Subjects of International Law Flashcards
List what the subjects of Public International Law are
-International Orgnisations
-Armed Opposition Groups(IHL)
Who has International legal personality?
-Subjects of Public International Law
What did the International Reparations Case conclude?
- Subject of PIL= one with International Legal Personality
- Legal entity undr International L can submit a claim
In regards to the limits of competence
1. Extent of rights and obligations depends on the NEEDS of the COMMUNITY (only within their shere/competence)
** ask friend about this
List some principles of public internationa law
-1. Independence of States (Art. 2(4) of UNC)
-2. Principle of consent–> International law founded on consensual limitation to SOV.
-Art. 2(2) UN charter apparently (good faith fulfilment of obligations, to ensure that membership is effective)
-3. Soveriegn Equality between states
-Art. 2(1)
-4. Horizontal legal system
-again, all states are equal
+ no overhead executive
-5. non-interference in INTERNAL affairs
-6.DECENTRALIED law-making procedures
Briefly explain 3 main schools of thought which criticise International Law
- Post-colional/decolonisation
- Feminist approach
- Marxist
Explain what peremptory norms and Jus cogens are
- certain laws should prevail over other in conflict
Explain what obligations erga omnes is
- laws which are invokable against everyone
Cite where the inviolability of Jus Cogens norm is codified
Art. 64 VCLT
Art. 53 VCLT
If a new jus cogens rule emerges after a treaty is established, what happens?
-It is void (Art. 64 VCLT)
Where is the inviolable nature of jus cogens exemplifed
-Inviolable, specifically means here it applies to all states INDEPENDENT of treaties or customary law
-Art. 53 VCLT
List the relevant cases for week 1
-Barcelona Traction(C.34)
-outlawing of genocide,human rights, and protection against racial discrimination is obligation erga omnes
-Advisory Opinion: Reparations Case
-Who is a subject of public international law?
-that with international legal personality
-Kosovo Opinion
- general international law =no delimitations on declarations of independence
-unilateral seccession is not disallowesd
-Blaskic case
-Quebec seccession case
Define what a state is
-According to Art 1 of the Montevideo Convention:
-should possess:
-a. permanent population
-b. a defined territory
-c. government;and
-d. Capacity to enter into relations with other state
Explain the criteria of permanent population of the Montevideo Convention
a. Permanent population
-can be nomadic–> not a problem
What does GA Resolution 2626 state?
-every state has the duty to refrain from useing force against
-territorial integrity or political independence of any state
-EMPHASIS on territorial integrity and political unity
-friendly relations and EQU. Rights
Which resolution promotes the independence of colonial countries?
-UNGA resolution 1514
-UNGA Resolution 2625