International Organisations Flashcards
List the principle organs of the United Nations
Economic and Social Council
-Trusteeship Counci
-Art 7. UN charter
Can specialised agencies go to the ICJ?
-Yes, to ask for advisoury opinions
Can states ask for advisoury opinions at the ICJstsst?
What is the criteria of being acknowledged as an international organisation
-ARIO definition
1. Intl. legal personality
-shown thru dist. org.
-autonomous from mem. (not just mem coming tgthr)\
-think G20
2.Governed under intl. law
- e.g: created
What are the powers of the UN General Assembly?
-Non-binding rec.
-smaller bodies under it which deal with specific issues
-e.g: HRC
Explain what derivative legal personality means
-derived from another entity with legal personality
-e.g: UN established through other states establ. it
List the important cases for this topic
-WHO Nuclear Weapons Opinion
-Reparations opinion
What are the legal powers of the Security Council?
-Make binding decisions (Art. 25 UNC)
-but depend on which category
-Chapter VI of the charter–> peaceful settlement of d. –> not binding
-Chapter VII of the Charter–> threats 2 peace,aggression–> binding
What is the principle which encompasses the competences of international organisations?
Principle of speciality
What did the WHO Nuclear Weapons case conclude about the principle of speciality
1.IOs gov. by princ. o spec.
2. limits of comp–> their sphere, the interests whose promo states gave 2 them
What is the case concerning the principle of speciality
-WHO Nuclear Weapons Opinion
Explain what express powers of International Organisations are?
-conf. by exp. statement
-in constitu. instruments (in treaties themselves)
-WHO Nuclear Weapons, C. 25
Explain what implied powers are
-Subsidiary powers
-not express. provided for
-but necess. 2 perform fucntions
- WHO Nuclear Weapons Opinion, C. 25
What did the Namibia Opinion conclude about resolutions?
-Language is decisive
–> decides: decision (BINDING)
–> shall–> imperative (BINDING)
Does the GA have the legal power to adopt decisions binding upon the members?
-Int. Sphere: yes, dec. taken in regards to int. funct. of UN are binding
-Extrnal phere–> nope, sometimes only in certain and specific situations
What is the article which requires member states to follow the decisions of the security council?
-Art. 25 UNC
Case relating to CIL and UNGA resolutions?
-Nicaragua case
Who said UNGA resolutions enhance authority (of CIL) by using certain titles (formulation)
-UN, Office of Legal Affairs
GA declarations cab be a form of…
Explain the criteria for GA declarations as CIL
Opinio Juris
-Criteria for analysis
1. analysis of text, normatic character
2. voting pattern (s) of resolutions
3. Explanations of vote (before and after)
State practice
-pre-existing practice
-post resolution practice