Sources of International Law Flashcards
What does Art. 38 of the ICJ statute in particular enshrine?
- the rules which the court will abide to and use as law
What are the two categories of norms of International Law
- Traditional norms of International law
2.Secondary Sources of International law
TRUE or FALSE: there is no hierarchy between sources of International Law
What does ex aequo et bono mean?
-decision not STRICTLY according to law
-but taking in2 consid. justice + equaity
Has a decision ex aequo et bono ever happened (not important)?
List the primary sources of International Law
-General Principles of Law
Where is the distinction between primary and secondary sources of law established?
-Art. 38(1)
What are the subsidiary decisions of law
-Judicial Decisions
-Teach. of most highly qualified publiciests
TRUE OR FALSE: Art. 38 ICJ Statute contains an exhaustive list of sources of international law
What are examples of sources of International Law outside of those outline in the ICJ Statute?
- Unilateral declarations
When does a treaty enter into force?
- when enough parties ratify it
What does Bin Cheng believe about opinio iuris?
-One Opinio Iuris not enough:
-there are 5 different types of opinio iuris whih need to be acheived
What are the requirements of state practice?
- Widespread
- Representative
- Constant/consistent
- (Virtually) uniform
How does the idea of Specially affected States come into play in Customary International Law?
-some states more affected than others
-have to take in their perspective more than others in CIL
Summarise what Draft Conclusion 3 explains
- General principles of law=
-from national legal systems
-transposed–> IL