International Criminal Law Flashcards
Where does the jurisdiction of the ICC lie
-Most serious crimes of intl. concern
(Art.1 Rome statute)
Crimes of feno. CAH, war cri. , Crime of aggression
(Art. 5(1) RS)
What are the elements of genocide
-Art. 6 Rome Statute
-Actus reus
-Special intent (Dolus specialis)
What are the elements of crimes against humanity
-Actus reus: widespread attak against ANY civl. pop.
- various
-widespread/systematic–> gravity
-not just operation misfire
-No target of spec. group, but spec. 2 civil. pop.
Explain what the elements of a war crimes are
-Art. 8 Rome Statute
-Actus reus: Grave breaches GCs and Additional Protocol I
-Violats. of laws and customs applic. in NIAC (Can apply to NIAC)
-Art. 8(2)(e)
Explain the elements of the crime of aggression
-Art. 8(bis)
-planning, preparation, initiation,
Explain what catalyses the ICC to begin proceedings
-Triggering Mechanisms
Art. 13
(a) reference by state party
(b) reference by secu. council
c. investigation by prosecutor themself
What are the conditions of the crime which must be fulfilled for the ICC to have jurisdiction
-Art. 12,13(a), 13(b) 13(c)- Rome Statute
-crime on territory. of MS: ts is sp
-accused is nat. of state party
-SC referral
-Ratione Temporis
-Art 11(1 + 2), Art. 12 (3)
-jurisidiction only for crimes com. before entery in 2 force of statute
-crimes commited after sp
-UNLESS already made decl. before sp (12(3)
-E.g: case of Palestine
What are the conditions of the proceedings which must be fulfilled in order for the ICC to have jurisdiction
-Complementarity principle
-National jurisdiction prioritised unless [unwilling and unable]
- (Art. 1 and 17 of the Rome State)
What are the requirements for the Accused in ICC
-NO MINERS (Art. 26 RS)
-No legal persons, only natural (Art. 25(1) ,25 (4))
TRUE or FALSE: if you merely ordered the crime you cannot be held responsibile for it under ICL
-Art. 25(2)(a)(b)(c)(d) RS
TRUE or FALSE: If you’re a part of the state’s troika you cannot be tried for crimes under the ICC
-Art. 27(2) Rome Statue
TREU or FALSE: If command responsibility is established no individual responsibility
-Art. 33 RS/ superior orders and prescription of law
-superior orders not enough 2 justify
-developed principle in Nuremburg Trial
TRUE or FALSE: no invocation of immunities is CIL
-State practice
-ICC only tribunal which x immunities
-lacking in opinio iuris and sp
What are the limitations on immunity before the ICC
-Cannot compell state 2 disreg. rules of intl law under other regimes (e.g:diplomatic immunities)
-3rd party state has to waive
-Art.98(1) RS
What did the Al Bashir case conclude about immunities
–> ICC argument: referrel by security council
–> binding upon sudan to waive
–> VCLT–> cannot create obligations for those who don’t ask for it
- potential for CIL?
-sp 4 arrests not that widespread
-Clash between vertical immunities and horizontal immunities