Law of Treaties Flashcards
Is there a hierarchy of sources in International Law?
What is a treaty
-Art 2(1) (a) VCLT
- International agreement
-between STATES
-in written form
-governed by INTL Law
-embodied 1+ instrument
-whatever its particular designation (name)
When is a person considered representing a state when signing a treaty?
-Art. 7 VCLT–> Fullpowers
What did the Qatar v. Bahrain case conclude
-Minutes can be international agreements (treaties)
-as long as fit the criteria of the VCLT
2What is the article of the Non-retroactivity of the VCLT
-Art. 4 VCLT
Where are the rules on Treaty Interpretaion enshrined?
-Art. 31-33 VCLT
What are the three schools of interpretation of Treaties?
-Textual/ grammatical interpretation
-Teleological intepretation
-Founding fathers
Is there superior law in International Law?
-Obligations under the UN charter prevail over other intl. agreements
What covers treaties not between states?
-Customary International Law
Explain what Full Powers are
-Document that verifies the ability to give consent on behalf of a state
-authorisation 2 rep state
-Art. 7(1)
Can a state say that they shouldn’t have signed the treaty because it’s against national law and thus annul the treaty?
-NO–> cannot invoke provision of its internal law (ART. 27 VCLT)
-YES–>If it would be against normal pract. + go fai 2 ANY state (Art. 46(2))
Define evolutive interpretation
-Evolutive Interpretation–>
-intention of treaty able to change/evolve over the year
-follow development of the law
-ensure relevence + flex
Explain the principle of Contemporaneity
-terms of a treaty interpreted as it would be interpre. at time
-meanings of the t
-ASK fucking friend
What is evidence of evolutive interpretation?
-intention of the parties
- object and purpose of the treaty,
- ‘generic terms’
-intended 2 hv long durat. –> evol. assumed
Explain what a reservation is according to the VCLT