State Responsibility Flashcards
Explain what primary rules are in international law on State Responsibility
-roles which create obligations or confer rights to the subject
Explain waht secondary rules are in International Law on State Responsibility
-consequences are in vio. of prim. rules
-alter + creation + exception to prim. rules
TRUE or FALSE: ARSIWA is a hard law document
FALSE: ARSIWA is soft law
-noted by GA in 2001
List the elements of state responsibility
- Act
- International law obligation violated
- Attribution
Define what an international obligation is
-Any obligation under international law
Which acts of a state can violate an international obligation
-Any act or omission
Where are the key elements of state responsibility laid out in case law?
-Tehran Hostages Case–> attribution to state + violation of INTL ob.
What did the Salvador commercial case confirm?
-A state is responsible for the acts of its rulers
-whether they belong 2 leg., execu. or judicial dep. of the Gov.
What did the Heirs of the Duc de Guise case confirm?
-Doesn’t matter if decision maker is central or regional authorities
-still imput. 2 state
TRUE or FALSE: what state organs are is determined by national law
TRUE: Art. 4(2) ARSIWA
What did the Velasquez Rodriguez case confirm in terms of state responsbility?
-doesn’t matter if organ contravened state law/ order
-still constitutes action of the state
What the Nicaragua case confirm in terms of attribution?
-in order 2 establish that a a non stage organ + not given legal powers
-force’s actions are attributable to the state
- need to prove effect. control
-direct perpetration
What did the Bolivar Railway Company case conclude about attribution?
-State responsibility can be attributed to insurrectional or other movements
-IF they become a state
Which notions of attribution were applied in the Tehran Hostages Case?
-Conduct of organs of a state
-Art. 4 ARSIWA
-Omission of carrying out due dilligence in iviolab. of dip. premises
-Actions adopted
-Art. 11 ARSIWA
-holding diplomatic off. hos.
-state adop + endorse (seal of gov. approval)
Are there any justifications for state responsibility?
Yes- Circumstances precluding wrongfulnss
List the cirrcumstances precluding wrongfulness
- Consent
- Self-defence
- Countermeasures
- Force majeure
- Distress
Define what a countermeasure is
-response 2 a violation of oblig of intl law
-thru vio. 2 induce fulfillment
What did the Cysne case conclude in terms of circumstances precluding wrongfulness?
-CM can only be invoked against the injur. state
-not the allies
What did the Savakar case conclude in terms of circumstances precluding wrongfulness
-Exemplified how CONSENT
Where are the articles on invocation of responsibility by an injured state?
-Art. 42-48 ARSIWA
What did the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project conclude about conditions precluding wronfulness?
- C.50
- State of necessity–> have to be
-1. only means of safeguarding an ess. interest
-2.C.51 “grave and imminient periri
3. Countermeasure has to be proportionate (C.87)