internal walls
“The floor area in a building measured to finished surfaces and to any notional boundaries, external floor area and sheltered area including all floor area occupied by walls and columns”
What is IPMS 4.2?
Selected areas excluding internal walls (for selected areas)
- Basically NIA for certain area but excludes internal walls
“The floor area in a building measured to finished surfaces and to any notional boundaries, external floor area and sheltered area but excluding (subtracting) all floor area occupied by walls and columns”
How do you use IPMS?
- Purpose of measurement
- Select appropriate IPMS
- Apply the measurement practise
- Measure horizontally unless it’s height
- Measure on a level by level basis
- Level 0 is ground floor
- Component area: all buildings can be divided into components e.g. for benchmarking, so components can be measured separately
- Internal Dominant Face:
- They do not correspond directly to GEA, GIA and NIA
What are GEA, GIA and NIA?
- Use IPMS All Buildings (2023) for residential and office
- All other assets use RICS Code of Measuring Practise (2015) which sues GEA, GIA and NIA
GEA - Town planning, council tax valuations and building cost estimates for houses
GIA - Estate agency, rating, building cost estimation for commercial assets and valuation of industrial / warehouses, valuation and rating of retail warehouses and food stores and new homes (2/3% deduction from GEA)
NIA - As above but for shops (15% deduction from GIA)
Talk us through how you have complied with regulation?
The London Plan (2021) - This is regulation
- Review section of materplan to ensure it aligned with Policy T2 (Healthy Streets)
- Design of street encourages HGVs to use a turning point on the north side or the road rather than travelling along it to a roundabout
- I believed this was not aligned to Policy T2
- Reviewed the design with the transport consultant and amended it to encourage HGVs to travel to the roundabout
What does policy T2 set out?
- Reduce road danger to pedestrians
- Improve street safety
Talk us through how you have complied with legislation?
Section 106 - This is regulation
- Managed “106 tracker to ensure obligations were discharged on time
- Client was to notify Southwark Council within one month of PC of the Community Space, to inspect it and identify any defects
- Liaised with the main contractor to understand when PC was due
- Instructed planning consultant to prepare the cover letter informing SC of PC date and upload it to the planning portal
- Ensured SC was notified within the appropriate timeframe
What is the new DLUHC called?
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Talk us through discharging a planning condition?
DLR Condition Discharge
- Instructed to discharge condition, key requirement was to provide evidence that construction works would not impeach on the DLR 10-metre protection radius
- Set of drawings from main contractor showing temporary structures, cranes and lifting equipment to show they would not impeach
- Drafted a cover letter outlining what the drawings evidenced
- Sent to planning consultant to upload to the planning portal
- Successful discharge
What are planning conditions?
A planning condition is a requirement that a local planning authority (LPA) imposes when granting planning permission for a development.
Planning conditions are intended to:
- Improve the quality of development
- Mitigate adverse impacts
- Enable development proposals that would otherwise be unacceptable.
Talk us through a planning submission you’ve prepared?
HPA for Silvertown Masterplan
- Instructed to submit, included reconfiguration of plots in detailed and outlined components
- Advised consultants on the masterplan changes to update their documents
- Reviewed each document to ensure they were aligned to the planning strategy and the changes had been captured, also check the level of information was suitable for the detailed or outline components
- Ensured consistency
- Submitted
What is the second stair guidance?
March 2024 Approved Document B updated:
- Second staircases in all new residential buildings over 18m from 30th September 2026
What did the masterplan changes include?
- Removed detailed plots with only 1 staircase and put into outline
- Impacted EIA
Talk us through the advice you gave in response to the statutory consultees in relation to the school?
- Advise on response back to TfL who were concerned about the absence of car parking spaces for school drop off
- Reviewed the GLA yield calculator to understand number of primary school children living in masterplan (900-1,000)
- Reviewed HPA Addendum to see capacity of school (600-800)
- School caters up to 800 from masterplan who are within walking distance and don’t need spaces for drop off
- School will be at max capacity and no pupils attending from outside, mitigating need for spaces
How does the GLA yield calculator work?
- Estimates population yield from new housing development
- Uses tenure, number of units and PTAL rating to outline number of children and adults, split into categories
Talk us through the advice you gave on the car club strategy?
- Reviewed the Transport Assessment - understand transport strategy, promotes use of walking, cycling and public transport as opposed to cars
- Reviewed S106 of surrounding schemes to establish that up to 5 years free + £50 credit per unit is standard
- Referred to planning consultant who supported this
- ADVISED client they would need to provide car club
- Undertook research to establish cost of delivering car club for 2 years was in budget
- Advised client to offer 1 year plus £50 credit as starting point to negotiation