Regulation of the Use of Force Flashcards
TRUE or FALSE: UNC charter parties shall refrain in intl relations from threat or use of force
-Art. 2(4)
What are the requirements of threat of use of force?
(From lecturer)
-if the actualisation of the use of force would have been unlawful considered use of force
TRUE or FALSE: self defence is allowed in use of
-Art. 51 Charter
-Nicaragua Case
What did the Nuclear Weapons Advisory Opinion GA show about threat of use of force?
-Possesion of nuclear weapons in itself is not a threat of use of foucrce
TRUE or FALSE: one must report their act of self-defence, if not it’s unlawful
-Not necessarily
-But if don’t report, might perceive as not nec. believing it was self defence
-Nicaragua case
List the requirements of self-defence
-againt Armed attack (unlawful use of force)
-from another state
-Explored in Falklands Island Case
-Condition collective self-defence: request for assistance
Define armed attack
Unlawful use of armed fore
-Most grave formed
-“gravity” - Nicaragua case
List the situations whe
-Authorisation by security council
What did the Oil Platforms case conclude about an armed attack
-shooting down of a singular vessel is not an armed attack
TRUE or FALSE: An armed attack is a use of force
but not all use of forces are armed attacks
TRUE of FALSE: A use of force is an armed attack
-no not necessarily
What did the Oil Platform case confirm about self-defence
1.Cannot prove missiles by Ir. state
-no r o. sd
- burden of proof of “self defenser” 2 prove attributability
What did the wall opinion conclude about self-defence?
-self defence must be against the AA of ANOT.
-state attributability
-did not attribute threat 2 another state
What does the Nicaragua case show about self-defence?
-Req. or AA
- gravity o. AA
-Req. o rew for CD
-Proportionality requirement
-Military presence= use of force
What did the World Summit Outcome say about the use of force?
-Each individual state has resp. 2 protect its pops from genocide